雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Window view 窗外景色

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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Window view 窗外景色

2023-03-06 21:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Window view 窗外景色 该话题算是雅思口语Part1常驻话题Home […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Window view 窗外景色

该话题算是雅思口语Part1常驻话题Home (your accommodation) 家或宿舍的延伸,要求大家与考官探讨透过自己窗户所能看到的景色。大家不必担心自己的窗外景色太过平凡,而费尽心思的编造事实。考官也不关心这个,只要大家能通过语言呈现出具体的图景就好。

What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory? 你透过自己家/宿舍的窗户能看到什么景色?

Immediately under my apartment, I can see a huge park stretching out hundreds of meters and at the end of it is the Express Railway station. Beyond the station, there is a mountain looming at the horizon. But it only appears when the air quality is good.


Do you like to watch the scenery from your window? 你喜欢观看窗外的景色吗?

Yes, I do. It is a good way to loosen up especially after sitting in front of the desk for hours either for study or entertainment, which often exhausts my eyes. By overlooking the lovely scenery, this article is from Laokaoya website, the tiredness can be significantly alleviated.


Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views? 你想要居住在拥有美丽窗外景色的房子里吗?

Yes, who does not. Beautiful window views can placate people’s mood and appreciating them is also a good way to kill time. Unfortunately, the price of these kinds of houses is often pretty high, far exceeding my family’s affordability.


How do you feel when you cannot see any beautiful view from your window? 如果从窗户看不到任何美丽的景色,你感觉如何?

Although I really love to have a wonderful window view, I can also accept its absence. After all, I can step out of the door and enjoy the sceneries in the open air. Beautiful window views are more like a luxury instead of some necessities for me.


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