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2024-07-09 14:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







5. 脸投影:每一个训练集的脸投影到脸空间中,得到脸空间中的一个点。



% Face recognition %人脸识别代码 clear all close all clc

%训练集数目 M=10; % 选择标准差和均值 它可以是任何接近大多数图像的标准和平均值的数字。 um=100; ustd=80; % 读取和显示图像 %读入M个训练图像并显示在一个窗口上 S=[];   %img matrix figure; for i=1:M     str=strcat(int2str(i),'.bmp');    %concatenates two strings that form the name of the image     eval('img=imread(str);');     subplot(ceil(sqrt(M)),ceil(sqrt(M)),i)     imshow(img)     if i==3         title('Training set','fontsize',18)     end     drawnow;     [irow icol]=size(img);    % get the number of rows (N1) and columns (N2)获得图像的大小,所有图像的大小要一致     temp=reshape(img',irow*icol,1);     %creates a (N1*N2)x1 matrix一幅图像构造一个向量 向量的大小和图像大小有关     S=[S temp];         %X is a N1*N2xM matrix after finishing the sequence  生成一个向量矩阵,M个图像有M列     %this is our S end %Here we change the mean and std of all images. We normalize all images. %This is done to reduce the error due to lighting conditions. %下面是对图像规范化,更具所有图像的的平均值和方差 for i=1:size(S,2)     temp=double(S(:,i));     m=mean(temp);     st=std(temp);     S(:,i)=(temp-m)*ustd/st+um; end %show normalized images 显示规范化后的图像 figure; for i=1:M     str=strcat(int2str(i),'.bmp');     img=reshape(S(:,i),icol,irow);     img=img';     eval('imwrite(img,str)');     subplot(ceil(sqrt(M)),ceil(sqrt(M)),i)     imshow(img)     drawnow;     if i==3         title('Normalized Training Set','fontsize',18)     end end %mean image;显示平均图像,所有图像叠加在一起 m=mean(S,2);   %obtains the mean of each row instead of each column tmimg=uint8(m);   %converts to unsigned 8-bit integer. Values range from 0 to 255 img=reshape(tmimg,icol,irow);    %takes the N1*N2x1 vector and creates a N2xN1 matrix img=img';       %creates a N1xN2 matrix by transposing the image. figure; imshow(img); title('Mean Image','fontsize',18)

% Change image for manipulation % 对图像变换便于处理 dbx=[];   % A matrix for i=1:M     temp=double(S(:,i));     dbx=[dbx temp]; end

%求协方差矩阵 C=A'A, L=AA' A=dbx'; L=A*A';

[vv,dd]=eig(L);% vv是L的特征向量, dd是L=dbx'*dbx和C=dbx*dbx'的特征值;

% 对特征值进行排序并去掉0 v=[]; d=[]; for i=1:size(vv,2)     if(dd(i,i)>1e-4)         v=[v vv(:,i)];         d=[d dd(i,i)];     end end

%sort,  will return an ascending sequence %排序并返回降序的 [B index]=sort(d); ind=zeros(size(index)); dtemp=zeros(size(index)); vtemp=zeros(size(v)); len=length(index); for i=1:len     dtemp(i)=B(len+1-i);     ind(i)=len+1-index(i);     vtemp(:,ind(i))=v(:,i); end d=dtemp; v=vtemp;

%对特征向量进行规范化 for i=1:size(v,2) % 每一列循环     kk=v(:,i);     temp=sqrt(sum(kk.^2));     v(:,i)=v(:,i)./temp; end

%得到C的特征向量矩阵 u=[]; for i=1:size(v,2)     temp=sqrt(d(i));     u=[u (dbx*v(:,i))./temp]; end % Normalization of eigenvectors for i=1:size(u,2)     kk=u(:,i);     temp=sqrt(sum(kk.^2));     u(:,i)=u(:,i)./temp; end

% show eigenfaces; %显示特征脸 figure; for i=1:size(u,2)     img=reshape(u(:,i),icol,irow);     img=img';     img=histeq(img,255);     subplot(ceil(sqrt(M)),ceil(sqrt(M)),i)     imshow(img)     drawnow;     if i==3         title('Eigenfaces','fontsize',18)     end end

% 找出训练集中每张脸的权重 omega = [];% 训练集中脸的权重 for h=1:size(dbx,2)     WW=[];     for i=1:size(u,2)         t = u(:,i)';         WeightOfImage = dot(t,dbx(:,h)');         WW = [WW; WeightOfImage];     end     omega = [omega,WW]; end

% Acquire new image % Note: the input image must have a bmp or jpg extension. %       It should have the same size as the ones in your training set. %       It should be placed on your desktop %获取一张新的脸 %注意:图像的大小和训练集中图像大小一样 % % InputImage = input('Please enter the name of the image and its extension \n','s'); InputImage='9.bmp';% 输入 InputImage = imread(strcat(InputImage)); figure; subplot(1,2,1); imshow(InputImage);  colormap('gray'); title('Input image','fontsize',18);

InImage=reshape(double(InputImage)',irow*icol,1); temp=InImage; me=mean(temp); st=std(temp); temp=(temp-me)*ustd/st+um; NormImage = temp; Difference = temp-m; NormImage = Difference; p = []; aa=size(u,2); for i = 1:aa     pare = dot(NormImage,u(:,i));     p = [p; pare]; end ReshapedImage = m + u(:,1:aa)*p;    %m is the mean image, u is the eigenvector ReshapedImage = reshape(ReshapedImage,icol,irow); ReshapedImage = ReshapedImage'; %show the reconstructed image. 显示重构的图像 subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(ReshapedImage);  colormap('gray'); title('Reconstructed image','fontsize',18);

InImWeight = []; for i=1:size(u,2)     t = u(:,i)';     WeightOfInputImage = dot(t,Difference');     InImWeight = [InImWeight; WeightOfInputImage]; end ll = 1:M;

figure; subplot(1,2,1) stem(ll,InImWeight) title('Weight of Input Face','fontsize',14) % 查找欧几里得距离 e=[]; for i=1:size(omega,2)     q = omega(:,i);     DiffWeight = InImWeight-q;     mag = norm(DiffWeight);     e = [e mag]; end kk = 1:size(e,2); subplot(1,2,2) stem(kk,e) title('Eucledian distance of input image','fontsize',14) MaximumValue=max(e) MinimumValue=min(e)






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