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2023-09-29 12:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




  描写名人的英语作文 篇1

  Zhou Enlai was born in HuaianJiangsuon March 51898.In 1917he finished school in Nankai Middle Schooland then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922he joined the Chinese Communist Party.After thathe was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.

  He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945he worked in South China.

  After the Peoples Republic of China was foundedhe was elected Premier②of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himselfbut only the Chinese people.

  Premier Zhou died on January 8th1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese peoples hearts.He was a great Marxist and communist.周恩来于51898三月出生于江苏淮安,于1917在南开中学完成学业,后到中国学习马克思主义理论,于1922加入中国共产党,此后积极从事工作,领导了党的工作在上海。




  描写名人的英语作文 篇2

  “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:"We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal."

  Mr.Kings dream of all men created equal is mine too.When I hear his speechI come to know thatI have the same dream that people should work together and live together like brothers.Nobody will take advantage of otherswith less work but more income.But noMr Kings dream remains as a dream even after so many decades since he left us.Lookpeople who have more houses want to keep them all for themselvesalthough there are so many people who do not even have a room to stay in.On the other handmany people who have nothingdo not want to work harder to earn something on their own.They just complain that all men are not created equal.

  Soif we look close at human beingswe will realize that Mr.Kings dream will be a dream for a longlong time.StillI admire him because at least he has a great dreamwhich is leading many people to treat others better.我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。”



  描写名人的英语作文 篇3

  we always admire those heroes.they can guide us in life.the hero in my heart is Michael Phelps.he is really great.we all know that he got 8 gold medals in the2008olympics.but maybe you dont how hard he trained before it.he said"i know no one trains harder than me."when his childhood didnt go well,he was always cheated by his classmates for his big ears and long arms.but he faced the difficulty heard on,that is the reason why that he could success today.

  so i really admire him,i learnt a lotfromhim.so i will study very hardfromnow on.




  描写名人的英语作文 篇4

  Celebrities have excelled in their respective fields and made a place for themselves in the society. Actors, athletes, rock stars and even politicians whom we look up to are all celebrities. However, achievement in careers does not necessarily make celebrities idols to be worshipped blindly, as they think and make mistakes too as we common people do.

  Having a role model is of no harm, but we should not imitate everything we hear about the celebrities without any judgment. Learn from the celebrities with our minds open; do not let their persona overshadow our judgment. We should remember that however extraordinary these people are, they are also ordinary huamn beings and liable to make mistakes or even very bad decisions at some point of their life. For example, a number of athletes and rock stars have been associated with drugs. It is for us to decide what we should imbibe from them and what not.

  Meanwhile, though the celebrities are at the zenith of their professions, it is not always necessary that they are as good in their personal life. We should let their actions speak for them. What they do in real life is more important than what they preach. An ordinary man on the street, though unknown to the public, may be a better person than they are.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇5

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

  I think the media pay too much attention to the private lives of famous people. Television, newspaper magazines and web sites dig up all kinds of past bad actions. They say that these are true reflections of a persons character. This may be true if they occurred only a few years before, but some of these are things people did as teenagers. People in their forties are expected to explain something they did when they were fifteen. If they killed someone, obviously thats more than a youthful mistake. Usually, though, these incidents involve experiments with drugs or being reckless in a car. Theyre not something that the public needs to know.

  The media love to say that the public has a right to know. Thats not true. We dont need to know if a movie star or politician has had an extramarital affair. That is something of concern only to the people involved. We do need to know if someone were electing to public office has been involved in shady business deals, but we dont need to know if he or she defaulted on a loan twenty years ago.

  It seems the media dig up these facts without giving thoughtful consideration to what might happen. It has an effect on the celebritys family, especially the children. A celebritys good name and credibility may be ruined before he or she can prove that rumors are false. If a case goes to court, paying a lawyer can use up all their money. Even if it doesnt come to that, they may find their career ruined.

  When are we, the public, going to make it clear to the media that were tired of having to watch this kind of thing on the news? Wouldnt it be better if they would concentrate on more important issues?

  描写名人的英语作文 篇6

  Some athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars annually. In contrast, an elementary school teacher, on average, probably makes less than $35,000 a year. I think the fact that this difference is commonplaces is a sign of our society’s misplaced values. It shows that we put more importance on entertaining our children than on educating them. It seems that the careers that are the least values in our society often are those that are the most important.

  Why is this so? The market determines who gets paid what. Teachers are paid by tax dollars. Sports teams make hundreds of millions of dollars every year. These teams earn fabulous profits from radio and television rights, as well as everything sold at the concessions stands. The same is true of movies. They are produced by studios that make huge profits annually. These enterprises can afford to pay their entertainers and sports figures huge salaries, because those athletes and film stars draw people to the entertainment.

  Why are we willing to pay so much to see a ball game or a movie, but not for a good teacher? Maybe it’s because we want distraction; we want to be entertained. Maybe it’s because we think of education as a right, which entertainment seems like a luxury. We expect to pay for our luxuries.

  It’s not that I begrudge the players and entertainers their huge salaries. Most of them have very short careers. Athletes may be too old in their early 30s. Many of them gamble early in their lives on making it big in the sports or entertainment world, and deny themselves a good education. They have little chance of a stable career, so they need to earn enough money to support them for a long time. On the other hand, most of us aren’t going to earn $10 million in a lifetime of work. So it’s hard to sympathize with people who do.

  We have to ask ourselves: who really give the most value to society?

  描写名人的英语作文 篇7

  Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. When it comes to opinions, though there’s a difference between the majority of people and celebrities like actors, athletes and rocks stars . If you’ve an average person, only your family and friends care about your opinion. If your famous ,the whole world listens, or so it seems sometimes. Is this the way it should be ? I don’t think so.

  We shouldn’t pay attention to famous people’s opinions just because of who they are. Being a famous basketball player doesn’t make someone an expert on environmental issues. However, that basketball player has a better opportunity to be heard than most people do. If that player feels very strongly about an issue ,he can use his fame to draw attention to it and get other people involved. That way they can draw attention and needed dollars to that issue.

  People who are rich put their money behind a cause.. In the same way, famous people are using their most valuable asset. In their case, it’s not money, It’s their name recognition. Should people pay attention to what they think just because of who they are? I don’t think so. I also don’t think we should discount what they think just because of who there are. They have a right to their opinion. If their name draws people to that cause, all the better for the cause.

  I think too often we categorized people and try to keep them in their place. Celebrities have brains and should be allowed to use them. When they ‘re advocating a cause, their opinion should be just one of money factors we use to evaluate that cause.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇8

  It is often to be seen that the manufacturers like to spend a lot of money to make the hot stars to be the products’ spokespersons. People are easy to be attracted by the stars and are willing to buy the products. But recently, the government has announced some new rules on regulating the spokespersons.


  On the one hand, the children who are below ten years old can’t be the spokespersons. Such children are too small, they don’t have the ability to recognize the world, so they can’t figure out whether the products are good or bad. The customers will be cheated by the fake ads.


  On the other hand, the spokespersons must advocate the products according to the fact. In order to catch the customers’ attention, some manufacturers ask the celebrities to speak for the products that are not suitable for them. Like the tampon, the male stars should not become the spokespersons, because they don’t use it.


  These new rules are good to correct the improper ads, what’s more, the customers will not be misled by the exaggerated facts.


  描写名人的英语作文 篇9

  In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other celebrities. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subjects business and family, or even bug and wiretap them to get the news by whatever means.

  It is not difficult to explain the reason for the reporters great interest in celebrities private lives. What matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since celebrities are newsworthy figures, and their stories draw far more attention than those of ordinary people, it is natural that the press tries to feature private lives of celebrities.

  In my view, famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people their privacy should be respected, protected and guaranteed by laws under all circumstances. Therefore, the press should stop invading their privacy.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇10

  This is a classic French writer romain rolland. Very vividly to introduce our way across Europe art as an excellent representative of three areas: musician Beethoven, sculptor Michelangelo and writer Tolstoy.

  Let me feel the deepest is Beethoven, he is a life struggle with the fate of the people. Unfortunately, he is also a lucky, it has a different from ordinary peoples holy heart. In todays society have such heart, less and less people whole life running after fame and profit, and live for money, give up once the ideal, give up the struggle spirit, to give up his confidence in the life stage. And Beethoven, his courage to face the natural set a trap, and face gods injustice, for his efforts to fight for his dream come true. To earn money for the family when he was young and when traveling, maybe we in the warm house was being waited on hand and foot, actually we are the darling of the fate, was born in this age of peace, meals not sorrow, and learn. But some students dont know to cherish, not listening carefully in class, foul-mouthed. Beethoven did not live up to the title.

  I think Roman Roland in writing this book is not just in order to let us to understand those celebrities, more important is to call those unfortunate people, dont complain too much! How good molecules in human life, let us read it to absorb its spiritual nourishment, restore confidence of life, although the life is not as good as we thought, dream, but since they come over, we can also come over.

  And a great man, who are also common, and we different is that they are only the tenacious perseverance. Similarly, we also want to go, fight for the joy of success together!

  描写名人的英语作文 篇11

  Madame Curie

  place of birth: Poland

  studies the experience: In 1891 went study in University of Paris

  work achievement: In 1898, altogether studied with husband Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive substance (radioactive matter) - - polonium and radium

  in 1903, curie husband and wife won the Nobel Prize for Physics (the Nobel Prize for Physics)

  in 1911, Madame Curie wins the Nobel chemistry prize once again, became in the history first two times to win the Nobel prize the scientist

  personal character characteristic: Studies diligently, the life is simple, on the scientific path the fear difficult, does not dare to explore

  描写名人的英语作文 篇12

  When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft.

  Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇13

  In my heart, there always exists a woman I admire since I was a primary studnt. She is the word famous physical scientist----Marie

  Curie. The reasons why I admire her is not only for she had won the Nobel Prize

  two times during her lifetime, but also for she owns the social effects which other women dont have. Her experience has been encouraging thousands of people up to now.

  What she impressed me best is the discovery of the two elements, namey the radium and polonium. Maybe someone will say that it is just like a piece of cake, however, it took her three years to discover them, which promoted the development of the radiological chemistry.

  During the process, it was her willpower that brought success to her. Therefore, Ive learnt much from her, that is the spirit never saying giving up. I think that I will treat her like my spiritual leader, reminding me of making every effort on my study.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇14

  Throughout the whole world, David Beckham is my most admire person. Not only because I like football, but also have I been moved by his spirit.

  We all know that in the year 1998, Beckham has become a sinner in the World Cup. The red card nearly ended his sports career. But his spirit is so strong that nothing can stop him.

  After his great effort, e has finally succeeded. He has become one of the most famous football players, which makes me admire him so much.

  From a sinner to a hero, he suffers from so much pain. I need to learn from him.

  在全世界中,大卫 贝克汉姆是我最崇拜的一个人.不仅因为我爱好足球,更是因为我被他的精神所深深感动.




  描写名人的英语作文 篇15

  “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:"We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal."

  Mr.Kings dream of all men created equal is mine too.When I hear his speech,I come to know thatI have the same dream that people should work together and live together like brothers.

  Nobody will take advantage of others,with less work but more income.But no,Mr Kings dream remains as a dream even after so many decades since he left us.

  Look,people who have more houses want to keep them all for themselves,although there are so many people who do not even have a room to stay in.

  On the other hand,many people ,who have nothing,do not want to work harder to earn something on their own.

  They just complain that all men are not created equal.

  So,if we look close at human beings,we will realize that Mr.Kings dream will be a dream for a long,long time.

  Still,I admire him because at least he has a great dream,which is leading many people to treat others better.

  描写名人的英语作文 篇16

  When Albert Einstein was a child, he did manual work in class. The teacher asked every student to be a duck. The class of students handed the ducks to the teacher and received the teachers praise. Only live Einstein has handed in his hand, after the teacher read held high, with a mocking tone said to the class, who saw the world more than this ugly duck? The whole class roared with laughter. Einstein stood up and shouted, "yes, class." He pulled a uglier duckling from the drawer and held it up. "thats the first duck I ever made." If Einstein humbled himself by the ridicule of his teachers and classmates, he could never lift his head. Can he be a scientist?

  A man is always better than others at one place, and there is always a stronger man than him in this place. Learning to appreciate everyone will benefit you immensely. The wise man respects everyone, because he knows that everyone has their own length and understands that it is not easy. Fools despise others, half out of ignorance, and half because he always likes the worst.

  People say: "god for you close a window at the same time, also must open another window for you; when lose some things, is bound to be on the other hand get sublimation." Every talent has its corresponding faults, and if you yield to it, it will rule you like a tyrant. The way to overthrow it is to begin by looking at what kind of defects it is. Be as aware of it as those who blame you for your faults. If you want to be your own master, you must learn to save yourself. Once the main defect surrenders, all other deficiencies will descend. Believe that you are "born to be useful" and maybe someday you will be a shining star.














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