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2024-07-11 23:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

SAE推出网联汽车网络架构安全指南 — J3061 发布时间:2016-02-24   作者:Terry Costlow 中文 英文原版 汽车互联功能不断发展的同时,也使车辆成为了网络攻击的潜在目标。

汽车互联可以给用户带来巨大便利,但同时也将汽车系统暴露在互联网所带来的负面风险之中,因此汽车生产商必须迅速采取措施,以确保车辆不会成为黑客攻击的受害者。SAE即将发布一份最佳做法(Best Practices) 建议,协助整车厂通过实施结构清晰的项目,以保证汽车在全生命周期中都可获得有效的保护。


SAE J3061推荐规程《信息物理汽车系统网络安全指南(Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems)》是首部针对汽车网络安全而制定的指导性文件。近日,SAE举行了一次网络研讨会,数位与会的SAE委员会成员参与探讨了一系列重要问题,包括规范相关标准及其在保护网联汽车安全方面的作用。




全球供应商ZF TRW公司高级技术专家、安全评估员及网络安全员Barbara Czerny表示,“(与网络安全有关的)潜在威胁众多,包括经济损失、知识产权盗用、汽车性能降低,以及商业运营受到影响等等。”








汽车咨询公司Horiba MIRA的功能性安全主管David Ward表示,“很多系统都有可能造成汽车发生意外加速等状况,网络安全系统也不例外。”




福特汽车公司车内系统安全专家Lisa Boran表示,“网络系统安全也必须考虑到车主变更的情况。作为整车厂,我们所制定的规划必须包含一个能够准确判断事件性质的响应机制。当此类事件发生时,所有人都应该知道需要通知哪些人员来处理相关问题。


SAEJ3061规程已于2016年1月发布,同时SAE相关委员会成员已经开始准备相关配套文件。例如,J3101号文件《路面车辆硬件保护措施的应用(Hardware Protected Security in Ground Vehicle Applications)》。设计团队可以采取一些措施,为车辆提供多重保护,比如将验证秘钥存储在微控制器的受保护区域中。


菲亚特克莱斯勒全球汽车网络安全策略师Bill Mazzara表示,“对硬件的安全防护,也可以帮助应对一些针对软件的威胁。”




网络安全系统一般采用纵深防御(Defense in Depth)技术,这样一来即使某层防御被突破,其他程序也能补上缺口。此外,分层防御还能保证问题发生时可以得到有效控制,不会迅速蔓延至车辆的其他系统。




在车辆的生命周期很长,而网络攻击的技术始终在发生变化,因而系统只有不断升级才能有效保持防御能力。美国国家高速公路安全局(简称NHTSA)电子系统安全研究部负责人Cem Hatipoglu表示,网络攻击信息的共享可以造福所有整车厂,帮助他们在遭受大规模攻击前及时发现威胁。
























Czerny说:“大多数组织都有成熟的流程架构,企业完全可以对其加以利用。网络安全和功能性安全是相互关联的,网络安全要进行威胁分析和风险评估,功能性安全也同样需要分析和风险评估。攻击树分析(Attack-tree Analysis)和故障树分析(Fault-tree Analysis)是非常相似的。”






作者:Terry Costlow


翻译:SAE 上海办公室

SAE security guideline set to provide structure for connected vehicles

Connectivity opens vehicle systems to the dark side of the Internet, forcing automakers to quickly develop strategies to ensure that they don’t join the litany of corporations hit by hack attacks. SAE is nearing the release of a best practices document that will help OEMs create structured programs that provide protection that will remain effective throughout vehicle lifetimes.

SAE Recommended Practice J3061, "Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems," is the first document tailored for vehicle cybersecurity. Several members of the committee recently participated in an SAE webinar to discuss the standard and its role in protecting connected vehicles.

The session covered the full scope of J3061. Spokespersons opened by highlighting the many motivating factors behind its creation.

“Potential impacts include finances, theft of intellectual property, vehicle performance can be compromised, and interference with business operations,” said Barbara Czerny, Senior Technical Specialist, Safety Assessor and Cybersecurity atZF TRW.

Security will be similar to factors like quality and safety that must be considered from the concept phase and beyond. That’s a tall order, since cyber security spans most vehicle systems. For example, attacks can focus on safety, infotainment, or other electronic systems.

Czerny noted that companies need to take an overarching systems-engineering approach to cyber security. Cyber assaults can impact safety-critical systems as well as other electronic controls. For example, a hacker may steal passwords or other personal information stored on the radio head unit. Potential impacts on safety will be a primary concern.

Though safety and cyber security will sometimes have little overlap, they will often be tightly intertwined. Safety systems may be a primary target for hackers who want to extort money from an OEM. Engineering teams that have focused only on hardware and software they put in the car will now have to think about ways that outsiders may alter the performance of critical vehicle functions like speed control.

“Hazards like unintended acceleration may involve several systems,” said David Ward, Head of Functional Safety at Horiba MIRA Ltd. “Cyber security may be the source of that issue.”

Cyber security systems need more flexibility than most other aspects of vehicle electronics. Threats will change over time, and preventive technologies will have to evolve to meet attacks by hackers throughout vehicle lifetimes. A comprehensive security strategy should address routine events as well as attack responses.

“Computer security must also consider what happens when vehicle ownership changes,” said Lisa Boran, Global Security Attribute Leader at Ford Motor Co. “Corporate plans should include an incident response plan that identifies incidents and makes sure they’re valid. Everyone should know which team members need to be informed about incidents.”

Though J3061 won’t be formally released until early in 2016, SAE committee members are already busy working on supporting documentation. For example, J3101 will address the growing need for "Hardware Protected Security in Ground Vehicle Applications." Steps such as storing authentication keys in protected areas on microcontrollers will help design teams add another layer of protection.

“Hardware protected security offers improved security against software-only threat vectors,” said Bill Mazzara, Fiat Chrysler Global Vehicle Cybersecurity Strategist.

Throughout the Webinar, speakers continually noted that cyber security must be built into the designs, not added on during the development cycle. They also noted that certification may not be beneficial in cyber security because it fosters a check-the-box mentality that won’t work well in the complex, ever-changing cyber security field.

Security programs will typically use defense in depth techniques so that, if one preventive measure fails, another will pick up the slack. Layered defenses also help ensure that any problems that occur are kept in check before they spread to other vehicle systems.

“No system can be 100% safe,” Czerny said. “Following a structured process helps reduce the likelihood of a successful attack. A well-structured process also provides a means to react to a constantly changing threat landscape.”

The changes in hacking techniques over the lifetime of a vehicle will force strategists to plan for updates. Cem Hatipoglu, Chief, Electronic Systems Safety Research Division, at NHTSA, noted that OEMs may benefit from sharing information on attacks. That could help automakers spot attacks before they spread throughout vehicle fleets.

“We encourage the vehicle industry to set up an information sharing and analysis center,” he said. “There’s a need to disseminate information on anomalies seen on one vehicle before there are issues with a lot of vehicles. If we wait until accidents happen, it will be too late. We need to find issues earlier.”

The need to monitor vehicles for years highlights the complexity of building flexible systems that can meet varying types of threats over long lifetimes. J3061 was therefore written as a best practices document, not a specification that tells developers what they must do.

“The standard is goal-based rather than prescriptive so companies can tailor their solutions to their requirements,” Czerny said.

Throughout the webinar, the J3061 developers stressed the similarities between the new SAE document and the ISO 26262 functional safety standard. Both ask design teams to find as many potential problems as possible, then take steps to eliminate or mitigate them. In both standards, the most dangerous issues should get the most attention.

“Risk includes detection and motivation,” Ward said. “The analysis of severity includes the amount of losses that can occur.”

However, there are noticeable differences. Foremost among them is that developers are the only humans involved in functional safety issues. The actions of hackers and even vehicle owners must be taken into account by those working in the cyber security world.

“Functional safety is very much based on hazards caused by malfunctioning systems, failures in hardware or software,” Ward said. “In cyber security, people need to consider malicious action and unintended actions; a curious owner may do something to the car, for example.”

When developers are analyzing vulnerabilities and potential threats, they need to rank them on both severity and likelihood of an incident that impacts some aspect of vehicle operations. They should also examine the amount of effort required to mount an assault.

“Determining the probability of a security threat is typically based on the probability of an attacker making an effective attack,” Ward said. “People need to look at the skill level that’s needed, whether the attackers needs detailed knowledge, or whether it’s based on things that are readily known.”

Many of the steps taken to determine the level of risk are similar to the processes used to meet functional safety requirements. Webinar speakers noted that there are many similarities with the ISO 26262 methodologies. Design teams can figure out potential vulnerabilities and eliminate or mitigate them, then run through the analysis processes again.

Utilizing existing processes to set up cyber security programs will save plenty of time and improve results. Both quality programs and functional safety processes can be used to help build the base for baking security into designs.

“Most organizations have process frameworks established; companies can leverage this,” Czerny said. “Cyber security and functional safety are related activities. Cyber security has threat analysis and risk assessment versus hazard analysis and risk assessment for functional safety. Attack-tree analysis and fault-tree analysis are similar.”

Speakers noted that any new programs for security can’t reduce the effectiveness of existing processes.

“If you don’t have an established quality process, what you put on top of it won’t be reliable,” Ward said. “Companies need to have a quality management process in place.” Author: Terry Costlow Source: SAE Automotive Engineering Magazine



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作者:Terry Costlow 行业:汽车 主题:电气电子与航空电子




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