中英双语话中国旅游 第35期:哈尔滨冰雪世界主要景点与周边名胜

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中英双语话中国旅游 第35期:哈尔滨冰雪世界主要景点与周边名胜

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Major Scenic Sites


1 .Sun Island Scenic Area


Being famous both home and abroad,the Sun Isiand Scenic Area lies on the north bank of the Songhua River. This dainty area surrounded by boasts crystal lakes,wooden rockeries,beautiful flowers and exotic buildings.In summer,the comfortable weather makes it the first choice to avoid summer heat,and in winter, the spot is a paradise for ice-snow travel. Every year,the Harbin ternational Snow Sculpture Art Expo held here exhibits enthralling ice or snow sculptures and architectures,attracting thousands of visitors.

驰名海内外的太阳岛风景区坐落于松花江北岸。全岛l碧水环抱。岛上有水晶湖、木质假山、美阴的鲜花和有着异川情调的建筑, 是夏季最佳的避暑胜地,冬季冰雪旅行的天堂。哈尔滨的冰雕艺术展每年在此在此举办,迷人的冰大雕刻和建筑吸引了数以万计的游客。

Covering an area of 3 800 hectares(9 390acres),this scenic area consists of the Sun Island and some other small islands. The area,with more than twenty scenic spots,can be divided into three parts. Animals' world is located in the north and west. The centre of the garden is featured by flowers,lakes and ice-snow beauty. And in the south, ice and snow series,exotic Russian series,a gallery and a memorial garden can be found. The amazing Sun Gate is composed of five white ellipse gates,with four small gates on the sides and a big one in the center. In front of the gate lies the symbol of the scenery-a tremendous stone named the Sun Stone.

太阳岛占地3 800公顷( 9 390英亩),由太阳岛和其他一此小岛屿组成。景区有二十多个景点,大致分为个部分动物世界位于酉北部,公园的中心以花、湖和秀丽的冰雪为特色。南部有冰雪系列、俄罗斯异国风情系列、画廊和纪念庭院。令人,凉异的太阳门有五个自色的椭圆门、四个偏门和一个位于中问的大门组成。门前摆放着风景区的标志——一块叫做太阳石的巨石。 The Deer Garden,the Swan Lake and the Squirrel Island in the north and west cmake the zone an animal's world. The Deer Garden is like a natural painting: some spotted deer run or walk on the slope while the others drink water from the stream. Facilities like slides,swings and the labyrinth lead children to a wonderland .In the Squirrel Island,visitors can feed the lovely squirrels in person.Near the Squirrel Island,elegant black swans,whooper swans,tundra swans mandarin ducks,swan geese and other aquatic birds are fostered in the Swan Lake. With a man-made karst cave,the flying Sun Waterfall is near the paradise of animals 位于西北部的鹿园、天鹅湖和松鼠岛组成了一个动物世界。鹿园就像是一个自然的画卷,一些鹿在奔跑,一些鹿在悠闲地散步,另一些在小溪旁饮水。滑梯、秋千和迷宫这些娱乐设施能够引领孩子们进人一个绝妙的境地.在松鼠岛,游客可以亲自喂那些可爱的松鼠吃食。在松鼠岛附近的天鹅湖里,喂养着优雅的黑天鹅、大天鹅、寒带天鹅、鸳鸯和其他的一些水禽。动物的天堂附近有一个人造的洞口,太阳瀑布飞流直下。 Interestingly,the Flower Garden near the Sun Gate is divided into twelve parts according to the signs of the zodiac. Walking clockwise from north to south,every visitor can find out his own constellation in the garden. Twelve breeds of cloves in the Clove Garden blossom from May to July,driving birds to sing for them. 有趣的是,太阳门附近的鲜花园按照黄道十二官被划分成十二个部分。从北向南按顺时针方向走,每个游客在庭院里都会找到自己的星座。丁香园里种植的十二种丁香花从五月到七月一直是鲜花盛开,吸引了很多鸟儿来这里高歌。

The Ice Sculpture Garden recaptures many awarded works in the Harhin International Snow Sculpture Art Expo.With an area of 5000 square meters(1 .23 acres),the Ice and Snow Art Hall is the largest indoor one world. Exquisitely carved snow and ice works can be appreciated even in hot summer. Ice and Snow Culture Exhibition Hall provides detailed information for those who are fond of snow and ice.

冰雕园再出了许多曾在哈尔滨国际冰雕艺术节上的获奖作品。冰雪艺术厅占地5 000平方米(1.2英亩),是世界上最大的一个室内展厅。即使在炎热的夏季也可以欣赏到精美绝伦的冰雕作品。冰雪文化展厅为冰雪迷们提供了详细的信息。 The picturesque Cloud water Gloriette is a must see scenery spot. This gloriette relies on the Sun Lake and has two storeys on the water. In the gloriette,visitors get a whole view of the lake and the Sun Hill while breeze gently brushes their faces. In the center of the Sun Island,five lakes surround an isle and connect the Sun Hill. Weeping willows and the gloriette reflect in the clear water,making the area more charming.Near the Cloud-water Gloriette visitors can enjoy the Japanese flavor in the Harbin-Niigata Friendship Garden.This garden is a typical Japanese courtyard featured by streams and a wooden bridge,blooming with flowers in spring and being quiet and graceful in summer. 美丽如画的水阁云天是必去的景点。水阁云天是一座依太阳湖而建的两层水面建筑。游客在此可以一览太阳湖和太阳山全貌,并且可以享受微风拂面的惬意。在太阳岛中心,五湖环绕一岛并与太阳山相连。垂柳和水阁云天倒映在清澈的湖水中,使得整个景区更加迷人。在水阁云天附近,游客可以在哈尔滨新宿友谊园里感受日本风情。这是一个典型的日本庭院,以小溪和木桥为特色,春季鲜花盛开,夏季安静优美。 Exotic Russian series are situated in the south of the Sun Island. Dining in the Russian restaurant,strolling on the Russian style streets and buying some craftworks are unexpected surprise for visitors. The Russian Artist Village shows Russian paintings while a gallery near the Ice and Snow Culture Exhibition Hall displays Chinese paintings. As the largest private collection exhibition hall in China,the Russian Art Exhibition Hall presents many pieces of Russian artworks. Visitors can watch Russian films and dances and listen to the Russian songs in the Russian Royal Golden Theater. In summer,travelers can swim in the Songhua River,and sunbathe or have a picnic on the beach near the scenic area. In winter,skating and playing ice hockey are both good choices. 异国风情的俄罗斯系列位于太阳岛的南部,在俄罗斯饭店用完餐后,漫步在俄罗斯风格的大街上,购买一些手工艺品,都会给游客带来意想不到的惊喜. 俄罗斯画家村陈列着一些俄国绘画作品,而冰雪文化展厅附近的展览馆则展出了一些中国的绘画作品。作为中国最大的私人收藏展厅,俄罗斯艺术展馆展出了许多俄罗斯艺术作品。游客在俄罗斯皇家金色剧院里可以欣赏俄罗斯电影,唱俄罗斯歌,跳俄罗斯舞。夏季时节,游客可以在松花江游泳,在景区附近的沙滩上晒日光浴、野餐。冬天,滑冰和打冰球是不错的选择。

2. Central Street


Known as the“Eastern Moscow",Harbin has always been regarded as a unique and exotic city. The most exotic place in Harbin is Central Street. As a new comer to Harbin without any idea of where to go。be sure to start your journey at‘Central Street’.This long corridor of European architectural art is the pride of Harbin. It provides an enthralling destination which abounds with history,attractiin tourists from home and abroad.

哈尔滨素有“东方莫斯科”之称,是个独特的、具有异域风情的城市。而中央大街又是哈尔滨最具异国情调的地方。初来哈尔滨不知道该去哪儿的游客一定要去逛逛中央大街。这条长长的充满欧式建筑艺术的大街是每一个哈尔滨人的骄傲。它是一个历史悠久的胜地,吸引着海内外的游客。 The construction of the Central Street began in 1898.It was called the Chinese Street at its early age and gained its present name in the late 1920s. Originally,the street was opened up by carts used to transport railway supplies. In May,1924,the Central Street was floored with square stones according to a Russian engineer's design. 中央大街的建设始于1898年,起初叫中国街,20世纪20年代后期更名为现在的名字。起初,大街是用于两轮货车运送铁路物资的。1924年3月,中央人街按照俄罗斯工程师的设计铺上了花岗岩地砖。 Since then it has become a rendezvous of numerous foreign shops,hotels,and bars.Russian leather, British woolen cloth,French perfume,German medicine and plenty more can be found in this fashionable street. In 1997,Harbin government appointed the street as a pedestrian street,which added greater charm to this enchanting location 从那以后,它就变成了许多外国商店、旅馆和酒吧的集结地。俄罗斯的皮革、英国的羊毛布料、法国香水、德国医药等都可以在这条时尚的大街上找到。1997年,哈尔滨市政府命名这条街为步行街,又给这个迷人的地方增添了极大的魅力。 Nowadays,with a total length of 1450 meters (1 586 yards),the Central Street reflects a variety of European style buildings. In total,there are 71 works,some of which are replicas reflecting the European style of architecture. Examples of the Renaissance through to the Baroque Period as well as the Eclecticism to the Modern School can be seen in 13 of these buildings. 中央大街全长1 450米(1586码)现如今的中央大街反映了欧式风格建筑的多样化。全大街建有欧式及仿欧式建筑71栋,并汇集了文艺复兴、巴洛克、拆衷主义及现代多种风格市级保护建筑13栋。 The present Jiaoyu Bookstore(Education Bookstore)is the biggest form of Baroque architecture in Harbin and also the mark of the Central Street. The Mod一Er Hotel(formerly the Modern Hotel)and the Daoliqiulin Shop,built in 1906 and 1919respectively,are fine examples of Art Nouveau architecture. The Fuer Shop(Women and Children's Shop)in 1917 was the former Xiehe Bank. This building reflects classic Renaissance architecture. There are many other exotic and appealing constructions there. All of them are well preserved and continuously play an important role in people's daily life. 现在,大街上的教育书店是哈尔滨现存最大的巴洛克风格建筑,也是中央大街的标志性建筑。妇女儿童用品商店在1917年时曾为协和银行, 是古典的文艺复兴时期建筑。此外,还有许多具有异国风情的迷人建筑。所有的建筑都保存完好,在居民的日常生活中也起到重要的作用。 The Central Street is a junction where both Harbin's modern and historical civilizations can be seen. It interprets the city perfectly and has witnessed the most brilliant European cultural development for 300 years. 中央大街是哈尔滨现代文明和历史文明的连接点。它完美地诊释了这个城市并且亲眼目睹了300多年欧洲文化的繁荣发展。 As one of the longest pedestrian streets in Asia,whenever visitors come there, it will open up to them its charming vistas with its profound culture. It has been a comprehensive recreational place combining tourist pleasure with shopping excitewent,and annually attracts thousands of visitors. 中央大街作为亚洲最长的步行街之一,每当游客到来时,它都会迷人地展示它那深远的文化。它是一个集旅游和购物于一体的综合性娱乐场所,年年都吸引着数以万计的游客。

3. Siberian Tiger Park


As the natural environment becomes worse,many creatures are endangered and some have died out. The Siberian tiger is considered endangered. It is the targest fetid in the world and is known as the King of the Forest. In the 1980s,it was listed as one of the first-class national protected animals of China. To preserve this valuable species,the Siberian Tiger Park was built in 1996.

由于自然环境变得越来越糟,许多动物都濒临灭绝。东北虎的境况也同样如此。东北虎乃是世界最大的猫科动物,被誉为森林之王.1980年被列为国家一级保护动物。为了保护此类稀有动物,1996年建造了东北虎林园。 The park is located on the north bank of the Songhua River to the northwest of Harbin,occupying an area of 1 440 000 square meters(355.8 acres).It is the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world at present. The park enjoys a favorable foundation for ecotourism and splendid scenery and it is an ideal place for holiday and leisure. There are over 500 purebred Siberian tigers here,with 100 visible to visitors. In addition,visitors can also see white tigers,lions, lynx,leopards,and black pumas as well as Bengali tigers. 该园位于哈尔滨西北松花江北岸,占地1440 000平方米(355. 8英亩),是目前世界上最大的保护野生东北虎的天然公园。该园具备生态旅游的基础,风景优美,是休闲娱乐的理想去处一这儿有500只纯种东北虎,其中100只可供游人观看。此外,游客还能看到白虎、狮子、猞猁、美洲豹、黑色美洲狮和孟加拉虎。 It is a large park divided into ten areas,including the young tiger area,the mature tiger area, the king tiger area,a walking area and a platform for viewing the tigers. Unlike common zoos,the Siberian Tiger Park exchanges the roles of visitors and animals. Except in the walking area and the platform for viewing the tigers,tourists must take a bus encircled by wire mesh to all the other scenic spots while the tigers roarn freely in the fields. 这个大公园被划分为十个区域,包括幼虎园、育成虎园、成虎区、虎王园、步行区和观虎台。和普通的动物园不同,在东北虎园里,游客和动物的角色交换了。除了在步行区和观虎台外,游客都必须乘坐用铁丝网包围的巴士,而老虎则在公园里自由自在地行走。 The mature tiger area has an area of 360000 square meters(89 acres)with 30 unruly Siberian tigers wandering there. The tigers in this area are all about 7 or 8 years old. And in the young tiger area,there are over 40 young lovely,active tigers about 2 years old. Visitors can see them playing and fighting with each other in a pool nearby. Some even younger tigers are kept in the walking area,snuggling together. The park also houses some lions which coexist peacefully with the tigers. 成虎区占地360 000平方米(89英亩),生活着30只野生东北虎。这些老虎大约7 ,8岁。在幼虎区,有大约40只活泼可爱的幼虎,大约两岁左右。游客可以在附近的水池边观看它们游玩嬉戏。有些幼虎其至在步行区喂养。公园里还饲养了一些狮子,这些狮子可以和老虎和平相处。 For visitors who love to see exciting activities,the Siberian Tiger Park is also a perfecfi place. In addition to viewing the tigers walking leisurely in the open-air,visitors can buy poultry or animals to feed them .including ducks、chickens,and even cows. Park employees will set the living animal free among the tigers,and visitors can see the unique live action of tigers preying upon it. 对于喜欢看刺激表演的游客来说,东北虎林园是一个理想的去处。除了观看老虎在户外悠闲地散步外,游客还可以买些家禽或动物如鸭子、鸡等甚至是奶牛去喂它们。公园的工作人员公给老虎放活食,游客就可以观看老虎捕捉活食的实况。 In addition,there is a free Popular Science Exhibition Hall in the Siberian Park. In the exhibition hall, people can see information on tigers in pictures samples as well as in words. 此外,东北虎林园还有免费的大众科学展览厅,在展厅内,人们可以在图片、标本和文字中了解老虎的相关信息。

4.St. Sophia Church


Sophia Church in Harbin is the largest Eastern Orthodox Church in the Far East. It is 53.3 meters(175 feet)high and occupies an area of 721 square meters(0. 18 acres).In November,1996,it was listed as one of the Key Cultural Relics under State Protection. Half a year later, the Harbin City government repaired it and renamed it as Harbin Art Gallery. It is a respectable landmark for Harbiners and for tourism.

哈尔滨的圣索非亚大教堂是远东地区最大的东正教堂。整座建筑高53. 3米( 175英尺),占地721平方米(0. 18英亩)。1996年I1月,它被列为国家重点文物保护单位。半年后,哈尔滨市政府对一它进行了修复并将其更名为哈尔滨艺术馆。它是哈尔滨旅游业的一个标志性建筑。 St. Sophia Church has a complex history. Shortly after the Boxer Rebellion。the Russian built the church of timber in March, 1907. Then,the Russian rebuilt it using masonry and timber four years later. The onset of a second reconstruction by Russian was marked on September 23rd,1923,and a ceremony was held to celebrate laying the corner stone. It was completed on November 25th,1932,after nine years,and was hailed as a monumental work of art. 圣索非亚大教堂历史较为复杂。义和团运动(1H99一1901 )后下久,俄国人于1907年3月建造了这座木质教堂。四年之后,俄国人又用砖石和木材重新建造了这座教堂。第二次动工建造的日期为1923年9月23日,并举行了奠基仪式。整个建筑于1932年11月25 日竣工,历时长达达9年。这座建筑被誉为终有纪念意义的艺术成果。 The Byzantine style church is so beautiful,it is said to look as if it had been made by God's hands. In fact,St. Saphia means ‘God's wisdom.Having a Latin cross footprint,the church's original shape was preserved during reconstruction. The church has four floors and is accessible by a door on each side. Until the 1960's,the bell tower over the entrance housed 7 bells of different sizes and tones. 这座拜占庭式的教堂看上去非常美丽,据说就像出自上帝之手。事实上,圣索非亚正是意味着“上帝的智慧”。在重建期间,教堂的原始形状破保存了下。教堂有四层,每一面都有一个门可以进入。到了60年代,入口处的钟楼上安置了7个不同大小和不同音调的钟。 When there were religious festivals in the past,a well-trained ringer would play musical progressions,tolling the bells with ropes tied to his hands and feet.The bells resounded to the skies. 在过去,每当有宗教节日的时候,一个训练有素的鸣钟人用拴在手脚上的绳子来鸣钟来演奏音乐,钟声咧彻天空。 By the 1990's,St. Sophia had undergone considerable decline. The church no longer was in use,and residential apartments and office buildings surrounded it. Magnificent Russian painted murals that adorned the church's arched walls were destroyed out of recognition. 到了90年代,圣索非亚急剧衰退。教堂荒废了,周围建起了大片的公寓和办公楼。宏伟的的俄国壁画由于在修饰教堂拱形墙雌时没有被识别出来而被毁于一旦。 While in 1997,the Harbin government under took to undo the decades of deterioration. But as the original Russian murals were lost completely, they were replaced by topically new murals depicting the architectural history of the Harbin tommunity. And crosses that were removed in six places were replaced. Now,the murals,pendent lamps,dome and the bell tower are restored to their original splendor. 然而在1997年,哈尔滨政府政对其进行了修复。由于原来的俄国壁画已经完个丢失。因此用了描绘哈尔滨社区建筑发展史的新壁画来代替。并且,六个被拿掉的十字架也被放回原版。现在,壁画、吊灯、圆顶和钟楼已被修复,已经恢复了它们昔日的光彩。

Other Attractions Around the Place


Yabuli International Ski Resort

亚布力国际滑雪旅游度假区 The Yabuli International Ski Resort,the biggest and best ski resort in China,is 200 kilometers(124 miles)east of Harbin and 120 kilometers(75 miles)west of Mudanjiang in Shangzhi City,Heilongjiang Province. During the Qing Dynasty (1644一1911),the resort was the hunting ground for feudal lords. 亚布力国际旅游度假区是中国最大、条件最好的滑雪胜地。该度似区位于哈尔滨以东200公里(124英里),在黑龙江省尚态市牡月江西120公里(75英里)处。清朝期间曾经是满清贵族的狩猎场所。 The resort provides great skiing with high mountains and good snow.local skiers enjoy the high elevation and the fact that the snow is neither too hard nor too powdery. The lowest temperature is-47.2F. Because of the high elevation,snow falls for a long period of about 170 days.The period from November to late March of the next year is the best time to ski at Yabuli Ski Resort 亚布力雪山山高林密,雪质优良,硬度适中。最低温度-47.2·F。由于海拔高,每年下雪的日子长达170天。十一月到三月底是滑雪的最好时期。 The ski resort includes two distinctive areas:the competitive section and the leisure skiing section. The alpine competitive skiing section reaches an altitude of 1374 meters(approx. 4 508 feet).Built according to international standard,this section provides an excellent environment for professional skiers. In the leisure skiing section,the highest altitude is only about 1 000 meters(approx. 3 281 feet), and the area provides a comparatively safe environment for leisure skiing.There is also a German built slide where tourists skiing on the enjoy sliding down from the top of the snowy mountain. Doing skiing on the slide is easy and safe,bringing visitors a thrilling experience. 滑雪胜地分为两个区:比赛区和休闲区。高山雪道海拔1 374米(大约4508英尺),按照国际标准建立 , i亥区为专业滑雪者提供了’优良的环境。在休闲区,最高海拔大约只有I 000米(大约3,281英尺),为休闲人士提供了一个相对安全的环境。这里还有一个德国滑道,游客可以从雪山顶上滑下。在滑道上滑雪相对容易,安全性高一些,可以让游客有一感到刺激的体验。 Yabuli Ski Resort is the biggest training center for aipme sKiers and mountain tain hosts of many professional skiing competitions. In 1996 the 3rd Winter Asian Games was held here along with numerous the National Winter Games and other national and provincial competitions. 亚布力滑雪胜地是最大的高山滑雪训练基地,也是许多专业滑雪比赛的举办地。第三届冬季亚运会在这里举行,随后还有多次全国冬季运动会, 全国和全省其他比赛也在此举行。 Besides skiing,visitors can also take advantage of the other enterrainmenl facilities at the resort,such as the mini golf course,tennis court, turf courts,hot-airballoons,para-gliders among others. The combination of activities, the beautiful forest and comfortable facilities offer tourists a relaxing and fun vacation. In winter,the ski resort is a fantastic place for skiers;in summer tourists can escape the heat and enjoy fun outdoor activities. All year round the resort offers beautiful scenery. 除了滑雪,游客还可以享用滑雪场里其他的娱乐没施,如迷你高尔夫球场、网球场、赛马场、热气球、巴拉滑翔机等这里各种精彩的活动、美丽的森林和舒适的设施可以让游客度过一个轻松有趣的假期。在冬季,滑雪度假区是滑雪者的一个首选地;在夏季,游客可以来此避署,并享受有趣的户外活动。滑雪场地一年四季如春。




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