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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 horse n (animal) (动物)SCSimplified Chinese 马 mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 馬  Many cowboys rode horses.  许多牛仔都骑马。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 horse n (male horse)SCSimplified Chinese 公马 gōng mǎ  The horse mated with the mare. horse n (gymnastics) (体操器械)SCSimplified Chinese 跳马 tiào mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 跳馬  Her favourite competition in gymnastics was the horse. horse n US, slang, figurative, dated ([sb] unattractive)SCSimplified Chinese 没有吸引力的人  Why don't I like him? He's a horse!  我为什么不喜欢他?他没有任何吸引力! horse n (cavalry)SCSimplified Chinese 骑兵 qí bīng TCTraditional Chinese 騎兵  While the foot soldiers were fighting, the horses came in to help. horse n (heroin)SCSimplified Chinese 海洛因 hǎi luò yīn  They say it is hard to get off the horse once you are on it. Heroin addiction is strong. horse n (carpentry: sawhorse) (木工)SCSimplified Chinese 锯木架 jù mù jià TCTraditional Chinese 鋸木架  James used a horse to support the board which he was cutting. horse [sb]⇒ vtr dated (provide with horses)SCSimplified Chinese 给…提供马, 为…备马  The groom made sure the master and the lady were properly horsed for the journey.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语horse英语中文 horse around, also UK: horse about vi phrasal informal (behave in a silly or frivolous way) (孩子)SCSimplified Chinese 胡闹 hú nào   SCSimplified Chinese 疯玩 hú nào,fēng wán  While the parents made dinner, the kids horsed around at their feet.  父母做饭时,孩子在他们周围打闹。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:horse英语中文 beat a dead horse, flog a dead horse v expr figurative (pursue a hopeless cause)SCSimplified Chinese 徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì TCTraditional Chinese 徒勞無益   SCSimplified Chinese 白费口舌 tú láo wú yì,bái fèi kǒu shé  I tried to convince him to come with us, but felt that I was beating a dead horse. carthorse, cart horse, cart-horse n (horse that pulls a cart)SCSimplified Chinese 拉车的马 lā chē de mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 拉車的馬   SCSimplified Chinese 拉货的马 lā chē de mǎ,lā huò de mǎ charley horse n informal (muscle cramp)SCSimplified Chinese 肌肉痉挛,抽筋 jī ròu jìng luán,chōu jīn TCTraditional Chinese 肌肉痙攣  Running a short sprint usually gives me a charley horse in my calf muscle. chestnut tree, horse chestnut tree n (horse chestnut)SCSimplified Chinese 七叶树 qī yè shù TCTraditional Chinese 七葉樹   SCSimplified Chinese 马栗树  The chestnut trees bloom in May and are covered in white blossoms. clothes horse, clotheshorse n (frame for drying laundry)SCSimplified Chinese 晒衣架  I dry the clothes that cannot be tumble-dried by hanging them on the clothes horse. clothes horse, clotheshorse n figurative (person: demonstrates clothes)SCSimplified Chinese 时装模特  Hannah put herself through university by working as a clothes horse for an exclusive fashion designer. clothes horse, clotheshorse n figurative, pejorative (fashion-conscious woman)SCSimplified Chinese 讲究穿着的女人  Alina is such a clothes horse! She'd never be caught dead in last season's styles. dark horse n figurative (secretive person)SCSimplified Chinese 神秘的人 shén mì de rén  You're such a dark horse! - you never told me you'd got married.  你真是个神秘的人!你从没告诉过我你已经结婚了。 dark horse n figurative (little known political candidate)SCSimplified Chinese 黑马 hēi mǎ   SCSimplified Chinese 出人意料的获胜者 hēi mǎ,chū rén yì liào de huò shèng zhě  At first Obama was something of a dark horse, but he went on to win the election!  起初奥巴马就像一匹黑马,鲜有人知,不过之后他成功赢得了大选! dark horse n (little-known racehorse)SCSimplified Chinese 出人意外得胜的马 chū rén yì wài dé shèng de mǎ   SCSimplified Chinese 黑马 chū rén yì wài dé shèng de mǎ,hēi mǎ  Nobody bet on the dark horse, who went on to place first.  没有人将赌注押在这匹得了第一名的黑马上。 dead horse n figurative ([sth] no longer relevant)SCSimplified Chinese 无益之事   SCSimplified Chinese 徒劳之事  There is no point in raising the issue of pay at the staff meeting again; it's a dead horse. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. expr figurative (Be grateful for [sth] free.)SCSimplified Chinese 不要挑剔礼物。  I was disappointed that the antique vase my aunt gave me had a chip in the rim, but my mother said, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." eat like a horse v expr (eat large quantities)SCSimplified Chinese 大吃特吃   SCSimplified Chinese 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn TCTraditional Chinese 狼吞虎嚥 fava bean (US), broad bean (UK), horse bean n (botany: plant)SCSimplified Chinese 蚕豆 cán dòu TCTraditional Chinese 蠶豆 fava bean (US), broad bean (UK), horse bean n usually plural (edible pulse)SCSimplified Chinese 蚕豆 cán dòu TCTraditional Chinese 蠶豆  Fava beans are delicious in stews but do tend to cause flatulence. from the horse's mouth expr (first-hand, directly from the source) (消息、情报等)SCSimplified Chinese 直接得来地,一手地 zhí jiē dé lái de,yì shǒu de  Of course it's true - I got it straight from the horse's mouth. get off your high horse v expr figurative, informal (stop acting morally superior)SCSimplified Chinese 别那么趾高气扬 get on your high horse v expr figurative, informal (act morally superior)SCSimplified Chinese 态度傲慢 TCTraditional Chinese 態度傲慢   SCSimplified Chinese 目空一切  I know you think I'm wrong but there's no need to get on your high horse about it. go horse riding v expr UK (ride horses for pleasure)SCSimplified Chinese 去骑马 qù qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 去騎馬  Would you like to go horse riding this afternoon?  今天下午你想去骑马吗? groomer n (person who tends horses' coats)SCSimplified Chinese 给马刷洗的人   SCSimplified Chinese 马夫 mǎ fū  The groomer cleaned and brushed the horse. on your high horse expr (displaying haughty attitude)SCSimplified Chinese 傲慢 ào màn   SCSimplified Chinese 摆臭架子  I see Irene's on her high horse again. horse barn n (stable)SCSimplified Chinese 马厩 mǎ jiù  The horse barn was large--it held eight horses and their tack. horse breeding n (equine husbandry)SCSimplified Chinese 养马,马匹饲养 horse chestnut n (conker tree)SCSimplified Chinese 马栗,七叶树 mǎ lì,qī yè shù TCTraditional Chinese 七葉樹 horse chestnut n (conker)SCSimplified Chinese 马栗,七叶树果 mǎ lì horse collar, horse-collar n (baseball: score of zero) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 零分 líng fēn horse collar [sb], horse-collar vtr US, figurative (sport: prevent from scoring) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 阻止…得分, 使…得零分 horse collar, horse-collar n (part of horse harness)SCSimplified Chinese 马项圈 mǎ xiàng quān TCTraditional Chinese 馬項圈 horse farm n (place where horses are bred)SCSimplified Chinese 养马场 horse groomer n (person who tends horses' coats)SCSimplified Chinese 给马刷洗的人   SCSimplified Chinese 马夫 mǎ fū horse keeper n (person: tends horses)SCSimplified Chinese 养马员 horse manure n (horse's excrement)SCSimplified Chinese 马粪 mǎ fèn  She added horse manure to heat up her compost pile. horse race n (competition for horses)SCSimplified Chinese 赛马 sài mǎ  Brenda is watching a horse race on TV. horse race n US, figurative (close competition)SCSimplified Chinese (紧张激烈的)竞赛 horse ride n (journey made on horseback)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  We went for a horse ride in the woods together for my birthday. horse riding n (activity: riding on a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  I love horse riding but it makes my muscles ache afterwards.  我很喜欢骑马,不过骑行之后总是让我肌肉酸痛。 horse sense n (common sense, practicality)SCSimplified Chinese 普通常识 pǔ tōng cháng shí TCTraditional Chinese 普通常識 horse show n (horse riding competition)SCSimplified Chinese 马术比赛 mǎ shù bǐ sài TCTraditional Chinese 馬術比賽  Samantha and her mare will compete in the dressage event at the horse show. horse tack n (bridle, saddle, stirrups, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 马具 mǎ jù horse trading, horse-trading, horsetrading n (sale and purchase of horses)SCSimplified Chinese 马匹买卖 mǎ pi mǎi mài horse trading, horse-trading, horsetrading n figurative, informal (bargaining)SCSimplified Chinese 讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià TCTraditional Chinese 討價還價  The lawyers engaged in horse trading before they reached a final agreement. horse trainer n ([sb] who teaches behaviour to horses)SCSimplified Chinese 驯马师 xùn mǎ shī TCTraditional Chinese 馴馬師 horse training n (teaching behaviour to horses)SCSimplified Chinese 驯马 xùn mǎ horse-and-buggy n as adj (relating to the pre-automotive era)SCSimplified Chinese 马车时代的 horse-and-buggy n as adj figurative (old-fashioned)SCSimplified Chinese 过时的,守旧的 guò shí de ,shǒu jiù de TCTraditional Chinese 過時的,守舊的 horse-drawn adj (pulled by horse)SCSimplified Chinese 用马拖的 horse-drawn carriage n (vehicle pulled by a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 马车 mǎ chē TCTraditional Chinese 馬車  In some Spanish cities, you can hire a horse-drawn carriage to ride around and see the sights. horse's mouth (source)SCSimplified Chinese 来源 lái yuán   SCSimplified Chinese 源头 lái yuán,yuán tóu horseback ride (US), horse ride (UK) n (ride on a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  We went for a horse ride in the woods together for my birthday. horseback riding (US), horse riding (UK) n (activity: riding a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  One of my favorite summer activities was horseback riding. I love horse riding but it makes my muscles ache afterwards.  我最喜欢的夏日活动之一就是骑马。// 我喜欢骑马,但每次骑完马后我都会肌肉疼。 horsefly, horse fly n (large flying insect)SCSimplified Chinese 虻 méng   SCSimplified Chinese 牛虻 méng,niú méng  Tom was having a nice day until a horsefly bit his arm. horseracing, horse racing n (race between horses)SCSimplified Chinese 赛马运动 sài mǎ yùn dòng TCTraditional Chinese 賽馬運動  Eddie enjoys watching horseracing, but he never places bets. horsewhip n (riding crop)SCSimplified Chinese 马鞭 one-horse adj (using one horse)SCSimplified Chinese 单马拉的 one-horse adj figurative (small, unimportant)SCSimplified Chinese 极小的. 微不足道的  Don talked as though he was running a great business empire, but really it was just a one-horse establishment. one-horse town n (very small town)SCSimplified Chinese 乏味的小镇  Reggie couldn't wait to grow up and leave that one-horse town. pack horse n (horse used for carrying)SCSimplified Chinese 驮运货物的马 duò yùn huò wù de mǎ  There is too much equipment for one pack horse to carry. pommel horse, side horse n (gymnastics)SCSimplified Chinese 跳马 tiào mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 跳馬 put the cart before the horse v expr figurative (act prematurely) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 本末倒置,前后颠倒,不分主次 běn mò dǎo zhì,qián hòu diān dǎo,bù fēn zhǔ cì  Sara insisted that having sex before marriage was like putting the cart before the horse. racehorse, race horse n (horse that competes in races)SCSimplified Chinese 比赛用马 bǐ sài yòng mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 比賽用馬   SCSimplified Chinese 竞赛用跑马 bǐ sài yòng mǎ,jìng sài yòng pǎo mǎ   SCSimplified Chinese 供赛马用的马 bǐ sài yòng mǎ,gōng sài mǎ yòng de mǎ  That racehorse has never lost. riding horse n (show horse)SCSimplified Chinese 选美比赛马   SCSimplified Chinese 观赏马  Riding horses are selected from many different breeds. rocking horse n (riding toy) (骑坐可前后摇动,供儿童嬉戏用。)SCSimplified Chinese 木马 mù mǎ  Charlie keeps falling off the rocking horse we bought him. seahorse, sea horse n (small horse-like fish)SCSimplified Chinese 海马 hǎi mǎ  Some seahorses are no bigger than your finger. shire horse n (large working horse)SCSimplified Chinese 大型赶车用马 dà xíng gǎn chē yòng mǎ  Work on the farms formerly depended on shire horses. stalking-horse, stalking horse n (hunting: screen) (打猎)SCSimplified Chinese 掩护马 stalking-horse, stalking horse n figurative ([sth] that hides intentions)SCSimplified Chinese 用以掩人耳目的东西 stalking-horse, stalking horse n figurative (election candidate)SCSimplified Chinese 掩护性候选人 stalking-horse n as adj (relating to a stalking-horse)SCSimplified Chinese 用以掩护的 Trojan horse n (Greek mythology: wooden horse) (希腊神话故事)SCSimplified Chinese 特洛伊木马 tè luò yī mù mǎ  The Greek soldiers were hidden inside the belly of the Trojan horse. Trojan horse n figurative ([sth] that infiltrates and harms enemies)SCSimplified Chinese 内奸,暗藏的敌人,渗透到敌人内部产生危害作用的东西 nèi jiān,àn cáng de dí rén,shèn tòu dào dí rén nèi bù chǎn shēng wēi hài zuò yòng de dōng xī Trojan horse n figurative (computer virus) (计算机病毒)SCSimplified Chinese 木马病毒 mù mǎ bìng dú TCTraditional Chinese 木馬病毒  Browsing unsafe web page can result in infections by Trojan horses. wild horse n (horse which is untamed)SCSimplified Chinese 野马 yě mǎ  A brumby is an Australian wild horse.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: horse [hɔːs] n [c] 马(馬) mǎ [匹 pǐ] 在这些条目还发现'horse': 在英文解释里: à cheval - appaloosa - Arabian - ascot - at full gallop - bang - barouche - bay - bit - blinder - blinker - blinkered - bobtail - break in - bridle - bronco - broncobuster - broodmare - brougham - buck - buckboard - buggy - by - cab - cabman - caisson - camion - canter - caparison - caracole - cart - carthorse - cayuse - centaur - chaise - champ at the bit - charabanc - charger - chestnut - chestnut tree - climb on - clop - coachman - cob - colt - conker - coper - courser - covered wagon - crupper 中文: 马 - 上马 - 下马 - 嘶 - 牛马 - 缰 - 跳马 - 马蹄 - 驯马 - 驹 - 骏 - 骑马 - 黑马 在单词列表中: Domesticated animals, Animals, Beasts of burden, 更多……同义词: mount, stallion, equine, pony, gelding, 更多……习惯性搭配: horsing around at [school, work, home], a [work, cart, racing, shire, Mustang, rodeo] horse, a horse [stable, trailer, saddle], 更多……

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beat a dead horse Eat like a horse Horse A is twice as fast as Horse B (times/倍) My sign is horse, but I am not like a horse You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink " dandy" in dandy horse - English Only forum " he started running the horse." - English Only forum 'Black horse' vs 'jack in the pack' OR perhaps: Dark horse vs Joker in the pack? - English Only forum 'black-type, black-types' horse races. - English Only forum “A Man Called Horse” vs “The Man with the Golden Gun” - article usage - English Only forum (A horse) front off hoof - English Only forum [a horse] stands awful fast - English Only forum 2. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is a fish. - English Only forum A cheapskate: horse or fish? - English Only forum a farty horse - English Only forum A horse / The horse / Horses [article in general statement] - English Only forum a horse apiece - English Only forum a horse belonging to a knight so famous - English Only forum A Horse Rider :Chasing Vs Holding - English Only forum A Horse Tied to A cart - English Only forum "A horse" vs "horses" - English Only forum A horse with a trapping to the one who… - English Only forum A horse worth the price - English Only forum a horse-laugh out of a nightmare - English Only forum a horse's teeth - English Only forum a needle - English Only forum a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse - English Only forum A pull forward on a horse’svears? - English Only forum a small horse - English Only forum a sweep like you t' throw in a man's teeth about a bit o' horse-stealin' - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'horse'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "horse" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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