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2024-07-06 01:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

好听的英文:pleasant to hear

参考例句:The song Mountain Top sounds great.这首《山峰》很好听。Pleasing to the ear; melodious.好听的;悦耳的This lyric sings well. 这首抒情诗唱起很好听。She oiled her words to sound persuasive.她花言巧语说来好听。Cheap! I should say it is.便宜!说得好听。He has a good singing voice,ie can sing well.他唱起歌来声音很好听The folksongs on the overside of the record are very nice.那唱片反面的民歌很好听。He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.他有一肚子好听的故事There is many a fair thing full false.有许多说得好听的东西充满了谬误。 My speech was clumsy and not pleasant to hear.我笨嘴笨舌的,说的话很不好听。pleasant是什么意思:adj. 令人愉快的,可喜的,吸引人的;友好的,和善的,文雅的The tone of the meeting was pleasant and innocuous. 会见的调子是令人愉快和坦率的。This was a new and pleasant revelation. 这是一个令人愉快的新的启示。 Finished labours are pleasant大功告成,好不高兴He is a man of pleasant address.他是一位举止文雅的人。 It was a pleasant, semitropical summer night.这是亚热带好天气的夏夜。hear是什么意思:v. 听见;听取;听说;审理案件Please keep within hearing.请保持在听得见的距离内。His hearing is very sharp.他的听觉很灵敏。His hearing has started to go.他的听力开始衰退。of or pertaining to hearing or the ear.属于、关于听力或耳。 My daughter is keen of hearing.我的女儿听觉灵敏。






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