
您所在的位置:网站首页 第33届韩素音翻译大赛英译汉 第27届韩素音青年翻译比赛汉译英原文及参考译文


2023-07-31 03:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

第27届韩素音青年翻译比赛汉译英优秀奖的译文 这是本人参加第二十七届韩素音青年翻译比赛汉译英优秀奖的译文。鉴于许多译友请求把获奖译文分享下,在此,把三大段落译文贴上,其他几段就不贴了。因为当时提交的时候匆忙,有些细节忘修改了,比如原译文是urbanizationdrive,现在把drive去掉了。鉴于有朋友对该比赛了解很少,大概介绍下这个比赛:《中国翻译》杂志从1986年开始举办青年“有奖翻译”活动,1989年韩素音女士访华,提供了一笔赞助基金,以此设立了“韩素音青年翻译奖”。至2010年,“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛已经举办了二十二届,是目前中国翻译界组织时间最长、规模最大、影响最广的翻译大赛。每年获奖人员来自社会各界,比赛并非是从所有译文中选出最好的就评为第一名,很多时候会出现第一名空缺的现象,因为评委组是按照严格的标准来筛选译文,没有最优秀的,第一名的位置就会空缺,由此可见韩素音翻译大赛的权威性和严谨性(取自沪江网)。举行次数:每年举办一次,大概在每年3月多份开始,想参加的可以关注英语巴士网或中国翻译协会网站e”


“Traditional villages” refer to those with tangible and intangible cultural heritages and of high historic, cultural, scientific, artistic, social and economic value. But in recent years, traditional cultures represented by traditional villages have been fading away or even dying out with rapid urbanization. In order to prevent those villages from being uninhabited or hollowed out, we must protect historic buildings at risk there, restore the old streets and lanes, and renovate their surroundings.


Ancient villages are not so much old buildings as living architectural heritages invested with historical changes. Despite all the changes over a long elapse of time, they stand erect and unshakable, telling about their vicissitudes with tenacious vitality; in spite of the dog days of summer and the dead of winter coupled with rain and snow, these old structures can still sustain the tension of life, subsisting side by side with everlasting mankind. Thus, ancient villages act as an invisible spiritual comfort for people. In a time when cities have entered modernization, how we treat ancient villages shows our attitude towards culture. Many people may feel nothing lost when an ancient village is transformed or vanishes, but with the vanishing of an ancient village comes the disappearing of some historical and cultural vestiges which in turn results in the less touch of historical culture. As a consequence, history can be easily forgotten, let alone carry forward cultures; and at the same time what we lose is the cultural soul attached to ancient villages. Whether there are cultural deposits or separation in a certain place, not only should we look at its brilliant cultural relics, but we can also feel it from the lofty halls, exquisite carvings and decorations, classic timber as well as primitive architectural styles of wonderful workmanship in its ancient villages.


Long Yingtai, a Taiwan writer, once in an article about tree protection wrote: a road is to be built in front of an old woman’s house, so an old camphor tree has to be cut down. The old woman was a kid when the tree was small. Now the woman turns old as the tree has grown tall. She is willing to donate part of her house if the tree can be retained. After coordination, the engineering department meets her request. “It is admitted that trees are the ‘true aborigines’ in a place,” Long sighed. “We should think twice before driving away a ‘native’; we need to offer a deep apology if a tree has to be removed.” The same attitude should be held towards ancient villages when we have to renovate or demolish them.




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