
您所在的位置:网站首页 自定义emc指令 基于Vue3+TypeScript内置指令和封装6个常用的自定义指令


2024-07-11 01:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



{{ item }}


{{ cloak }}


在开发过程中,有的情况下需要对普通DOM元素进行底层操作,这时候就会用到自定义指令。Vue自定义指令分为全局注册和局部注册两种方式,注册全局指令的方式是通过App.directive(key,directive),然后在main.js文件引入并调用。 新建directives文件夹下新建modules文件夹和index.ts文件,批量注册指令,index.ts文件。

// import directives import { App } from "vue"; import copy from "./modules/copy"; import waterMarker from "./modules/waterMarker"; import draggable from "./modules/draggable"; import debounce from "./modules/debounce"; import throttle from "./modules/throttle"; import longpress from "./modules/longpress"; const directivesList: any = { // Custom directives copy, waterMarker, draggable, debounce, throttle, longpress }; const directives = { install: function (app: App) { Object.keys(directivesList).forEach(key => { // 注册自定义指令 app.directive(key, directivesList[key]); }); } }; export default directives;


import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import ElementPlus from 'element-plus' import 'element-plus/dist/index.css' import zhCn from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn' import directives from '@/directives/index.ts' import router from './routers/index.js' const app = createApp(App) app.use(ElementPlus, { size: 'small', zIndex: 3000, locale: zhCn })


created:在绑定元素的attribute或事件监听器被应用之前调用。beforeMount: 当指令第一次绑定到元素并且在挂载父组件之前调用。mounted: 在绑定元素的父组件被挂载后调用。beforeUpdate: 在更新包含组件的VNode之前调用。updated: 在包含组件的VNode及其子组件的VNode更新后调用。beforeUnmount: 在卸载绑定元素的父组件之前调用。unmounted: 当指令与元素解除绑定且父组件已卸载时,只调用一次。 v-copy复制指令 


定义封装点击函数handleClick手动创建input标签且赋值,并让标签隐藏。将input标签插入到body内,并复制其内容后将input框从body中移除。在第一次调用时绑定事件,和解绑时移除事件。 /** * v-copy * 复制某个值至剪贴板 * 接收参数:string类型/Ref类型/Reactive类型 */ import type { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from "vue"; import { ElMessage } from "element-plus"; interface ElType extends HTMLElement { copyData: string | number; __handleClick__: any; } const copy: Directive = { mounted(el: ElType, binding: DirectiveBinding) { el.copyData = binding.value; el.addEventListener("click", handleClick); }, updated(el: ElType, binding: DirectiveBinding) { el.copyData = binding.value; }, beforeUnmount(el: ElType) { el.removeEventListener("click", el.__handleClick__); } }; function handleClick(this: any) { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.style.opacity = '0' input.value = this.copyData.toLocaleString(); document.body.appendChild(input); input.select(); document.execCommand("Copy"); document.body.removeChild(input); ElMessage({ type: "success", message: "复制成功" }); } export default copy;


复制指令 复制 import { ref } from "vue"; const data = ref("我是被复制的内容!!!"); v-debounce防抖指令


通过监听点击事件设置定时器,设置几秒内才触发点击事件,通过绑定和解绑移除事件。 /** * v-debounce * 按钮防抖指令,可自行扩展至input * 接收参数:function类型 */ import type { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from "vue"; interface ElType extends HTMLElement { __handleClick__: () => any; } const debounce: Directive = { mounted(el: ElType, binding: DirectiveBinding) { if (typeof binding.value !== "function") { throw "callback must be a function"; } let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; el.__handleClick__ = function () { if (timer) { clearInterval(timer); } timer = setTimeout(() => { binding.value(); }, 500); }; el.addEventListener("click", el.__handleClick__); }, beforeUnmount(el: ElType) { el.removeEventListener("click", el.__handleClick__); } }; export default debounce;


防抖指令 防抖按钮 (0.5秒后执行) import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus' const debounceClick = () => { ElMessage.success('我是防抖按钮触发的事件 🍍🍓🍌') } v-draggable拖拽指令


设置需要拖拽的元素为absolute,其父元素为relative。鼠标按下(onmousedown)时记录目标元素当前的 left 和 top 值。鼠标移动(onmousemove)时计算每次移动的横向距离和纵向距离的变化值,并改变元素的 left 和 top 值。鼠标松开(onmouseup)时完成一次拖拽。 import type { Directive } from "vue"; interface ElType extends HTMLElement { parentNode: any; } const draggable: Directive = { mounted: function (el: ElType) { el.style.cursor = "move"; el.style.position = "absolute"; el.onmousedown = function (e) { let disX = e.pageX - el.offsetLeft; let disY = e.pageY - el.offsetTop; document.onmousemove = function (e) { let x = e.pageX - disX; let y = e.pageY - disY; let maxX = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el.parentNode).width) - parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el).width); let maxY = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el.parentNode).height) - parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el).height); if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else if (x > maxX) { x = maxX; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } else if (y > maxY) { y = maxY; } el.style.left = x + "px"; el.style.top = y + "px"; }; document.onmouseup = function () { document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = null; }; }; } };


拖拽指令 我可以拖拽哦~ .content-box { height: 500px; width: 1200px; position: relative; .drag-box { position: absolute; top: 110px; height: 300px; width: 300px; background: #dfe6e9; color: #b2bec3; border-radius: 50%; } } v-longpress长按指令


通过监听鼠标的点击事件和移动事件设置定时器,设置几秒内才触发回调函数,如果鼠标长按在时间内则取消事件监听。 ** * v-longpress * 长按指令,长按时触发事件 */ import type { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from "vue"; const directive: Directive = { mounted(el: HTMLElement, binding: DirectiveBinding) { if (typeof binding.value !== "function") { throw "callback must be a function"; } // 定义变量 let pressTimer: any = null; // 创建计时器( 2秒后执行函数 ) const start = (e: any) => { if (e.button) { if (e.type === "click" && e.button !== 0) { return; } } if (pressTimer === null) { pressTimer = setTimeout(() => { handler(e); }, 1000); } }; // 取消计时器 const cancel = () => { if (pressTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(pressTimer); pressTimer = null; } }; // 运行函数 const handler = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => { binding.value(e); }; // 添加事件监听器 el.addEventListener("mousedown", start); el.addEventListener("touchstart", start); // 取消计时器 el.addEventListener("click", cancel); el.addEventListener("mouseout", cancel); el.addEventListener("touchend", cancel); el.addEventListener("touchcancel", cancel); } }; export default directive;


长按指令 长按2秒触发事件 import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus' const longpress = () => { ElMessage.success('长按事件触发成功') } v-throttle节流指令


第一次点击,立即调用方法并禁用按钮,等延迟结束再次激活按钮。将需要触发的方法绑定在指令上。 import type { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from "vue"; interface ElType extends HTMLElement { __handleClick__: () => any; disabled: boolean; } const throttle: Directive = { mounted(el: ElType, binding: DirectiveBinding) { if (typeof binding.value !== "function") { throw "callback must be a function"; } let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; el.__handleClick__ = function () { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } if (!el.disabled) { el.disabled = true; binding.value(); timer = setTimeout(() => { el.disabled = false; }, 1000); } }; el.addEventListener("click", el.__handleClick__); }, beforeUnmount(el: ElType) { el.removeEventListener("click", el.__handleClick__); } }; export default throttle;

使用:给 Dom 加上 v-throttle 及回调函数即可。

节流指令 🍇🍇🍇🍓🍓🍓 节流按钮 (每隔1S秒后执行) import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus' const throttleClick = () => { ElMessage.success('我是节流按钮触发的事件 🍍🍓🍌') } v-waterMarker水印指令


使用 canvas 特性生成 base64 格式的图片文件,设置其字体大小,颜色等。将其设置为背景图片,从而实现页面或组件水印效果 import type { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from "vue"; const addWaterMarker: Directive = (str: string, parentNode: any, font: any, textColor: string) => { // 水印文字,父元素,字体,文字颜色 let can: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement("canvas"); parentNode.appendChild(can); can.width = 200; can.height = 150; can.style.display = "none"; let cans = can.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D; cans.rotate((-20 * Math.PI) / 180); cans.font = font || "16px Microsoft JhengHei"; cans.fillStyle = textColor || "rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.3)"; cans.textAlign = "left"; cans.textBaseline = "Middle" as CanvasTextBaseline; cans.fillText(str, can.width / 10, can.height / 2); parentNode.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + can.toDataURL("image/png") + ")"; }; const waterMarker = { mounted(el: DirectiveBinding, binding: DirectiveBinding) { addWaterMarker(binding.value.text, el, binding.value.font, binding.value.textColor); } }; export default waterMarker;


水印指令 .content-box { width: 100%; height: 600px; }





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