
您所在的位置:网站首页 罪英语怎么说 “帮别人顶罪、背黑锅”英文怎么说?


2023-12-29 19:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. take the rap: to be blamed and punished for a crime or a mistake, even if you did not do it

备注:''take the rap''常用于口语中。


take the rap for

I'm not going to take the rap for management's mistakes. (我才不要为管理层的失误买单。)

The police will make sure someone takes the rap for this, and they don't care who it is. (警方肯定会找个人出来认罪,至于是哪个人来认罪他们无所谓。)


2. carry the can: to be the only person blamed and punished for something that is someone else's fault as well as your own

备注:''carry the can''常用于英式英语口语中。


Alan's senior colleagues decided to let him carry the can. (公司前辈决定让阿伦背黑锅、一力承担。)

carry the can for

He has been left to carry the can for a decision he didn't make. (这个决定不是他下的,却让他背黑锅。)


3. take the fall: to be blamed and punished for a mistake or a crime, even if you did not do it

备注:''take the fall''常用于美式英语口语中。


He won't go to jail. He'll get one of his associates to take the fall. (他不会坐牢的,他会找个合伙人出来背黑锅。)

If you think I'm going to take the fall for the scandal just to protect the Senator, you're crazy. (如果你觉得我会帮议员背黑锅、把丑闻揽上身,你脑子就不正常。)



1. scapegoat: someone who is unfairly blamed or punished for something, because people want to see that someone is blamed or punished for it


The captain was just a scapegoat. The real villains were the people in charge of the shipping company. (船长只是个替罪羊,真正的幕后黑手是船务公司的老板们。)

She believed she had been made a scapegoat for what happened. (她觉得她一定是做了替罪羊了。)


2. fall guy: someone who is punished for someone else's crime or mistake, because people have deliberately made it look as if he or she is responsible

备注:''fall guy''常用于美式英语口语中。


Brown claims that the company was simply looking for a fall guy. (布朗说公司只是要找个替罪羊出来。)

He made it clear he does not intend to be the fall guy. (他说得很清楚他不打算成为替罪羊。)



1. shift the blame:


shift the blame onto sb

You can't always shift the blame onto your secretary. (你不能出了事就老把问题推到秘书身上。)

shift the blame for sth

Lawyers for the doctor have tried to shift the blame for the child's death onto the parents. (院方的律师想把导致孩子死亡的责任推到孩子父母身上。)


2. pass the buck: to try to blame someone else for a problem at work that you are responsible for

备注:''pass the buck''常用于口语中。


You were in charge of that project, so don't try to pass the buck. (你是这个项目的负责人,别想推卸责任。)

pass the buck to sb

It was his mistake but he tried to pass the buck to another manager. (这是他自己的错,但他却想把责任推给另一个经理。)





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