雅思听力练习 听见英国:第9听 素食餐点

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雅思听力练习 听见英国:第9听 素食餐点

2024-02-08 13:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




John, you're a vegetarian. Can you tell me a little about this?约翰,你是个素食主义者,可以请你谈谈吃素的事吗?Well, I gave up eating meat when I was 16.嗯,我从16 岁开始就不再吃肉了&!jevaj;PBkGWR1U。Really? And what kind of things do you eat now?真的吗?那你现在都吃些什么?Urm...dairy products, I eat a lot of dairy products, you know, yogurt, cheese, eggs...but only free-range, of course.呃...乳制品,我吃很多乳制品,你知道的,像是优格、起司、蛋......但是只自由放养的蛋,当然啦xwTHk@-9G#9。Free-range?自由放养?Yes, eggs which comes from chickens that are not kept in small cages but free to move around.是的,生蛋的鸡不是养在狭小的笼子里,而是可以自由自在的走动,The eggs are more expensive but also much healthier, and they taste better, too.这种蛋比较贵,但是健康得多,吃起来也好吃许多t;aqzqNOsB。Are there any other special foods that you have to eat?你还必须吃些什么特别的食物吗?Yes, I often eat tofu, nuts, beans...again for protein...oh yes, and my favourite, veggie-burgers.是的,我常吃豆腐,坚果,豆子...补充蛋白质...喔,对了,还有我最喜欢的是汉堡P#27Afsz[O6OrvoR=N。What are veggie-burgers?什么是素汉堡?Well, they look, smell and taste like burgers made from meat, but they're made from soya beans. Nut burgers are so delicious...but made from nuts, of course.嗯,素汉堡看起来,闻起来和吃起来都和肉做的汉堡一样,但是是用大豆做成的Hy3um6]kRH)WP1S。坚果堡也很好吃...但是是用坚果做的,当然啦Q2RR4@,dJqBMr。How about fish and chicken?那鱼肉和鸡肉呢?Well, for five years I also didn't eat any fish or chicken but now I eat them about twice a week.嗯,我有5 年的时间没有吃任何鱼肉或鸡肉,但是我现在一个礼拜吃两次@PrcnuG[=;。Why did you change?你为什么改变了呢?I started to live on my own and couldn't cook vegetarian food as well as my mother.我开始一个人过活,而且我煮的素食没有我妈煮的好吃,So now, I sometimes eat fish or chicken because they are easy to cook and not unhealthy.所以现在我偶尔会吃鱼肉或鸡肉,因为它们容易料理又不会不健康jQxNUEa)XprEc_XPo。






下面是一些和饮食有关的词汇,请用这些词汇完成(A)~(F)六个句子,每个词汇限用一次u7hQWAX%guGON。1. have to2. give up3. made from4. put on5. banlanced6. lose7. free-range8. veggie-burgers9. dairy products


(A) If you don't want to _____________more weight, you should___________ eating chocolate.(B) You__________ eat lots of different kinds of food to get a _____________diet.(C) You should eat less fast food if you want to ____________weight.(D) ________look and taste like beef burgers but are _____________beans or tofu.(E) Examples of ___________are eggs, milk, cheese, etc.____________foot comes from animals that are not kept inside and in very small spaces


答案:A. put on B. have to Close D. Veggie-burgers E. dairy products F. Free-range




1. John is eating more meat.2. John doesn't eat any meat, or dairy products.3. John doesn't eat meat but is eating more fish and chicken.4. John doesn't eat meat, fish, or chicken.




英语听力测试:请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案ixK*F3u_rkD^c8=IC。1. At what age did John start his special dite?(A) 16(B) 36(C) 602. What free-range food does John eat?(A) Yogurt(B) Eggs(C) Chicken3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a special food that John eats?(A) Tofu(B) Cheese(C) Beans4. How long didn't John eat chicken or fish for?(A) Four years(B) Five years(C) 16 years5. Why does John eat chicken and fish now?(A) His mother told him to.(B) It tastes good.(C) He isn't good at cooking


答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T S.F


英语听力测试:下面是对话部分的内容,请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分25o5ro75!vNkx1xT。1. John: Yes, eggs which come from _______________that are not kept in small cages but free to move around. The eggs are more ____________but also much___________, and they taste___________, too.


2. Interviewer: What are veggie-burgers?Well, they ___________, smell and taste like burgers made from meat, but they're made form ________beans. _________________burgers are also delicious…but made from___________, of course.


3. I started to live on my own and _________ cook vegetarian food __________my mother. So now, I__________ eat fish or chicken because they are _________to cook and not ____________.


答案:1. chickens, expensive, healthier, better2. Look, soya, Nut, nuts,3. couldn't, sometimes, easy, unhealthy





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