白日梦想家 经典台词截图

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白日梦想家 经典台词截图

2024-07-13 19:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

- Tim Naughton:你跟我想象中的完全不一样- Walter Mitty:你想象中的我是怎样的?- Tim Naughton:我以前觉得你是一张灰色的小纸,但现在我见到了你本人...你的气质就像是是印第安纳·琼斯,决定去当乐队主唱那种。- You are so not how I pictured you.- How did you picture me?- I pictured you as a little gray piece of paper. But now I see you...and it's like Indiana Jones...decided to become the lead singer of The Strokes or something like that.

- 我只想跟你在一起,你知道吗?- 真的吗?- 我们私奔吧,让我们从现在开始,珍惜每一刻。- I just want to be with you, you know?- Really?- Let's run away together. Let's make every moment count, starting now.

- 我昨天从一架直升机上跳进了海里,还跟鲨鱼搏斗了一下- 听着,我之前提过...白日梦做太多的人,他们不...- 不,那是真的,我真的那么做了。- I jumped out of a helicopter yesterday into the ocean. And had a shark fight.- Yeah, listen, I was mentioning before...people who daydream too much, they're not--- No, it was real. I really did.

他的意思是,你得快点...因为有一群欲火焚身的智利人...急着想去脱衣舞俱乐部,一共就一辆自行车。What he means, man, is you have to hurry...because there's a bunch of horny Chileans...who want to go to the strip club. There's only one bike.

格陵兰岛上一共就八个人吧,在这地方找手指的主人还是挺容易的。There is, like, eight people in Greenland. I mean, it's a good place to find a thumb.

♪地面指挥呼叫汤姆少校♪♪地面指挥呼叫汤姆少校♪♪吃下你的蛋白质片  戴上头盔♪♪地面指挥呼叫汤姆少校♪♪开始倒计时  启动引擎♪♪检查点火系统♪♪愿上帝的爱与你同在♪♪这里是地面指挥  呼叫汤姆少校♪♪你真的做到了♪♪报社都想知道你支持哪支球队♪♪现在到了鼓起勇气离开太空舱的时候了♪♪这里是汤姆少校  呼叫地面指挥♪♪我正在穿过舱门♪♪我正以最奇特的方式漂浮着♪♪今夜的星星看起来格外不同♪♪因为我正坐在一个铁罐里♪♪离尘世千里之外♪♪地球是蓝色的  而我无能为力♪♪This is Major Tom to Ground Control♪♪I'm stepping through the door♪♪And I'm floating in the most peculiar way♪♪And the stars look very different today♪♪For here am I sitting in a tin can♪♪Far above the world♪♪Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do♪♪Ground Control to Major Tom♪♪Ground Control to Major Tom♪♪Take your protein pills and put your helmet on♪♪Ground Control to Major Tom♪♪Commencing countdown, engines on♪♪Check ignition♪♪And may God's love be with you♪♪This is Ground Control to Major Tom♪♪You've really made the grade♪♪And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear♪♪Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare♪




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