【美食英语】看懂英语食谱好简单 煎、煮、炒、炸的英语一次了解!

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【美食英语】看懂英语食谱好简单 煎、煮、炒、炸的英语一次了解!

2024-07-13 03:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



文/ Sue

校对/ Westia Sun


"美食" 是一个超级棒的破冰主题。但常常听到一个食物的名称,










备料(Preparation) chop 切丝、剁 → chop onions 将洋葱切丝dice 切丁 → dice a carrot 将红萝卜切丁fillet 切片 → fillet a pork tenderloin 将猪里肌切片slice 切薄片 → slice smoked salmon 将烟熏三文鱼切成薄片julienne 切成细丝 → julienne cabbage 将卷心菜切成细丝mince 切成碎末 → minced onions 洋葱碎末shred 切碎 → shred cheese 碎芝士grate 磨成丝状或粉状 → grated cheese 芝士粉grind 绞碎 → ground meat 绞肉

(补充:在这里是将 grind 的过去分词 ground 当作形容词用喔!)

shave 削 → shave carrots 将红萝卜削皮peel 剥皮 → peel an orange 剥橘子皮scale 去鳞 → scale a fish 把鱼去鳞core 去核 → core an apple 将苹果去核trim 切除不要的部分 → trim off the fat 切除脂肪stuff 填装 → stuff dumplings with meat 将肉填进饺子里drain 沥干 → drain canned beans 将豆子罐头的汁水沥干





烹调(cook) boil 水煮(滚水) → boil beans 水煮豆子blanch 焯水 → blanch a tomato to peel its skin 番茄焯水后剥皮braise 熬煮 → braise gravy 熬煮肉汁poach 水煮 → poached egg 水煮荷包蛋simmer 煨、小火熬煮 → simmer pork in vegetable soup 蔬菜汤煨猪肉stew 炖 → stew chicken 炖鸡肉steam 蒸 → steam a lobster 蒸龙虾sweat 炒煮出水分 → sweat onions 将洋葱炒软煮出汁液saute 嫩煎 → saute a salmon 煎三文鱼 fry 炒 → fried rice 炒饭pan-fry 煎炒 → pan-fry beef 炒牛肉stir-fry 快炒 → stir-fry vegetable 快炒蔬菜deep-fry 油炸 → deep-fry floured chicken 油炸(裹粉)鸡肉barbecue 炭火烧烤 → barbecue the meat 炭烤牛肉grill 火烤(用烤架烤) → grill lamb ribs 火烤羊小排roast 烘烤(热源来自四面八方) → roast a chicken at 300 degrees for an hour 用(烤箱)300 度(华氏)烤鸡肉一小时broil 烤(热源来自上方) → broil a chicken 烤鸡肉smoke 烟熏 → smoke fish 熏鱼 处理食物的手法 strain 沥出 → strain gravy 沥出肉汁skim 撇去液体表面的漂浮物 → skim the grease from a soup 将汤上的浮油捞掉stir 搅拌 → stir the soup in a pot 搅拌锅子里的汤flip 翻面 → flip a pancake 将松饼翻面marinate 腌泡 → marinate pork in vinegar and white wine 用白酒和醋腌肉soak 浸泡 → soak green beans 浸泡绿豆pickle 腌渍 → pickle cabbage 腌渍卷心菜squeeze 榨 → squeeze a lemon 榨柠檬汁mash 捣碎 → mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥crush 压碎 → crush a clove of garlic 压碎一瓣大蒜puree 弄成酱状 → puree tomatoes in a food processor 用食物处理机将番茄打成酱状bread 裹上面包粉 → bread oysters 将牡蛎裹上面包粉thicken 勾芡 → thicken the soup with flour 在汤里加入面粉勾芡season 调味 → season a chicken with hot spices 在鸡肉上洒上辣粉调味glaze 淋上糖浆 → glazed carrots 蜜红萝卜baste 淋(酱汁) → baste the turkey with its juice 将肉汁淋上火鸡肉dip 稍加浸泡、沾酱 → dip a shrimp into vinegar 将虾子沾一下醋spread 涂 → spread bread with butter 在面包上涂奶油sprinkle 洒 → sprinkle pepper on the steak 洒一些胡椒到牛排上brush 刷 → brush some oil 刷一点油



Sweet and Vinegar Spare Ribs(糖醋排骨) Ingredients(食材) Pork spareribs 600 g 肋排 600 克Spinach 300 g 菠菜 300 克Spring onion 2 葱 2 条Ginger 3 slices 姜 3 片Star anise 1 八角 1 颗Cinnamon 1 small piece 桂皮 1 小片 Seasoning(调味料) Soy sauce 4 tbsp 酱油 4 茶匙Wine 3 tbsp 红酒 3 茶匙Rock sugar 2 tbsp 冰糖 2 茶匙Vinegar 2 tbsp 醋 2 茶匙 Method(做法)

1. Chop the spareribs into 3 cm cubes.

Blanch in boiling water until the color changes. Remove and wash.

将排骨剁成 3 厘米的小段,焯水,待排骨变色后捞出、洗净。

2. Heat the oil in the pan; saute ginger slices and onion sections.

Add spare ribs, star anise and seasoning.

Stir fry for a while. Add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Then simmer for 1.5 hours.


注入 2 杯水,煮滚后改以小火烧煮1个半小时。

3. When spareribs are tender and gravy almost dry up, set in a dish.




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