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2024-07-09 14:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Everyone likes a bit of a chat at the beginning of a meeting, but when it’s time to get started, use these key phrases:每个人都喜欢在会议开始前聊点什么,但是要开始,请使用以下关键词组:

To get the ball rolling

Definition: To get the meeting or discussion started.含义:让会议/讨论开始

Example: “OK, everyone. Let’s get the ball rolling. Come and sit down and we’ll start the meeting.”例句:好了各位,我们开始吧。来,请坐,会议要开始了。

To open with

Definition: To begin by talking about a certain topic.含义:开始谈论某一特定的话题

Example: “Let’s open with a summary of what each of you has achieved this week.”例句:首先从你们本周完成的工作总结开始。

To hand over to

Definition: To introduce another speaker.含义:介绍另外一位演讲人

Example: “I’d like to hand over to Dave to explain our plans for the next quarter.”例句:我想接下来15分钟由戴夫来解释我们的计划。

On the agenda

Definition: Something on the plan to be discussed.含义:计划讨论某事

Example: “Today, the first item on the agenda is to decide on a new supplier.”例句:今天,议程的第一项是决定新的供应商。

To get down to business

Definition: To talk about the most important issues.含义:讨论最重要的议题

Example: “It’s time to get down to business. How much will this cost and how much time will it save me?”例句:现在言归正传,花费是多少?节省的时间有多少?

To kick off

Definition: To get started.含义:开始

Example: “Let’s kick off by reviewing the results of our last campaign.”例句:首先从回顾我们上次活动的成果开始。

To take the minutes

Definition: To take notes on everything that was said and agreed on in that meeting.含义:记录在会议上说过、同意的事。

Example: “It’s my turn to take the minutes, so please let me know if there’s anything special you want me to make a note of.”例句:轮到我来做记录了。如果你有特别想让我记录的,请告诉我。

To help remember these phrases, try writing an introduction to a meeting using all of them. Imagine you are in a weekly meeting with your colleagues. How many of these expressions could you use?为了帮助记忆这些词组,尝试用上这些词组,写一篇会议介绍。想象你和同事在日常的会议上。你能用上哪些表达呢?

相关热点: 英语口语练习 英语听力 美国英语 雅思英语




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