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2024-07-05 01:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

light [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈlaɪt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/laɪt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(līt) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'light' (adj): lighteradj comparative lightestadj superlative Inflections of 'light' (v): (⇒ conjugate)lightsv 3rd person singular lightingv pres p litv past lightedv past (Less common)litv past p lightedv past p (Less common) 本页中: light, lite'light'与'lite'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'light' is cross-referenced with 'lite'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

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主要翻译英语中文 light n (general: not darkness)SCSimplified Chinese 光亮 guāng liàng TCTraditional Chinese 光亮   SCSimplified Chinese 阳光 guāng liàng,yáng guāng TCTraditional Chinese 陽光  These particular plants grow better in the light than in the dark.  这些特殊的植株在阳光下比在黑暗中生长得更好。 light n (illumination)SCSimplified Chinese 光 guāng TCTraditional Chinese 光   SCSimplified Chinese 光亮 guāng,guāng liàng TCTraditional Chinese 光亮   SCSimplified Chinese 光亮 guāng,guāng liàng TCTraditional Chinese 光亮  Could we have some light in the room? It's too dark.  屋子里来点光好吗?太黑了。 light n (lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 灯 dēng TCTraditional Chinese 燈   SCSimplified Chinese 灯具 dēng,dēng jù   SCSimplified Chinese 灯具 dēng,dēng jù  We have three lights in this room.  这间屋子有三盏灯。 light adj (not heavy in weight)SCSimplified Chinese 轻的 qīng de   SCSimplified Chinese 轻巧的 qīng de ,qīng qiǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 轻省的 qīng de ,qīng shěng de  Give me the heavy bag, and you can carry the light one.  把重的包给我,你拿轻的。 light adj (faint)SCSimplified Chinese 微弱的 wēi ruò de   SCSimplified Chinese 微茫的 wēi ruò de ,wēi máng de   SCSimplified Chinese 微茫的 wēi ruò de ,wēi máng de  You could only see a light outline of the mountains.  群山只见微茫的一线。 light adj (easy, gentle)SCSimplified Chinese 简单的 jiǎn dān de TCTraditional Chinese 簡單的   SCSimplified Chinese 轻松的 jiǎn dān de ,qīng sōng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆的   SCSimplified Chinese 轻松的 jiǎn dān de ,qīng sōng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆的  Take a little light exercise - nothing too strenuous.  做点儿简单的练习,别做太费力的。 light adj (color: pale) (色彩、色调)SCSimplified Chinese 轻的,浅的,淡的 qīng de ,qiǎn de ,dàn de  Have you seen my light blue shirt?  你看到我那件浅蓝的衬衫了么? light [sth]⇒ vtr (illuminate)SCSimplified Chinese 照亮 zhào liàng  He finally found the lamp to light the room. The mayor flipped the switch to light the Christmas tree.  他终于找到了能照亮房间的台灯。  市长按下开关,点亮了圣诞树。 light [sth] vtr (ignite)SCSimplified Chinese 点燃 diǎn rán TCTraditional Chinese 點燃   SCSimplified Chinese 点着 diǎn rán,diǎn zháo  I will light the petrol to set off the fire.  我要点着汽油,好把火引燃。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 light adj (food: easy to digest)SCSimplified Chinese 易消化的 yì xiāo huà de   SCSimplified Chinese 清淡的 yì xiāo huà de,qīng dàn de  While her husband ordered a steak, she ordered something lighter.  她点了些清淡的饭菜,而她丈夫则要了牛排。 light adj (food: has few calories)SCSimplified Chinese 低卡路里的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de   SCSimplified Chinese 低热量的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de,dī rè liàng de TCTraditional Chinese 低熱量的  This light mayonnaise doesn't have much flavour.  低热量蛋黄酱没什么味道。 light adj (drink: low alcohol) (酒)SCSimplified Chinese 度数低的,酒精含量低的 dù shù dī de,jiǔ jīng hán liàng dī de  Some people prefer light beer to very alcoholic beverages.  有的人偏好低度啤酒,不喜欢喝烈酒。 light adj ([sb]: not heavily built)SCSimplified Chinese 瘦的,轻的 shòu de ,qīng de  She is very strong for someone so light! light adj (clothing: for warm weather) (衣服)SCSimplified Chinese 轻薄的,轻便的 qīng bó de ,qīng biàn de TCTraditional Chinese 輕薄的  You can wear a light jacket. It isn't too cold outside. light adj figurative (low volume)SCSimplified Chinese 少量的 shǎo liàng de  There was only light trading in the commodities markets due to the holiday. light adj (low pressure)SCSimplified Chinese (接触时)用力小的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 轻柔的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de,qīng róu de TCTraditional Chinese 輕柔的  The masseur had a very light touch.  按摩师的力度很小。 light adj figurative (not profound) (谈话等)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松的,随意的,不那么严肃的 qīng sōng de ,suí yì de ,bú nà me yán sù de TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆的,隨意的  We just engaged in light conversation, nothing serious. light adj figurative (trivial)SCSimplified Chinese 消遣性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 娱乐性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de,yú lè xìng de  Sam reassured me that it was a light matter and nothing to worry about. light adj (soil: sandy) (土壤)SCSimplified Chinese 沙质的,疏松的,含沙多的 shā zhì de,shū sōng de,hán shā duō de  Carrots are best grown in a light soil, rather than heavy clay.  胡萝卜最适宜在沙质土壤中生长,而非致密的黏土。 light adj (delicate) (舞步等)SCSimplified Chinese 轻快的,轻盈的 qīng kuài de ,qīng yíng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕快的  The dancer executed some light and dainty steps.  舞者展示了一些轻盈、优雅的舞步。 light adj figurative (carefree)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松愉快的 qīng sōng yú kuài de   SCSimplified Chinese 无忧无虑的 qīng sōng yú kuài de,wú yōu wú lǜ de  The girls liked him for his light and carefree attitude towards life. light adj (of low weight capacity)SCSimplified Chinese 轻型的 qīng xíng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕型的   SCSimplified Chinese 轻载的 qīng xíng de,qīng zài de   SCSimplified Chinese 载重量低的 qīng xíng de,zài zhòng liàng dī de  He has a licence to fly light aircraft.  他有轻型飞机的驾驶执照。 light adj (breeze: gentle) (风)SCSimplified Chinese 微弱的,轻微的 wēi ruò de ,qīng wēi de  It will be mainly sunny, with a light breeze. light adv poetic (lightly)SCSimplified Chinese 轻轻地 qīng qīng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕輕地   SCSimplified Chinese 轻巧地  She walked so light that she barely left a footprint.  她走得很轻,几乎连脚印都没留下。 light n (light bulb)SCSimplified Chinese 灯泡 dēng pào TCTraditional Chinese 燈泡  The light has burned out in the kitchen. Can you replace it?  厨房里的灯泡坏了。你能换一下吗? light n (daylight)SCSimplified Chinese 白天 bái tiān TCTraditional Chinese 白天   SCSimplified Chinese 日光 bái tiān,rì guāng TCTraditional Chinese 日光  You had better go to the shop while there is still light.  你最好趁天还亮着的时候去商店买东西。 light n (traffic light)SCSimplified Chinese 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng TCTraditional Chinese 紅綠燈   SCSimplified Chinese 交通灯 hóng lǜ dēng,jiāo tōng dēng  The traffic stopped when the light turned red.  红灯亮时车辆行人都停下了。 light n (street lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 路灯 lù dēng   SCSimplified Chinese 街灯 lù dēng,jiē dēng  They installed lights on the street to make it safer to walk at night.  他们在街道上安装了路灯,为了让夜间出行更加安全。 light n (car: headlight)SCSimplified Chinese (车辆的)前灯 chē liàng de qián dēng   SCSimplified Chinese 顶灯 chē liàng de qián dēng,dǐng dēng   SCSimplified Chinese 车灯 chē liàng de qián dēng,chē dēng  When it got dark, he turned the car's lights on.  当行车环境变黑时,他打开了车前灯。 light n (lighthouse)SCSimplified Chinese 灯塔 dēng tǎ  The sailors were most relieved when they saw the Sambro Island Light in the distance.  当船员们远远地看到了桑布罗岛灯塔时,深深地舒了一口气。 light n (flame)SCSimplified Chinese (蜡烛等的)光亮 là zhú děng de guāng liàng   SCSimplified Chinese 光线 là zhú děng de guāng liàng,guāng xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 光線  He could see her face in the light of the candle.  透过蜡烛的微光,他能看到她的脸。 light n figurative (viewpoint) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 观点,立场,态度,视角,方面 guān diǎn,lì chǎng ,tài dù ,shì jiǎo ,fāng miàn TCTraditional Chinese 觀點,立場,態度,方面  He always saw things in a negative light.  他老是从黑暗的一面来看事情。 light n (luminary)SCSimplified Chinese 名人 míng rén   SCSimplified Chinese 杰出人物 míng rén,jié chū rén wù  She is a leading light in the art world.  她是艺术界的杰出人物。 light n (gleam)SCSimplified Chinese 眼里隐约闪现的微光 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng   SCSimplified Chinese 忽闪而过的一个眼神 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng,hū shǎn ér guò de yí gè yǎn shén  She saw the light in his eyes and knew he had a good idea.  她注意到他眼里隐约闪现的微光,就知道他想到了好点子。 light n (art: effect) (绘画)SCSimplified Chinese 亮部,亮色,光影效果 liàng bù,liàng sè  Look at the light on the woman's face in this painting.  看看这幅画上那个女人面部的光影效果。 light n (small window)SCSimplified Chinese 小的窗户 xiǎo de chuāng hù   SCSimplified Chinese 采光口 xiǎo de chuāng hù,cǎi guāng kǒu  Don't open the big window, just the corner light.  别开那扇大窗户,打开采光口就好了。 a light n (fire to light a cigarette, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 打火机 dǎ huǒ jī TCTraditional Chinese 打火機   SCSimplified Chinese 火柴 dǎ huǒ jī,huǒ chái TCTraditional Chinese 火柴  Hey, do you have a light? lights npl (animal lungs as food) (用作食物的)SCSimplified Chinese 动物肺片 TCTraditional Chinese 動物肺片  Cook the lights for an hour in the stock.  在高汤里烹煮肺片一小时。 lights npl (decorative) (装饰的)SCSimplified Chinese 灯 dēng TCTraditional Chinese 燈  We put the tinsel and lights on the Christmas tree. light⇒ vi (take fire)SCSimplified Chinese 燃烧起来 rán shāo qǐ lái TCTraditional Chinese 燃燒起來  He threw on a match and the bonfire lighted.  他扔了根火柴,篝火就燃烧起来了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 lite, light adj US, informal (light: low in fat, sugar, etc.) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 低脂肪的,低糖的 dī zhī fáng de,dī táng de  Brian bought the lite lunch option at the restaurant.  布莱恩在餐厅买了一份低脂午餐。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语light | lite英语中文 light on [sth], light upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find, discover [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 找到 zhǎo dào   SCSimplified Chinese 发现 zhǎo dào,fā xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 發現  Ned lit on the perfect solution to his problem. light on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (land on [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 停落于 light out vi phrasal (leave, set off)SCSimplified Chinese 离开 lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開   SCSimplified Chinese 出发 lí kāi,chū fā TCTraditional Chinese 出發 light up vi phrasal figurative (brighten with joy)SCSimplified Chinese 面露喜色   SCSimplified Chinese 显得很高兴  Her face lit up when she heard that her father was returning.  当听到爸爸回来了,她面露喜色。 light up vi phrasal (become brighter)SCSimplified Chinese 变得明亮 TCTraditional Chinese 變得明亮  Give it a moment and the room will light up.  等一会儿,房间就会变得明亮。 light [sth] up, light up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (brighten) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 照亮 zhào liàng  I love you - you light up my life.  我爱你,你照亮了我的生活。 light up vi phrasal informal (light a cigarette)SCSimplified Chinese 点燃 diǎn rán TCTraditional Chinese 點燃  When she pulled out a cigarette and lit up, several people left the room.  她点起一根烟后,房间里的几个人离开了。 light up [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (cigarette: apply flame)SCSimplified Chinese 点燃 diǎn rán TCTraditional Chinese 點燃  Rob lit up a cigarette.  罗伯点燃了一根烟。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:light | lite英语中文 artificial light n (illumination other than daylight)SCSimplified Chinese 人工照明,人造光  The plants were amazing considering they were all grown in the basement under artificial light. at first light expr (at daybreak)SCSimplified Chinese 天刚亮   SCSimplified Chinese 破晓 pò xiǎo backup light, back-up light (US), reversing light (UK) n usually plural (light when vehicle moves backward)SCSimplified Chinese 倒车灯 beam, beam of light n (light ray)SCSimplified Chinese 光束 guāng shù  The room was dark except for a thin beam of light shining through a small hole in the roof.  屋子漆黑一片,只有一束微光从屋顶小孔里射下来。 black light n (ultraviolet lamp) (紫外线或红外线灯)SCSimplified Chinese 黑光灯 hēi guāng dēng TCTraditional Chinese 黑光燈  Did you know that bodily fluids and scorpions are visible under a black light? blinding light n (intensely bright light)SCSimplified Chinese 刺眼的强光 cì yǎn de qiáng guāng  When lightning strikes, there is a blinding light and an instantaneous loud crack. blinking light n (indicator that flashes)SCSimplified Chinese 闪光信号灯 bright light n (light: harsh)SCSimplified Chinese 强光 qiáng guāng  I had to cover my eyes because of the bright light. bring [sth] to light v expr figurative (reveal [sth] secret)SCSimplified Chinese 揭露 jiē lù TCTraditional Chinese 揭露   SCSimplified Chinese 揭发 jiē lù ,jiē fā TCTraditional Chinese 揭發  We should bring his outrageous actions to light. Bud Light, bud light n ® US (low-alcohol beer) (商标)SCSimplified Chinese [啤酒品牌名] 备注: As a registered trademark, “Bud Light” should be capitalized, but it is sometimes not capitalized in informal communication.bulb n (light)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯泡 diàn dēng pào TCTraditional Chinese 電燈泡  The bulb in the hallway needs to be replaced.  走廊里的灯泡需要换了。 catch fire, catch on fire, also UK: catch light, catch alight, also US: take fire v expr (ignite)SCSimplified Chinese 着火 zháo huǒ TCTraditional Chinese 著火 / 着火  Gasoline can catch fire very easily. If you knock that candle onto the rug, it will catch on fire. ceiling light n (light fixture attached to a ceiling)SCSimplified Chinese 吊灯   SCSimplified Chinese 吸顶灯 come to light v expr figurative (be revealed)SCSimplified Chinese 显露 xiǎn lù TCTraditional Chinese 顯露   SCSimplified Chinese 显现 xiǎn lù ,xiǎn xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 顯現  Every day more information about the scandal comes to light. dazzling light n (very bright light)SCSimplified Chinese 耀眼的光 yào yǎn de guāng  Don't miss the dazzling lights of Broadway when you're in New York. dim light n (low or soft light)SCSimplified Chinese 微光 wēi guāng   SCSimplified Chinese 弱光 wēi guāng,ruò guāng  I'm not calling you ugly but you definitely look best in a dim light. electric light n (incandescent lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯 TCTraditional Chinese 電燈 electric light n (light made by lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯光 electric light bulb n (glass object producing light)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯泡 diàn dēng pào TCTraditional Chinese 電燈泡  Anna changed the electric light bulb in the living room. exposure meter, light meter n (photography: measures light) (摄影)SCSimplified Chinese 曝光表 bào guāng biǎo first light n (dawn)SCSimplified Chinese 清晨的第一缕光   SCSimplified Chinese 黎明 lí míng TCTraditional Chinese 黎明 flashing light n (light that goes on and off quickly)SCSimplified Chinese 闪光 shǎn guāng TCTraditional Chinese 閃光 fog light, fog lamp n usually plural (vehicle's headlight for foggy conditions) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 雾灯 wù dēng  I use my fog lights so rarely that I can never remember where the switch is. green light n (traffic signal: go) (交通)SCSimplified Chinese 绿灯 lǜ dēng  We'll never make it to the green light in time. green light n figurative (authorization to begin) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 绿灯 lǜ dēng   SCSimplified Chinese 准许 lǜ dēng,zhǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 准許   SCSimplified Chinese 许可 lǜ dēng,xǔ kě TCTraditional Chinese 許可  Today we got a green light from the director to begin the new project. The committee gave my project the green light. green-light [sth]⇒ vtr figurative (authorize)SCSimplified Chinese 给…开绿灯   SCSimplified Chinese 准许 zhǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 准許   SCSimplified Chinese 许可 xǔ kě TCTraditional Chinese 許可  The Federal Aviation Administration has green-lighted a request to extend the airport runway. grow light vi + adj (day: arrive, dawn)SCSimplified Chinese 天亮 tiān liàng TCTraditional Chinese 天亮  It grows light around 6 am at this time of year. grow light vi + adj figurative (become less of a burden) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 变轻 biàn qīng guiding light n figurative (person: inspires, leads) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 指路人,指路明灯 zhǐ lù rén,zhǐ lù míng dēng  Nelson Mandela was a guiding light for South Africa, during a very difficult time in the country's history. half-light n (low light, esp. twilight)SCSimplified Chinese 昏暗的光线 highlight, high light n figurative, often plural (most important moment) (事件等)SCSimplified Chinese 最精彩的部分 zuì jīng cǎi de bù fèn   SCSimplified Chinese 最重要的时刻  The highlight of the trip was the visit to the Eiffel Tower.  这次旅行最精彩的部分就是参观艾菲尔铁塔。 in a bad light adv figurative (unfavourably)SCSimplified Chinese 从不好的角度   SCSimplified Chinese 从不良的情况 in a good light adv figurative (favourably)SCSimplified Chinese 肯定地 kěn dìng de  The article is very critical and does not portray her in a good light. in light of prep (considering, in view of)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 鉴于 kǎo lǜ dào,jiàn yú  In light of the weather forecast, maybe we'd better postpone the picnic.  鉴于天气预报的内容,也许我们最好推迟野餐计划。 in the cold light of day expr figurative (objectively, dispassionately)SCSimplified Chinese 事后冷静理智地回想   SCSimplified Chinese 事后客观地反思 in the light of prep figurative (in view of, given)SCSimplified Chinese 鉴于,考虑到 jiàn yú ,kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到  In the light of recent developments, it would be appropriate to review the arrangements. in the light of prep (illuminated by)SCSimplified Chinese 在…的灯光下 zài de dēng guāng xià in your best light expr figurative (giving the most favourable view)SCSimplified Chinese 从最好的角度 incandescent light n (type of electric light)SCSimplified Chinese 白炽灯光 bái chì dēng guāng TCTraditional Chinese 白熾燈光 leading light n figurative (person: inspirational)SCSimplified Chinese 某领域的重要人物 mǒu lǐng yù de zhòng yào rén wù  Jacobi has been a leading light of the theatre through most of his career. light air n (meteorology) (气象)SCSimplified Chinese 一级风 light as a feather, as light as a feather adj (weighing very little)SCSimplified Chinese 轻若鸿毛   SCSimplified Chinese 轻如鸿毛 light at the end of the tunnel n figurative (prospect of relief or success)SCSimplified Chinese 苦尽甘来   SCSimplified Chinese 柳暗花明 light blue n (pale blue color)SCSimplified Chinese 浅蓝色 qiǎn lán sè TCTraditional Chinese 淺藍色   SCSimplified Chinese 淡蓝色 qiǎn lán sè,dàn lán sè TCTraditional Chinese 淡藍色  Do you have this shirt in light blue?  这件衬衫有浅蓝色的吗? light blue, light-blue adj (pale blue in color)SCSimplified Chinese 浅蓝色的 qiǎn lán sè de TCTraditional Chinese 淺藍色的   SCSimplified Chinese 淡蓝色的 qiǎn lán sè de,dàn lán sè de TCTraditional Chinese 淡藍色的 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective before a noun. The team's new strip is light blue with a burgundy stripe.  这个球队新球服采用浅蓝色和酒红色条纹。 light box n (for transparencies)SCSimplified Chinese 灯箱 light breeze (meteorology) (气象学)SCSimplified Chinese 微风 wēi fēng light brown n (pale brown color)SCSimplified Chinese 浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè TCTraditional Chinese 淺棕色   SCSimplified Chinese 淡棕色 qiǎn zōng sè ,dàn zōng sè  The old leather bag had faded to light brown.  这只旧皮包已经褪色成浅棕色了。 light brown, light-brown adj (pale brown in color)SCSimplified Chinese 浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de TCTraditional Chinese 淺棕色的   SCSimplified Chinese 淡棕色的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun The police described the attacker as tall, with short, light-brown hair.  警方称袭击者身材高挑,有一头浅棕色短发。 light bulb, lightbulb n (electric light)SCSimplified Chinese 灯泡 dēng pào TCTraditional Chinese 燈泡   SCSimplified Chinese 电灯泡 dēng pào ,diàn dēng pào TCTraditional Chinese 電燈泡  The light bulb flickered, then went out.  灯泡闪烁后就熄灭了。 light cream n (dairy product: cream with less fat)SCSimplified Chinese 低脂奶油 light emitting diode n (LED: electronic light)SCSimplified Chinese 发光二极管  The little indicator lights on electronic devices are usually light-emitting diodes. light fitting n (fixture for attaching a lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 灯具 dēng jù light fixture n (fitting for attaching a lamp)SCSimplified Chinese 灯具 dēng jù  We replaced the light fixture in the bathroom when we were remodeling. light green n (pale green colour)SCSimplified Chinese 浅绿色 qiǎn lǜ sè TCTraditional Chinese 淺綠色   SCSimplified Chinese 淡绿色 qiǎn lǜ sè,dàn lǜ sè light heart n (carefree mood)SCSimplified Chinese 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ   SCSimplified Chinese 心情放松  I set off on my journey with a light heart. light heavyweight n (boxer of lightest class)SCSimplified Chinese 轻重量级拳手 light heavyweight n as adj (boxer: of lightest class) (拳手)SCSimplified Chinese 轻重量级的 light industry n (consumer goods manufacturing)SCSimplified Chinese 轻工业,轻工 TCTraditional Chinese 輕工業 light meal n (dinner: small serving)SCSimplified Chinese 便餐,小食,轻食 biàn cān light meal n (dinner: low calorie)SCSimplified Chinese 清淡食物,清淡饮食 be light on [sth] v expr (lack, not have much)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏 quē fá TCTraditional Chinese 缺乏 light pen n (light-sensitive pointer)SCSimplified Chinese 光笔 light pollution n (excessive artificial light)SCSimplified Chinese 光污染  You can hardly see any stars from big cities because of the light pollution. light rail n (rapid transit railway)SCSimplified Chinese 轻轨 light red n (washed-out red color)SCSimplified Chinese 淡红色 light red, light-red adj (light red in color)SCSimplified Chinese 淡红色的 dàn hóng sè de 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.light show n (colorful display of lights)SCSimplified Chinese 灯光秀 light sleeper n ([sb] who does not sleep deeply)SCSimplified Chinese 浅睡者,睡觉轻的人 light switch n (lever, knob, dial controlling a light)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯开关 diàn dēng kāi guān TCTraditional Chinese 電燈開關  I entered the darkened room and reached for the light switch. light switch n (knob or dial controlling an electric light)SCSimplified Chinese 电灯开关 diàn dēng kāi guān TCTraditional Chinese 電燈開關 light [sth] up, light up [sth] vtr + adv (illuminate)SCSimplified Chinese 照亮 zhào liàng  The dim lamp hardly lights up the room.  那盏昏暗的台灯几乎不能将房间照亮。 light year, light-year, lightyear n (astronomy: measure of distance) (天文学:距离的量度)SCSimplified Chinese 光年  Barnard's Star is 5.96 light years away from Earth. light-colored (US), light-coloured (UK) adj (pale)SCSimplified Chinese 浅色的 TCTraditional Chinese 淺色的 light-fingered adj figurative, informal (given to stealing)SCSimplified Chinese 惯于扒窃的   SCSimplified Chinese 惯偷的 light-footed adj informal (stepping nimbly)SCSimplified Chinese 脚步轻快的,轻盈的 qīng yíng de light-haired adj (having blonde hair)SCSimplified Chinese 浅发色的 light-handed adj (having a light touch)SCSimplified Chinese 灵巧的 líng qiǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 靈巧的 light-handed adj (not carrying much)SCSimplified Chinese 轻巧的 qīng qiǎo de light-handed adj (nautical: under-staffed) (航海)SCSimplified Chinese 人手不足的,缺人手的 rén shǒu bù zú de light-minded adj (frivolous, silly)SCSimplified Chinese 愚蠢的 yú chǔn de light-skinned adj (skin color: light)SCSimplified Chinese 肤色浅的,肤色白的 lightheaded (US), light-headed (UK) adj (dizzy, faint)SCSimplified Chinese 头昏眼花的 tóu hūn yǎn huā de   SCSimplified Chinese 头晕目眩的 tóu hūn yǎn huā de,tóu yūn mù xuàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 眩晕的 tóu hūn yǎn huā de,xuàn yūn de TCTraditional Chinese 眩暈的  I'm feeling lightheaded; could we rest for a moment? lighthearted (US), light-hearted (UK) adj (cheerful, light in mood)SCSimplified Chinese 欢快的 huān kuài de TCTraditional Chinese 歡愉的   SCSimplified Chinese 轻松惬意的 huān kuài de ,qīng sōng qiè yì de   SCSimplified Chinese 没有烦恼的 huān kuài de ,méi yǒu fán nǎo de  So why are you in such a lighthearted mood today? lightheartedly (US), light-heartedly (UK) adv (cheerfully, lightly in mood)SCSimplified Chinese 无忧无虑地,放松地 fàng sōng de  When Maya complains about her boss, she means it lightheartedly; they get along pretty well. lightweight, light-weight adj (light in weight or texture, etc)SCSimplified Chinese 轻的 qīng de   SCSimplified Chinese 不重的 qīng de ,bú zhòng de  Our lightweight jackets are perfect for travel. lightweight, light-weight adj (sport: of lightest weight division) (拳击)SCSimplified Chinese 轻量级的 qīng liàng jí de TCTraditional Chinese 輕量級的  The lightweight match will start at 8 pm. lightweight, light-weight adj (not serious, trivial)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松的 qīng sōng de TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆的   SCSimplified Chinese 无足轻重的 qīng sōng de ,wú zú qīng zhòng de  It's just a lightweight romance novel, but I enjoyed reading it. lightweight, light-weight, light weight n (sport: lightweight contender) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 轻量级选手 qīng liàng jí xuǎn shǒu  The new lightweight looks like serious competition for the champion. lightweight, light-weight, light weight n informal, figurative (person who gets drunk quickly) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 易醉的,酒量小的 yì zuì de ,jiǔ liàng xiǎo de  Stumbling after only two beers? You're such a lightweight!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: light [laɪt] (pt, pp lit)I n 1 [u] (from sun, moon, lamp, fire) 光 guāng 2 [c] (Elec, Aut) 灯(燈) dēng [盏 zhǎn] 3 [s] (for cigarette) 打火机(機) dǎhuǒjī II vt 1 (=set alight) [+ candle, fire, cigarette] 点(點)燃 diǎnrán 2 [+ room] 照亮 zhàoliàng III adj 1 (=pale) [+ colour] 淡的 dàn de 2 (=bright) [+ building, room] 明亮的 míngliàng de 3 (=not dark) [+ evening, morning] 亮的 liàng de 4 (=not heavy) [+ object] 轻(輕)的 qīng de 5 (=not intensive) [+ rain, traffic, sleep] 小量的 xiǎoliàng de 6 (=not strenuous) [+ work] 容易做的 róngyì zuò de 7 (=graceful, gentle) [+ movement, action] 轻(輕)快的 qīngkuài de 8 (=lenient) [+ sentence] 从(從)轻(輕)的 cóngqīng de 9 (=not serious) [+ book, music] 轻(輕)松(鬆)的 qīngsōng de [+ discussion etc] 轻(輕)松(鬆)的 qīngsōng de IV adv [travel] 轻(輕)装(裝)地 qīngzhuāng de Vlights n pl 1 (Aut) (also: traffic lights) 交通指示灯(燈) jiāotōng zhǐshìdēng to turn or switch the light on/off 开(開)/关(關)灯(燈) kāi/guān dēng to cast or shed or throw light on sth (fig) 使某事清楚明白地显(顯)示出来(來) shǐ mǒushì qīngchǔ míngbai de xiǎnshì chūlái to present sth in a favourable/an unfavourable light表现(現)某物宜人/不宜人之处(處) biǎoxiàn mǒuwù yírén/bù yírén zhī chù to set light to sth (esp Brit) 点(點)燃某物 diǎnrán mǒuwù [美 = set fire to] to come or be brought to light [fact, information] 暴露 bàolù in the light of [+ discussions, new evidence etc]鉴(鑑)于(於) jiànyú to make light of sth对(對)某事不以为(為)意 duì mǒushì bù yǐ wéi yì light upI vi 1 (=illuminate) 变(變)亮 biànliàng 2 [face, eyes] 放光彩 fàng guāngcǎi II vt (=illuminate) 照亮 zhàoliàng 在这些条目还发现'light': 在英文解释里: afterglow - afternoon tea - airy - albedo - amber - angel cake - antiglare - ash blond - aureole - backlight - backup light - baffle - bagatelle - banter - bask - batiste - beacon - beam - bedside lamp - Belisha beacon - black - black out - blackness - blackout blinds - blackout curtains - blaze - blaze up - blinding - blinding light - blink - blinker - block out - blond - bounce - bright - bright light - brightly - brightness - buff - buffet - bulb - butternut - cambric - camel - candle - candlelight - candlepower - cast a shadow - ceiling light - chain-smoke 中文: 光 - 旭 - 淡 - 灯光 - 轻 - 光波 - 光源 - 光照 - 光芒 - 反光 - 可见光 - 小吃 - 小雪 - 微光 - 明暗 - 映照 - 比照 - 浅 - 浅色 - 浓淡 - 清汤 - 清淡 - 灯 - 点 - 点灯 - 照 - 电灯 - 红光 - 缕 - 色光 - 轻便 - 轻工业 - 金光 - 黑光 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Photography, Words with a silent "g", 更多……同义词: luminosity, brightness, lightness, luminescence, radiance, 更多……习惯性搭配: light a fire, a [stop, porch] light, the red light district, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'light' 的论坛讨论:

I wish you have always light in your path Light colored Silkie (烏骨雞) The street light is green ...are stopped to run or running the red light ? - English Only forum ...need to do is take the light from another Earth-like planet and analyze it... - English Only forum head light. - English Only forum ...the light gleams at the heart of like a jewel... - English Only forum 'Light' as an adjective for physical appearance - English Only forum ’if we travel at the speed of light‘ - English Only forum [formality] shed light on something - English Only forum 130 light-years across - English Only forum 50 foot-candles of natural or artificial light - English Only forum a < light / vigorous> excercise plan - English Only forum a band/beam of light - English Only forum a binnacle-top with the compass light just visible - English Only forum a blade of light - English Only forum a blinding light, or a parting of the clouds - English Only forum a block of delicate pale light, beamed down into the park - English Only forum a bright light rising in the skies - English Only forum a brilliant swarm of light bleeding into the air - English Only forum A broken light bulb - English Only forum A candle is not diminished by giving another candle light. - English Only forum a cast iron light - English Only forum a certain angled light - English Only forum a chink of light - English Only forum a chink of light = a pencil of light ? - English Only forum A correcting lens—...—a correcting lens helps refract the light... - English Only forum A crust of light pollution - English Only forum a dark side the artificial light - English Only forum A dead white cat from light - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'light'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "light" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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