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PowerEsim - 免费 开关电源设计软件 开关变压器设计软件 计算及仿真工具 PowerEsim是免费开关电源/开关变压器设计软件,该软件具有制造商和产品数据库/列表、开关变换器的拓扑结构、电路分析、开关电源变压器设计、变压器设计、电磁设计软件、变压器/电感仿真计算软件、DVT分析、热分析、MTBF分析、寿命分析、蒙特卡洛分析等功能。 PowerEsim一个开关电源软件,开关电源设计软件,开关电源设计,开关变压器软件,开关变压器设计,变压器设计软件,开关变压器设计仿真工具 变压器设计步骤 变压器设计 变压器设计学习资料 如何学习设计变压器 反激变压器设计 变压器设计原理 开关电源设计 开关变压器设计 开关电源仿真软件 电源设计 如何减少电磁干扰 变压器EMI电磁干扰理论 电源EMI电磁干扰计算 电磁相容(Electromagnetic Interference, EMC) 电磁干扰(Electromagnetic compatibility, EMI) 拉氏变换 z变换 拉氏变换z变换 Laplace transform Laplace and Z Transforms laplace to z transform conversion S-Z Conversion S-Z Transformation z-transform s to Z-Domain Transfer Function 变压器的电磁干扰 降低变压器电磁干扰的四种方法 (一)、金属外壳须接地 (二)、降低输入阻抗 (三)、注意电源变压器安装方式 (四)、增强高频抗干扰能力

减少电磁干扰 电源的电磁干扰技术 开关电源工作在高频开关状态,内部会产生很高的电流、电压变化率,导致开关电源产生较强的电磁干扰。 形成电磁干扰的三要素是干扰源、传播途径和受扰设备。因而,抑制电磁干扰应从这三方面人手。抑制干扰源、消除干扰源和受扰设备之间的耦合和辐射、提高受扰设备的抗扰能力,从而改善开关电源的电磁兼容性能的目的。 采用滤波器抑制电磁干扰 无源滤波技术 有源滤波技术 屏蔽技术和接地技术 PCB设计技术 扩频调制技术 一次整流电路中加功率因数校正(PFC)网络 电磁干扰及其抑制方法 系统要发生电磁兼容性问题电磁干扰,必须具备三个因素,即电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备。所以,在解决电磁干扰问题时,要从这三个因素人手,对症下药,消除其中某一个因素,就能解决电磁兼容问题。对新研制的电子产品,应该从设计开始阶段就考虑电磁兼容问题,进行电磁兼容设计。常用的有效的方法有:接地技术、屏蔽技术、滤波技术。本文主要深入详尽的探讨屏蔽技术在电磁兼容设计中应用。


变压器设计软件变压器设计工具 PowerEsim -免费开关电源变压器设计软件和计算/仿真工具

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PowerEsim 是免费的,依靠零件制造商的赞助运作。



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  消息 最后更新: 27/10/23 ......

2023-10-27: 英飛凌參考設計 14 W 15 V 5 V DEMO_5AR4770AG_14W1 现已可用。 2023-9-1: 英飛凌參考設計 14W 12V 5V 5V REF_5BR3995CZ_16W1 现已可用。 PowerEsim 赞助商 ...... PowerEsim, a free (SMPS) switch mode power supply design software and Transformer Design, Magnetic Design, Simulation,Calculation Software Tool What is Power Supply/Power converter? Electric energy is transformed to be the engine of any power supply. This kind of electronic system converts electric energy to mechanical energy from the source to a given load. In this case the device is more accurate to be referred as a "power converter" than a power supply. About Power Supply Unit, Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) and PowerEsim PowerEsim is simulating the power supply in power supply unit (PSU). PSU typically convert AC voltage to regulated DC voltages for electronic equipment. Semiconductors which continuously switching on and off are the mostly found key parts to control energy flow of PSU. This kind of power supply are in "switching mode" and is named as switch mode power supplies (SMPS). Using switches to control energy flow create lower losses and thus SMPS offer higher efficiency when compared with linear power supplies. This is true because when a switch is on the current is passed with a low voltage while it is off, current is blocked. In both states the power loss or power dissipation is relatively low. SMPS have smaller number of passive components and lower heat generation (due to less power loss), thus SMPS can be smaller in size and is lighter in weight in general. "Switching mode" is now the dominant type of PSU in almost every spectrum of applications. PFC front end in AC input is found in almost every AC input application. There are four types of SMPS: AC to DC (AKA: off-line DC power supply); DC to DC (AKA: voltage or current converter), AC to AC (AKA: frequency changer or cycloconverter), and DC to AC (AKA: inverter). This classification is done based on the form of input and output voltage (AC or DC). Power supply design is a sophiscated activity involving knowledge in different discipline. power electronics engineer need to design power supply day to day. To support and simplify their job, PowerEsim is here to be used as a virtual lab or virtual branch so that steps in SMPS design: the selection of component; building of transformer; thermal simulation; power loss estimation; waveform chart recording; failure rate calculation; PPM estimation are done in one click. There are free online resources about industrial and theoretical issues about all aspect of switching power supply design. It also includes many smps and power electronics circuit, schematics, topologies, theory of operation, application note, circuit analysis, on line educational course material. Introduction to PowerEsim PowerEsim Help Manual: User Interface Practice Getting Start PowerEsim Analysis Modules: Loss Analysis Waveform Analysis Loop Analysis Thermal Analysis MTBF Analysis BOM Builder DVT Analysis Magnetic Builder Add Part Module Smart Optimizer Magnetic Builder Other resource: Terminology - Power Supply Design/ Transformer Design Guide and Resources page for Power Electronics Power inverters 打开此设计档案 1) PowerEsim 环境 2) Infineon SMPS Designer 环境     参考别的线路开始设计 用户也可改良以下的参考设计

  - Infineon 14W 12V 5V 5V REF_5BR3995CZ_16W1  - Infineon 6.75W 15V EVAL_5BR4780BZ_450mA1  - Infineon 14 W 15 V 5 V DEMO_5AR4770AG_14W1  - Infineon 44 W 12 V DEMO_5AR0680BZS_44W1  - Infineon 15 W 12 V 5 V DEMO_5QR4780BG_15W1  - Infineon 42W 12V 5V DEMO_5QR0680BG_42W1  - Infineon 15W 12V REF_5AR4770BZS_15W1  - Infineon 14W 5V 15V DEMO_5GR4780AG_14W1  - Infineon 3W 5V REF_5AR4770AG_3W1  - Infineon 18W 12V REF_5GSAG_18W1  - Infineon 8W 5V 12V REF_5AR4770BZS_8W1  - Infineon 24W 5V 12V DEMO_5QR2280AZ_24W1  - Infineon 33W 5V 12V REF_5QR1070AZ_33W1  - Infineon 16W 5V 12V DEMO_5QR4780AZ_16W1  - Infineon 27W 5V 12V DEMO_5GR1680AG_27W1  - Infineon 22W 5V 12V DEMO_5GR2280AG_22W1  - Infineon 15W 5V 12V DEMO_5QR4770AG_15W1  - Infineon 44W 12V DEMO_5AR0680AG_44W1  - Infineon 60W 19V DEMO_5GSAG_60W1  - Infineon 10W 5V REF-10W ADAPTER  - Infineon 15W 5V REF-15W ADAPTER  - Infineon 15W 5V REF-15W_CE1K5 ADAPTER  - Infineon 15W 5V REF-15W_CE1K0 ADAPTER  - Infineon 15W 5V REF-15W THINPAK ADAPTER  - Infineon 300W 400V EVALPFC3-ICE3PCS01

  - Empower GaN 65W 20V 3.25A EMM9988A-G4-V1

  - Boost Converter Tutorial Template  - Buck Converter Tutorial Template  - 160 W PFC AC-DC     © Copyright 2023. PowerELab Limited. All rights reserved.

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