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In this section we outline the requirements for method validation according to current ICH guidelines.


3.3.1 Specificity 专属性

ICH definition: Specificity is the ability to assess unequivocally the analyte in the presence of components that may be expected to be present.


Most related substance methods will be used in a stability study, and therefore they have to be stability indicating.Stability indicating means that the method has sufficient specificity to resolve all related substances and the drug substance from each other. Typically, for the related substance method for a drug product, degradation products are the most critical related substances. Therefore, as a minimum requirement, the method should have sufficient specificity to resolve the degradation products and the drug substance. In addition, all degradation products should be resolved from potential interference with the excipients.


Samples for Specificity 专属性样品

? Blank solution to show no interference with any HPLC system artifact peak.


? Placebo to demonstrate the lack of interference from excipients.


? Drug substance to show that all significant related substances are resolved from the drug substance.


? Authentic samples of critical related substances to show that all known related substances are resolved from each other.


? Typically, a stressed sample of about 10 to 20% degradation is used to demonstrate the resolution among degradation products. A 10 to 20% degraded sample is used because it has a sufficiently high concentration level of critical related substance. Therefore, these related substances can be detected easily. In addition, 10 to 20% degradation is not too excessive, and the related substance profile should be close to that of a typical stability sample.


? Stressed placebo to show that the degradation products from the excipients will not interfere with the degradation products of the drug substance.


Different Approaches 不同方法

1. When authentic samples of related substance are available. Analyze stressed drug product, placebo, drug substance, stressed placebo, and solutions spiked with authentic samples of related substances. The HPLC chromatograms are used to show the resolution among related substances, drug substance, and other potential interferences. In addition, check the peak homogeneity of the significant degradation products and drug substance by a photodiode array detector (PDA) or mass spectrometer.

可以获得有关物质认可样品时。分析强降解产品、空白制剂、原料药、强降解空白制剂, 以及加入有关物质认可样品的溶液。采用HPLC色谱显示有关物质、原料药和其它可能的干扰间的分离度。另外,采用PDA或质谱检查显著降解产物和原料药的峰纯度。

This verifies that no significant related substance coelute with each other.


2. When authentic samples of impurities are not available. A stressed drug product can be analyzed to show separation of the most significant related substances. In addition, the peak homogeneity of the stressed sample should be investigated by PDA or mass spectrometry. Alternatively, one may use an orthogonal procedure to verify the method specificity. The orthogonal method can be a different technique (e.g., capillary electrophoresis, thin layer chromatography) or different type of HPLC analysis (e.g., reversed phase versus normal phase). For example, compare the related substance profile in the original HPLC method and that of the orthogonal method. To demonstrate method specificity, the significant related substances should be consistent in these methods.


3.3.2 Quantitation Limit (and/or Detection Limit) 定量限(和/或检测限)

ICH definition: The quantitation limit of an individual analytical procedure is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be determined quantitatively with suitable precision and accuracy. The detection limit of an individual analytical procedure is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be detected but not necessarily quantitated as an exact value.


Two types of approaches can be used to determine the quantitation limit or detection limit, as described below.


Signal-to-Noise Approach. Quantitation limit (QL; Figure 3.9) is defined as the concentration of related substance in the sample that will give a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 10 : 1. Detection limit (DL) corresponds to the concentration that will give a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 : 1. The quantitation limit of a method is affected by both the detector sensitivity and the accuracy of sample preparation at such a low concentration. In practice, the quantitation limit should be lower than the corresponding ICH reporting limit (Table 3.1).


To investigate the effect of both factors (i.e., sample preparation and detector sensitivity), solutions of different concentrations near the ICH reporting limits are prepared by spiking known amounts of related substances into excipients.


Each solution is prepared according to the procedure and analyzed repeatedly to determine the S/N ratio. The average S/N ratio from all analyses at each concentration level is used to calculate the QL or DL. The following equation can be used to estimate the QL at each concentration level. Since different concentration levels give different QLs, typically the worst-case QL will be reported as the QL of the method.


各浓度的定量限= 10×浓度(有关物质百分比)信噪比(各浓度平均值)

图3.9 定量限

Alternatively, the spike solution can be diluted serially to lower concentrations.


The S/N ratio at each concentration level is determined. The concentration level (in percent related substance) that gives an S/N value of about 10 will be reported as the QL.


Standard Deviation Approach. The following equations can be used to determine quantitation limit and detection limit by standard deviation of the response at low concentrations:


where SD is the standard deviation of the response near QL and S is the slope of the linearity curve near QL.


There are two ways to determine SD: 有两种方法计算SD

1. Using experiments similar to those given for the signal-to-noise approach, determine the standard deviation of the responses by repeat analysis of a solution near the targeted QL.


2. Construct a calibration curve near the targeted QL:


a. Determine the residual standard deviation of the regression line of calibration, or


b. Determine the standard deviation of the y-intercept.


Other Considerations for QL. To account for instrument-to-instrument variation, one may need to verify the QL in multiple runs using different instruments.


The desired QL should be less than the ICH reporting limit (e.g., 50% of ICH reporting limit). QL should be appropriate; too high indicates that the method is not sensitive enough to report results at the ICH reporting limit. Too low indicates that insignificant degradation products, even though much lower than the ICH reporting limit, may need to be reported.


To ensure that the HPLC system in each analysis is sufficiently sensitive to report results at the ICH reporting limit, one may use a detector sensitivity solution as part of the system suitability test. Since the ICH reporting limit corresponds to QL (i.e., S/N = 10), one-third of the ICH reporting limit should correspond to DL (i.e., S/N = 3). Therefore, as part of the system suitability test, a detector sensitivity solution of a concentration of about one-third of the ICH reporting limit level would be injected. The response of the detector sensitivity solution should meet the detection limit and should be visually distinguishable from baseline.


Alternatively, one may evaluate the S/N ratio of the standard solution during method development or validation. Part of the routine system suitability test is to determine the S/N of the standard solution before each analysis. Therefore, the S/N of each analysis needs to be greater than the established limit.


3.3.3 Linearity 线性

ICH definition: The linearity of an analytical procedure is its ability (within a given range) to obtain test results that are directly proportional to the concentration (amount) of analyte in the sample.


General Requirements 通用要求

Range. Ideally, linearity should be established from 50% of the ICH reporting limit to the nominal concentration of drug substance in the sample solution (for area percent method). If the linearity does not support such a wide range of concentration, determine the linearity from 50% of the ICH reporting level to 150% of the proposed shelf life specifications of the related substance (for the high–low and external standard methods) as a minimum. This will ensure a linear response for related substances at all concentration levels to be detected during stability.


Experimental Requirements. Solutions of known concentrations are used to determine the linearity. A plot of peak area versus concentration (in percent related substance) is used to demonstrate the linearity. Authentic samples of related substances with known purity are used to prepare these solutions. In most cases, for the linearity of a drug product, spiking the related substance authentic sample into excipients is not necessary, as the matrix effect should be investigated in method accuracy.


Acceptance Criteria. Visual inspection is the most sensitive method for detecting nonlinearity. Therefore, the plot has to be linear by visual inspection. In addition, according to ICH guidelines, the following results should be reported: slope, correlation coefficient, y-intercept, and residual sum of squares.


y-Intercept. There are several approaches to evaluating the significance of the y-intercept.


? Intercept/slope ratio. The intercept/slope ratio is used to convert the yintercept from the response unit (peak area) to the unit of percent related substance. The intercept/slope ratio should be compared to the proposed specifications to determine its significance. For example, if the shelf life specification is 2.0%, an intercept/slope ratio of 0.2% may be considered significant, as 0.2% represents 10% relative to the specification.


? Statistical approach. The linearity results can be subjected to statistical analysis (e.g., use of statistical analysis in an Excel spreadsheet). The pvalue of the y-intercept can be used to determine if the intercept is statistically significant. In general, when the p-value is less than 0.05, the y-intercept is considered statistically significant. Thep-value, which compares the y-intercept with the variation of responses, indicates the probability that the y-intercept to be not equal to zero. For example, when the p-value is less than 0.05, this indicates that it is 95% confident that the y-intercept is not equal to zero. In other words, it is 95% certain that the y-intercept is significant.


Typically, a positive y-intercept indicates the existence of interference with the response or the saturation of responses at high concentrations. A negative y-intercept indicates the possibility of method sensitivity problem (i.e., a low response cannot be detected) or analytes get retained in the glassware or HPLC system (i.e., a compatibility issue between sample solvent and mobile phase).


Different Approaches for Linearity Determination. The first approach is to weigh different amounts of authentic sample directly to prepare linearity solutions of different concentrations. Since solutions of different concentration are prepared separately from different weights, if the related substances reach their solubility limit, they will not be completely dissolved and will be shown as a nonlinear response in the plot. However, this is not suitable to prepare solutions of very low concentration, as the weighing error will be relatively high at such a low concentration. In general, this approach will be affected significantly by weighing error in the preparation.


Another approach is to prepare a stock solution of high concentration, then perform serial dilution from the stock solution to obtain solutions of lower concentrations for linearity determination. This is a more popular approach, as serial dilution can be used to prepare solutions of very low concentrations. Since the low concentrations are prepared by serial dilution, this approach does not need to weigh a very small quantity of related substance. In addition, since all solutions are diluted from the same stock solution, weighing error in preparing the stock solution will not affect the linearity determination.


Relative Response Factor. The relative response factor (RRF) can be used to correct for differences in relative response between the related substances and the drug substance. In the area percent and high–low method, the related substances are calculated against the response of the drug substance. In the external standard calculation, the standard curve of drug substance is generally used in the calculation. Since the related substances are calibrated by the response of the drug substance, it is necessary to determine the relative response of the related substance to that of the drug substance. After the linearity of the related substances and the drug substance are determined, one can calculate the relative response factor by comparing the slope of the related substance to that of the drug substance. If the relative response factor is significantly different from unity, a correction factor may need to be used in the calculation. Otherwise, the reported results will be grossly over- or underestimated (Figure 3.10).


图3.10 相对响应因子的影响

3.3.4 Accuracy 准确度

Definition: The accuracy of an analytical procedure expresses the closeness of agreement between the value that is accepted either as a conventional true value or as an accepted reference value and the value found.


General Considerations 一般考虑

Range. Accuracy for the area percent method should be established from 50% of the ICH reporting limit to the nominal concentration of drug substance in the sample solution. For the high–low and external standard methods, determine accuracy from 50% of the ICH reporting level to 150% of the proposed shelf life specification of the related substances. In addition, for the area percent and high–low methods, it is necessary to determine the accuracy of the related substances and the drug substance. For the external standard method, only the accuracy of related substances is required. Since the response of the drug substance in the sample solution is not used in the external standard calculation, it is not necessary to determine accuracy for the drug substance.


Experimental Considerations. Typically, known amounts of related substances and the drug substance in placebo are spiked to prepare an accuracy sample of known concentration of related substance. According to the ICH, accuracy should be determined using a minimum of nine determinations over a minimum of three concentration levels covering the range specified. Similar to the experiments used in linearity (see Section 3.3.3) the related substances and the drug substance can be weighed directly into the placebo or serial dilution from a stock solution can be used. When no authentic sample is available for preparing the spiked solutions, one may determine method accuracy by comparing the results of the original method with that of the orthogonal method (e.g., capillary electrophoresis, thin layer chromatography, normal-phase HPLC).

实验考虑。典型情形下,将已知数量的有关物质和空白制剂中的原料药加样,以配制已知有关物质浓度的准确度样品。根据ICH指南,准确度应在指定范围内,采用最少3个浓度水平进行最少9次检测。与线性测试(见第3.3.3部分)中所用的试验类似,有关物质和原料药可以直接称重,加到空白制 剂中,或采用贮备液逐级稀释。如果没有认可样品用于配制加标溶液,公司可以采用将原始方法与替代方法结果比较的方式来测试准确度(例如,毛细管电泳 、薄层色谱、正相HPLC)。

Intrinsic Accuracy. Intrinsic accuracy indicates the bias caused by sample matrix and sample preparation. In this approach, a stock solution is prepared by using known quantities of related substance and drug substance. The stock solution is further diluted to obtained solutions of lower concentrations. These solutions are used to generate linearity results. In addition, these linearity solutions of different concentrations are spiked into placebo. The spiked solutions are prepared according to the procedure for sample analysis. The resulting solutions, prepared from the spiked solution, are then analyzed. If the same stock solution is used for both linearity and accuracy and all of these solutions are analyzed on the same HPLC run, the response of linearity (without spike into matrix) and accuracy (with spike into matrix) can be compared directly. Any differences in response indicate the bias caused by matrix interference or sample preparation. To determine the intrinsic accuracy at each concentration level, one can compare the peak area of accuracy (with matrix) with that of linearity (without matrix) at the same concentration (Figure 3.11). This is the simplest approach, and one would expect close to 100% accuracy at all concentration levels.


Overall Accuracy. In addition to the matrix effect and sample preparation error, method accuracy can also be affected by calculation error: for example, difference in relative response, significant y-intercept, and nonlinearity. Therefore, a more vigorous approach is to determine the overall accuracy, which incorporates the effect from all aspects of the method:


? Matrix effect


? Sample preparation


? Calculation error


In this approach, similar to the determination of intrinsic accuracy, the accuracy solutions are prepared by spiking a known quantity of authentic samples and drug substance into excipients. The accuracy solutions are then analyzed using HPLC.


图3.11 固有准确度

The percent related substance results are calculated by the proposed method calculation procedure (e.g., high–low, area percent, external standard). Any correction factors are applied according to the procedure proposed. The overall accuracy is determined by the following equation (Figure 3.12):


总体准确度 =有关物质%(计算)有关物质%(理论)

This is a more stringent approach, as this indicates the bias caused by matrix interference, sample preparation, and calculation. For example, related substance (found) = 1.20% and related substance (theory) = 1.40% (calculated from the weight of authentic sample used in the spiked solution); therefore,

这是一种比较严格的方法,因为这种方法显示出了由于矩阵干扰、样品制备和计算误差产生的偏差。例如,有关物质(实测)= 1.20%,有关物质(理论)=1.40% (从认可样品称样量计算),这时

总体准确度 =1.20×100%=86%1.40

3.3.5 Precision 精密度

Repeatability. ICH definition: Repeatability expresses the precision under the same operating conditions over a short interval of time. Repeatability is also termed intraassay precision.


Repeatability of a method can be determined by multiple replicate preparations of the same sample. This can be done either by multiple sample preparations (n = 6) in the same experiment or by preparing three replicates at three different concentrations. In general, one should evaluate results of individual related substances, total related substances, and the consistency of related substance profiles in all experiments. The percent RSD and confidence level of these results are reported to illustrate the method repeatability.


Typically, an aged sample should be used to ensure that there are significant levels of related substance in the sample. Alternatively, if different samples are available with different levels of related substance (e.g., fresh sample and sample at expiry), one can determine the repeatability by performing three replicate preparations for each sample. ICH guidelines require a minimum of three samples with three different levels of related substance.


图3.12 总体准确度(外标法)

Instead of using spike samples (as in accuracy determination), drug product lots that are representative of the commercial products should be used for precision (repeatability, intermediate precision). This is to ensure that the commercial drug product is used in at least one part of the method validation and that the repeatability results are representative of those that can be expected in the future.


Intermediate Precision. ICH definition: Intermediate precision expresses, within laboratories variations, different days, different analysts, different equipment, and so on.


Intermediate precision is to determine method precision in different experiments using different analysts and/or instrument setup. Similar to that of repeatability, one should evaluate the results of individual related substances, total related substances, and the consistency of related substance profiles in all experiments.


The percent RSD and confidence level of these results are reported to illustrate the intermediate precision.


Reproducibility. ICH definition: Reproducibility expresses the precision between laboratories (collaborative studies are generally used, for standardization of methodology).


This is an optional validation parameter that requires demonstration of laboratory-to- laboratory variation only if multiple laboratories use the same procedure. The reproducibility data can be obtained during method transfer between laboratories.


------转自 Julia




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