
您所在的位置:网站首页 罗密欧人物形象 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的奶妈和《西厢记》中的红娘人物形象比较


2024-07-09 05:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Abstract Romeo and Juliet and Romance of The Western Chamber come from different culture and different time, reflecting different social backgrounds. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most representative works of English writer William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was known as a famous English playwright who was active during the Renaissance. Its theme was the humanism. Romeo and Juliet shows the humanistic spirit. Romeo comes from a feudal family, but he keeps up with the development of the times, rebels against his family and becomes a humanist. He has a heart of the universal love. He seeks for the free love and is unswerving in his loyalty. And at the same time, Juliet is just a 14-year-old lady, but she is brave and intelligent. She breaks every rule of her family and falls in love with Romeo. Romance of The Western Chamber was a very famous Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty, which was known to the world as a masterpiece of Chinese writer Wang Shifu. Wang Shifu created mainly Zaju and Sanqu of the Yuan Dynasty. The theme of this drama is an attack on traditional mores, supporting young people in those days for freedom of marriage, although it follows an old plot of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady falling in love at their first sight. The two works have caused many scholars’ interest and research since they came out. For example, we can find lots of articles about the characters Romeo and Juliet and Yingying and Zhang Sheng. There are also a lot of researches on the theme of the two famous works. This paper will make a contrastive analysis of two characters Nurse in Romeo and Juliet and Hongniang in Romance of The Western Chamber to find the similarities and differences between them. The paper is divided into four parts:    The introduction gives a general introduction of the two famous writers’ works and a brief description of the materials and papers about the two dramas.    The second part talks about the social background of the two dramas.    The third part makes a contrastive analysis about the two characters to find the similarities and differences.    The forth part makes a conclusion about the study and further emphasizes the contrastive analysis of two dramas. Keywords:Romeo and Juliet; Romance of The Western Chamber; contrastive study; quick-witness; talkativeness; loyalty; snobbishness 摘  要 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是英国作家威廉•莎士比亚的代表作。莎士比亚是一位活跃于文艺复兴时期的著名的英国剧作家。而这一时期的主题是人文主义。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》就显示了这样的人文精神。罗密欧来自于一个封建家庭,但他与时俱进,反抗来自家人的束缚,并且成为了一个人文主义者。他有一颗博爱的心。他追求自由恋爱和坚定不移的忠诚。同时,朱丽叶虽然只是一个14岁的小姐,但她勇敢聪明。她打破了家人定下的规矩并且爱上了罗密欧。 《西厢记》是元代著名杂剧作家王实甫所著,是非常著名的元杂剧。王实甫长做了很多杂居和散曲。这出戏的情节虽然是老旧的才子爱上佳人的题材,但是他的主题却是与那个时代的传统习俗进行斗争,支持年轻人的婚姻自由。 本文对两部著作中的配角奶妈和红娘进行人物形象分析,探究其中的相似点和不同点。 本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分主、要介绍两位作家的背景及作品,关于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《西厢记》的国内外文献综述,以及论文的主旨。 第二部分分析了两部作品的社会背景,解释两部作品的相似点和不同点。 第三部分对比分析了两部作品中奶妈和红娘,从而找出其相似点和不同点。 第四部分总结了本论文的主题,进一步阐述两位人物的对比分析。 关键词:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》;《西厢记》;对比研究;机智;唠叨;忠诚;势利  




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