【A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵】经典台词

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【A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵】经典台词

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【A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵】经典台词

时间:2017-01-12 09:33:35  来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

   本片是关于20世纪伟大数学家小约翰•福布斯-纳什的人物传记片。    小约翰•福布斯-纳什(拉塞尔•克劳)在念研究生时,便发表了著名的博弈理论,该理论虽只有短短26页,却在经济、军事等领域产生了深远的影响。但就在小约翰•福布斯-纳什蜚声国际时,他的出众直觉因为精神分裂症受到困扰,然而这并没阻止他向学术上的最高层进军的步伐,在深爱他的妻子艾丽西亚(珍妮弗•康纳利)的鼓励和帮助下,他走得虽然艰缓,却始终没有停步,而最终,凭借十几年的不懈努力和顽强意志,他如愿以偿。

1. In competitive behavior someone always loses.  在竞赛行为中总有人要输的。  2. With a breakthrough of this magnitude, I’m confident you will get any placement you like.  由于你做出如此重大的突破,我相信你可以去任何你想去的地方。  3. Great deeds come at great cost.  要有牺牲才能完成伟业。  4. Nothing’s ever for sure.  天下没有打包票的事。  5. -Alicia: How big is the universe?  -Nash: Infinite.  -Alicia: How do you know?  -Nash: I know because all the data indicate it.  -Alicia: But it hasn't been proven yet?  -Nash: No.  -Alicia: You haven't seen it.  -Nash: No.  -Alicia: How do you know for sure?  -Nash: I don't, I just believe it.  -Alicia: It's the same with love, I guess. Now, the part that you don't know is if I want to marry you.  -那你说宇宙有多大?  -无限大。  -你怎么知道?  -我知道是因为所有的资料都这样显示。  -但是还没有证明,对吗?  -没错。  -你还没见过。  -没错。  -你怎么能肯定呢?  -我不能肯定,我只是相信。  -嗯。我猜这跟爱也一样。现在,你不知道的那部分就是我愿不愿意嫁给你。  6. Everything’s gonna be all right.  所有的事都会水落石出的。  7. Imagine, if you had suddenly learned that the people and the places and the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse. Had never been. What kind of hell would that be?  想象看,如果你突然发现,你身边最重要的那些人、事以及让你珍惜的时刻,并没有消失,也没有死去,却是更糟的,他们都不是真的,你想那会是多么可怕?  8. I think often what I feel is obligation. Or guilt over wanting to leave. Rage against John, against God and…But then I look at him and I force myself to see the man that I married. And he becomes that man. He's transformed into someone that I love. And I'm transformed into someone who loves him. It's not all the time, but it's enough.  我常在想,有时我觉得这是一种义务。有时为曾想离开他而感到内疚,甚至有时候会对约翰和上帝感到愤怒,但是,当注视着他,把他想象成我心目中的白马王子时,渐渐的他就变了,变成我所深爱的人,而我也变成深爱他的人。虽然不是时常发生,但也足够了。  9. You need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.  你要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的。  10. No, they're not gone. And maybe they never will be. But I've gotten used to ignoring them and I think as a result they've kind of given up on me.  不,他们仍在这里。说不定永远不会消失。但是我已经习惯不理会他们了,而他们也有点儿想放弃我。  11. They're my past. Everybody's haunted by their past.  他们是我的过去,其实每个人都被过去所缠绕。  12. I've always believed in numbers, in the equations and logics that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, "What truly is logic? Who decides reason?" My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.  我一直以来都坚信数字,不管是方程还是逻辑都引导我们去思考。但是在如此追求了一生后,我问自己:“逻辑到底是什么?谁决定原由?”我的探索让我从形而下到形而上,最后到了妄想症,就这样来回走了一趟。在事业上我有了重大突破,在生命中我也找到了最重要的人:只有在这种神秘的爱情方程中,才能找到逻辑或原由来。今晚我能站在这儿全是你的功劳,你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素。谢谢你!  13. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.  你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素。  14. Forgive me, I'm just always suspicious of new people.  请原谅我,我只是对生人有些怀疑。 


本文链接:https://www.pinghe.com/study/Reading/ialogue/2017-01-12/690.html 更多内容 【Once Upon a Time in America 美国往事】经典台词 2017-01-12 【Pulp Fiction 低俗小说】经典对白 2017-01-11 【12 Angry Men 十二怒汉】经典台词 2017-01-11 【Witness for the Prosecution 控方证人】经典对白 2017-01-11 【Se7en 七宗罪】经典台词 2017-01-10




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