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2023-02-27 06:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、traffic jamlanguage points重点短语get around /round /about 到处旅游,四处走动到处旅游,四处走动get along withget downget inget onget offget out ofget overget through与人相处,事情进展与人相处,事情进展记下,写下记下,写下收获,进入,插话收获,进入,插话上车上车下车,出发下车,出发摆脱,从摆脱,从.中出来中出来恢复健康恢复健康通过,打通电话,度过,完成通过,打通电话,度过,完成重点句型祈使句祈使句+and/or/otherwise+简单句(将来时)简单句(将来时)再说一次,我

2、就生气了。Say it again, and I will be angry.小心,要不你会摔伤的。Be careful, otherwise youll get hurt.祈使句还可以换成名词性短语祈使句还可以换成名词性短语再有一个月,我们就能完成这个项目。One more month, and we will finish this project. 翻译练习Tourists shouldnt miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and the Wh

3、ite Pagoda in Beihai Park.仿写句子:仿写句子:However, there is also a night bus, provided by buses with a number in 200s.1.孩子们很开心地玩着,被他们的父母保护着。2. 那是一座美丽的城市,被群山环绕着。1. Those children were playing happily, protected by their parents.2. It is a beautiful city, surrounded by mountains.情态动词 can/could2. 表推测:can/ co

4、uldeg: Can this be true? He cant be there because I just saw him outside the house. He must be there because I just saw him. He must have got the money because he bought many things form the shop.1. 表能力: can/ could/ be able toeg: I can ride bike, but I cant swim. He could write poems when he was onl

5、y 5 years old. He is able to lift the heavy box but he wasnt able to do so in the past.3. 表允许表允许,请求:请求:can/ couldeg: Can I borrow your phone? Could I see your passport?Will you stay for lunch?Sorry,_ .My brother is coming to see meAI mustnt BI cant CI neednt DI wontBThe fire spread through the hotel

6、 very quicklybut everyone_get outAhad to Bwould Ccould D was able toD 该题考查了could和be able to的区别,二者都可表示过去时间的能力,但如果表示过去成功地做了某事只能使用waswere able to do。-Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere一Well,he_ have gone farHis coats still hereAshouldnt B.mustnt Ccant DwouldntC cant表示“不可能”。根据他的衣服还在

7、这里可推测出他肯定没有走远。must也可以表示推测,但是mustnt的意思是“禁止,不准”,推测否定的事情用cant。与与before相关的几个重要句型相关的几个重要句型It wont be. before. 用不了多久就会.It will be.before. 得过多长时间才.It wasnt . before. 没过多长时间就.It was .before. 过了多长时间才.翻译:没人能确切地知道的过多少年中国才能赢得世界杯。翻译:没人能确切地知道的过多少年中国才能赢得世界杯。No one knows for sure how many years it will be before Ch

8、ina wins the World Cup.worth worthy worthwhilebe worth sth. (money)be worth doing sth. 主动表被动主动表被动be worthy of sth./doing sth.be worthy to do sth.It is worthwhile of doing sth. to do sth.Imperatives 祈使句1. Be 型Dont beeg: Be careful! Dont be ridiculous!2. Do 型Dont doeg: Take your seat! Dont play with f

9、ire!3. Let 型Lets noteg: Lets go home! Lets not mention it again!委婉的表达:Would you please/ Please do.Would you please help me a bit?祝愿:Wish you a happy life!May you have a happy marriage!Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship!culture cornersuffer vt. 遭受短期,一般性的损失,伤痛,疾病等 vi. 遭受长期性的,习惯性的损失,伤痛,疾病等。1.他死得很快,没有多少痛苦. 2. 她一直受头痛困扰。1. He died quickly and didnt suffer much.2. She has been suffering from headache for a long time.英翻汉:The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided to do something about it.




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