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2024-06-29 10:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

近日,一位“超女”评委因对海选选手说“滚吧”引发网友抨击。此事让我们想到了另一位选秀节目评委:西蒙·考威尔(Simon Cowell)。考威尔做过英国《Pop Idol》和美国《American Idol》的评委,以“毒舌”著称。本期我们奉上考威尔语录。


1. You didn't beat the competition you crushed the competition!你不是打败对手,你是碾压对手!

2. You made the others look like good amateurs... You looked like a returning pro.跟你一比,其他选手都变成业余的了……你就像老将回归歌坛。

3. There are no airs and graces about her... I like her.她表现得非常自然不做作……我喜欢她。

4. I'm absolutely gob-smacked. I never, in a million, billion years thought that you were going to sing like that. You could sell a lot of records.你惊到我了。我一点儿、一丁点儿都没想到你能唱这么好。你将来的唱片一定会大卖。


5. Come back and wow us next year.明年再来,用你的歌声惊艳我们。


6. If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.如果你是个救生员,而且你的技能跟唱歌水平一样,那估计很多人都要淹死了。

7. I think the audience at home deserves better than that.唱成这样,你对得起坐在电视机前的观众么。

8. It was like ordering a hamburger and getting only the buns.这就好比我明明点的是汉堡,结果你给我送来的是面包。


9. Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.没有人是完美的,我觉得我们并不是在寻找完美的人。

10. The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner.这个选拔的目标不是羞辱落选者,而是找到晋级者。

11. What other people think about me is none of my business.别人怎么看我,与我无关。

(中国日报网英语点津 杜娟)




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