
您所在的位置:网站首页 腊八节风俗特点是什么 用英语讲述中国故事:关于腊八的英文表达,全在这了!


2024-04-28 14:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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“腊八”一般可以直接用拼音“laba”来表示,后面进一步说明这一天是农历十二月初八(the eighth day of the 12th lunar month)即可。

The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called la yue, so the eighth day of this lunar month is la yue chu ba, or laba.

因为腊八节有喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的传统,所以也可以简单介绍说这天又称the Laba Rice Porridge Festival。

The day is also known as the Laba Rice Porridge Festival. The Laba this year falls on Jan 18.



There is an old saying: Don't make your mouth water, children, because the Laba Festival and the Spring Festival are just around the corner.

腊八节,英文为"Laba Festival",是农历十二月初八的节日,也是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。这个节日起源于古代的祭祀仪式,人们向神灵祈求丰收和好运。随着时间的推移,腊八节逐渐演变成了一个有着自己独特传统和习俗的节日。

Laba Festival, also known as the "Treasure Festival" in English, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is an important part of Chinese culture, with a long history that can be traced back to ancient sacrifice rituals. On this day, people would pray to the gods for a bountiful harvest and good luck. Over time, the Laba Festival evolved into a holiday with its own unique traditions and customs.


Besides drinking Laba porridge, people also eat traditional foods such as dumplings and rice cakes. These foods carry wonderful wishes. In addition, some places hold temple fairs and burn incense activities. People also express their wishes to family, friends, and ancestors, praying for good luck and happiness in the coming year.


Overall, the Laba Festival is a holiday full of tradition and cultural significance. It is a symbol of Chinese people cherishing their families and hoping for a better future. On this day of the Laba Festival, people try to return home for a reunion, enjoying delicious food and a warm atmosphere, no matter where they are.


Laba Porridge 腊八粥

= eight treasures porridge

glutinous rice 糯米

red kidney beans 红芸豆

millet 小米

Chinese sorghum 高粱

peas 豌豆

dried lotus seeds 莲子

dried dates 红枣

longan 桂圆

chestnut meat 板栗仁

walnut meat 核桃仁

almond 杏

peanuts 花生

white sugar 白砂糖

Laba garlic 腊八蒜

Laba beans 腊八豆

Laba rice 腊八饭





The Laba Festival, the day in most parts of China have the custom of eating Laba porridge. Laba is a harvest year with eight fresh food and fruits boiled, usually for the sweet porridge. The Central Plains have many farmers prefer salty to eat Laba porridge.


The porridge must be boiled for many hours and then offered as a sacrifice to the ancestors. This must be done before noontime. Also, it is tradition that family members eat the porridge together. Then they leave some as a symbol of hope for a good harvest the coming year.

Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty, this congee has been popular in the royal court, local authorities, temples and common families.


The Laba congee is called "Union Food" in Henan Province, which is a food custom in memory of China's national hero Yue Fei.



腊八粥可以翻译成Làbā congee [ˈkɒndʒiː]或者Làbā rice porridge。



英文里三个常见的“粥”分别是porridge, congee和gruel。含义区别细微:


·congee: 例如《韦氏大学词典》给congee的英语释义:porridge made from rice(大米或小米)粥,稀饭。

·gruel: a thin porridge 稀粥(常用燕麦和牛奶或清水煮成,主要作为病人食物)


Porridge is a dish of any boiled grain, gruel is a very thin porridge, and congee is a specific type of porridge made using rice.




· “八宝粥”,因为有(超过)8种材料参与烹制。

Làbā congee contains glutinous rice, red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut, walnut, almond, peanut, etc.


· “佛粥”,因为寺庙等场所会在这一天举办“舍粥活动”。

Temples will invite visitors to taste Làbā congee on this day for free. Monks will chant sutras and pray for Buddha to bless people. For example, people began to line up for porridge at Yonghegong in the wee hours of the morning at about 3 am.



关于腊八节喝粥的起源,民间故事比比皆是。最著名的一个,明朝的开国皇帝朱元璋(1368 - 1399年在位),小时候给财主放牛,因牛腿摔断被财主关在一间屋子里,不给他饭吃, 过了一段时间,快要饿死的朱元璋在屋子的角落里发现了一个老鼠洞,从中挖掘出红豆、大米、红枣等各种粮食,煮成粥食用,觉得非常香甜。因为这一天是农历的十二月八日,皇帝朱元璋将它命名为腊八粥。

Folktales(民间传说、民间传说) abound as to the origins of eating congee during Laba Festival. According to the most famous one, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang (reigned 1368-1399), used to herd cattle(放牛) for a rich man. One day, his carelessness caused a leg of one of the cows to be broken. The rich man was so angry that he locked up the culprit(犯人) in a small room and didn’t allow food to be given to him. After some time, the famished (极饥饿的)Zhu Yuanzhang found in a corner of the room a rat hole that contained a supply of stolen red beans, rice, red dates and other produce. These he boiled into congee, on which he feasted voluptuously. Because that day was the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang named the congee Laba Congee.



糯米:glutinous rice

红豆:red beans


高粱米:Chinese sorghum

莲子:dried lotus seeds

枣子:dried dates


核桃 :walnut






Another custom is the soaking of Laba garlic.The practice is very simple. Put the stripped garlic cloves into a sealed jar, and then pour vinegar into it.Gradually, the color of those garlic cloves will turn green. By the time of the Spring Festival, you can taste the garlic while eating dumplings.



This pickled garlic goes very well with dumplings. In Chinese, the words “garlic” and “calculate” have the same pronunciation; therefore, eating garlic on Laba Day is symbolic of reckoning(计算) the year’s income and expenses as year-end approaches.


Gradually, the color of those garlic cloves will turn green. By the time of the Spring Festival, you can taste the garlic while eating dumplings.



The Laba tofu is the folk specialty of Qian County in Anhui Province. Before the Laba Festival, every family in Qian County will dry tofu in open space.



In some places of the North that do not produce or produce less of the rice, people eat the Laba noodles instead of the Laba porridge.


One day before the festival, people cut up all kinds of fruits and vegetables and prepare the noodle roll. Then in the morning of the Laba Festival, the whole family can eat the Laba noodles.



Làbā beans, a traditional specialty in Hunan province, are made from soya beans and salt. People start to pickle beans at the start of winter and eat them at the eighth day of the twelfth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, hence the name "làbā beans (literally: là eight beans)". The food has a special smell and is particularly savory, and thus it is popular among people.




































Grandpa is in the kitchen. He stirs a very big pot on the stove.

Lily and Lu join him.

“Yay!” Lily claps her hands. “Grandpa’s cooking! What is in the big pot?”

“Is it soup?” asks Lu.

“No,” says Grandpa.

“Is it rice?” asks Lily.

“There is rice in the pot,” says Grandpa. “But there are many other things

in the pot, too.”

“I know!” says Lily. “It’s porridge!”

“That’s right!” says Grandpa. “It’s Laba porridge. We will eat it today

and celebrate sharing.”

“It looks good,” says Lily. “Can I stir it?”

“Sure!” says Grandpa.

“Why do we eat this holiday porridge” asks Lu.

“That’s a good question,” Grandpa says. “I will tell you the story. Long

ago, the Buddha was a monk. Like the others, he meditated. He meditated and forgot to eat!”

“Wow!” says Lu. “I never forget to eat. What happened next?”

“He meditated for a long time,” says Grandpa. “He didn’t eat at all. He didn’t even move. One day, a girl found him. He was very thin. He looked

sick. The girl tried to wake him. But he didn’t wake up.”

Lu put his hand over his mouth. “Oh, no!”

“What did she do?” asks Lily.

“She went home,” says Grandpa.

“She left him?” asks Lily.

“Not quite,” says Grandpa. “When she got home, she looked in her rice pot. It was nearly empty. She found some red beans, fruit, and seeds.

She put them all into the pot.”

“Just like your pot!” says Lu.

“That’s right,” says Grandpa. He helps Lu pour red beans in the pot. Lily stirs.

“The girl took a bowl of food to the Buddha,” says Grandpa. “She helped him eat. She saved his life!”

“Wow!” says Lily. “She gave him the first Laba porridge?”

“Yes, Lily,” says Grandpa. “She shared her food. And now, we share it with our family every year.”

“Is it ready?” asks Lu. “It smells great! Can we share it now?”

“Yes!” says Grandpa. They sit at the table together.

“Look at all the colors in my bowl!” says Lily.

“It tastes great!” says Lu. “I like this holiday!”


stir v. 拨动,搅动

stove n. (取暖或烹饪用的)炉(如火炉、电炉等)

porridge n. (谷物或豆类煮成的)粥,糊

celebrate v. 庆祝

Buddha n. 佛陀,佛

monk n. 僧侣,修道士

meditate v. 沉思,冥想(on,upon)

bean n. 豆,豆科植物

seed n. 种(子)

like the others 像其他人一样。这里的 like 是介词,意为像。

He didn’t even move. 他甚至都没有动。even 为副词,意为甚 至,修饰形容词。

We share it with our family. 我们和家人分享粥。share sth

with sb. 意为与某人分享某物。

It tastes great. 他尝起来不错。taste 为系动词,意为尝起 来,后接形容词。







The warmth of La Daily is still far away.This year, the freezing of La Daily has disappeared completely.

Invading snow and hemerocallis, leaking spring light and wicker.

To get drunk at night, he scattered the Zichen Dynasty at the beginning of his family.

Following Enze, Cuiguan Yin-bao goes down to the ninth heaven.



Shimizu pond blood phosphorus, outside the Zhengyang horse Shengchen.Should only be set without hate, and mountain to the enemy.Clear wax as today, they are with regenerative body.Self-injury hair empty stray, a piece of incense away tears full towel.



Laba Festival arrived, I use lucky meters, pistachio, beautiful beans, get rich jujube, perfect benevolence, flexibly sweet, healthy sugar, without water make a bowl of porridge to you, wish you happy every day!


Wish you happy. It wins: beautiful flowers, romantic like the cherry blossom, auspicious like snowflakes, luck on peach blossom, rich race peony, jasmine fragrance climb!


Send you a coat, peace is in the front, the back is happiness, luck is collar, wish is sleeve, happiness is a button, pocket full of warmth, put it on, let it be with you every day! The Laba festival!


A sincere, is better than a thousand gold; warm, worth a million in frost, a greeting, sent a warm and sweet; a message, send me one heart! Wish your career without Jing heaven and earth, has the achievement row. Friendship needs not to speak in riddles, thinking of it. Money need not take much, enough on the line. Life without over a hundred years, health on the line. How many friends do not need, you. Good friends wish you happy the Laba festival!


I hope you happy every day was like a teapot on the stove, although little ass burned hot, but still happy blowing whistles, braving the happy little bubble Laba Festival happy!




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