
您所在的位置:网站首页 美国用英文怎么说呢翻译 女生每个月的那几天怎么说?外国妹子竟然也说“大姨妈”!


2024-07-11 18:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

另外,男生经常粗鲁地称处于生理期的女生正"On the rag (戴着破布)"。




▷Are you on your period?你是不是来大姨妈了?

你不是因为我情绪不好才问我是不是来大姨妈了,是吧? 你知道我会找到你,然后把你灭口的,对吧? 

▷Try to keep track of how long you have your period, when it starts and ends, and how heavy the flow is.记录一下每次经期多久,开始和结束的时间,以及流量多少。

▷I am now seven days late for my period.我这个月已经晚了7天了。

▷My period is about 30 days apart.我的月经周期大约30天。

▷My cycle runs every 28 days and I am supposed to start my period on Tuesday.我的周期一般是28天,这周二就该来了。


▷If your period is early even by a few days one month, it may arrive late the following month.如果某个月你的月经早来了几天,那接下来那个月有可能会来得晚。

▷You can use a simple period calculator to find out when your next period is coming.你可以用个简单的经期计算器来预测下次大姨妈什么时候到。

▷Every month, almost 85% of women get at least one symptom such as cramping, bloating, or general crabbiness.每个月,基本上85%的女性都会有至少以下一种症状:痛经、浮肿或脾气暴躁。


▷Sometimes your period won't come on time though.有时候,姨妈就是不会准时来的。

▷Within the first couple of years, it is not unusual to skip a period.头几年,少来一次月经并非不正常。

▷See a doctor if you miss your period for six months straight.如果连续6个月没来大姨妈,就要去看医生了。

▷It's some sort of well-known thing that girls' periods synchronize when they live together.貌似人们都知道,女生如果住在一起的话,来大姨妈的时间会同步。





▷Using a light tampon on a heavy day and bled right through that sucker.流量多的日子用了量少卫生棉,鲜血直接渗过。

▷Designating pairs of underwear as “period underwear” to anticipate inevitable leakage.特备一条“姨妈内裤”,以防侧漏。

▷Bleeding through your underwear, pants, and onto a chair.鲜血染红了内裤、外裤和椅子。

▷Your manager loses count of how many times they've found you lying in a ball on the floor somewhere in the office.领导已经不记得多少次看到你在办公室倒地不起,蜷成一个球。


▷Deciding on a sleeping position requires strategic planning to make sure you don't move and bleed EVERYWHERE.需要运用各种策略考量以决定正确的睡姿,从而防止自己乱动、血流各处。

▷Woken up in a pool of your own blood.醒来躺在自己的血泊中。

▷Stood up after sitting for a while while on your period, causing a waterfall of blood.久坐后起身,血流成河。

▷Sneezed while on your period, causing a waterfall of blood.打个喷嚏,血流成河。


▷You ask your work bestie to spot-check your behind.让最要好的同事帮忙检查身后。

▷Had cramps so bad you vomited.痛经严重到会吐。

▷Felt uncontrollably sensitive, frustrated, or despondent on your period.感到无法控制的敏感、消沉、沮丧。


(来源:中国日报网双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、刘明)




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