
您所在的位置:网站首页 神霄折戟录第2卷 【原神双语阅读】书籍篇:菲谢尔皇女夜谭


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Flowers for Princess Fischl

(无端联想:Flowers for Algernon?)


Vol. 1



phantasmagoria = a confused group of real or imagined images that change quickly, one following the other as in a dream


"... The dream lives on."

live on = to continue to exist


Such words surely must appear (in?) the midst of every tale, and they are largely the words of the Kaiserin of the Immernachtreich. This, surely, is not the enigma that concerns the greatest majority of readers, but we must still start here nonetheless.

Kaiserin [德] = empress

Immernachtreich:immer [德] (= always; all the time) + Nacht [德] (= night) + Reich [德] (= empire, kingdom)

enigma = something that is mysterious and seems impossible to understand completely


Ozvaldo Hrafnavins

Hrafn [古诺斯语] = raven


The mighty lord of the Nachtraben. If Fischl's strength in battle might be considered a ten, and the Beasts of the World should have an average of fifteen, then Ozvaldo's strength may be considered thirteen. His great power was on display when he destroyed Dämmerung in Volume 1.

Nacht [德] = night // Raben [德] = ravens

Dämmerung [德] = dusk; dawn


*That said, the Nachtvorhang is itself the nemesis of Dämmerung anyway.

Nacht [德] = night // Vorhang [德] = curtain

nemesis = someone's nemesis is a person or thing that is very difficult for them to defeat


As for the feelings that Ozvaldo holds towards Fischl, Mr. Nine does not believe it to be romance, but more likely a form of imprinting common to bird-kindred.


(Editor-in-Chief's Note: Regardless of what the author says, dear readers, you are free to interpret the personal relationships of the characters from Immernachtreich however you like.)


Aside from this, the title "Prince Nachtraben" is not a particularly high-flown one, considering that the night ravens have always been known for being conspirators and bearers of curses. Ozvaldo likely insisted on this title, for how could a mere "King of the Night" call himself thus before the Immernachtreich?

high-flown = (especially of language or ideas) extravagant and lofty


Beast of the World: Gesamtkunstwerk

gesamt [德] = whole, entire, total // Kunstwerk [德] = work of art



In certain probabilities, this is the Beast of the World that the Immernachtreich would be faced with in this cycle. Its battle strength is around thirty.


In a distant causality, if the philosopher Zarathustra was not chosen, then the opera writer would have gained victory in the contest over the will of the world.



Once Gesamtkunstwerk takes the stage in the opera theater of the apocalypse, many more Beasts of the World that reside within the center of the universe will inexorably begin to appear as well.

the Apocalypse = the total destruction and end of the world in the Bible


In the final volume, the weakness of the Beast of the World: Saint of Seven Tears (whose combat strength was ten, and therefore equal to Fischl) was quite out of the ordinary, and the Saint merely wept for Zarathustra at first, a choice that seems undeserving of any blame.


Both Zarathustra and The Musician exist to give praise unto the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. One proclaims the agony she suffers in her heart, while the other proclaims the grandeur of her travails. The Prinzessin, of course, will not favor the latter, for of such things would she be ashamed.



Sommernacht [德] = summer night // Garten[德] = garden


It is said that those who are highly-skilled in the magical arts will possess their own unique domains of consciousness. Their loves, hatreds, yearnings, jealousies, adherence, and passions of the soul will be stored here. In the fictional tales of other novels, this space is called Summerland.

夏宫灵囿:在秘境“仲夏庭园”的介绍中也出现过:“随着远古的文明失落,曾经繁茂伟大的夏宫灵囿也被深埋地底。或许只有其中的古树与砖石,仍记得过去的景象吧……”(With the fall of the ancient lost civilization, the once prosperous and magnificent Sommernachtgarten was also buried underground, leaving only its ancient trees and stones to remember its past glory.)


The Sommernachtgarten of the Prinzessin is something in this vein. That this concept was never well-explored in the end remains quite the pity.


The Suspected Eternal Return



Quite a few of the finer points of the tale have caused people to wonder if the Kaiserin of the Immernachtreich once experienced all that Fischl has.


Fischl's father is undoubtedly not a mere shade. He is majestic and mighty, and helps Fischl to dispel her confusions. As for Fischl's mother, the Kaiserin, her actions and deeds show her to have quite an interesting character indeed. But she will only speak one line, which is, as was noted earlier in this text, "the dream lives on."


In the final volume, Fischl's mother had already faded away, and so this volume, naturally, did not have this preceding line.


But as the universe entered its denouement and all things within it flowed into the Immernachtreich, she spoke another line of enigmatic intent—

denouement = the end of a story, in which everything is explained, or the end result of a situation


"Find meaning somewhere. The night deepens."


"Find meaning somewhere. The night deepens, but the dream lives on."


Dear readers, I hope that you will all find happiness in this world where the sun still rises each day.


Collection of Questions and Answers


Q: Dear Mr. Nine, may I ask what the relationship between the Celestial Emperor's daughter in "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" and Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort is?



A: I felt that the tragedy that unfolded toward the end of Volume 5 of "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" was due to the male protagonist, and the Celestial Emperor's daughter's attraction to him. As such, I wanted to write a Prinzessin der Verurteilung who had no need of a male protagonist. This was the scaffold that would come to be "Flowers for Princess Fischl."


Eventually, though, I did write the sixth volume of "Halberd," which rescued the ending. There was probably some cross-pollination in the process of writing two series at the same time, but I was personally quite pleased with the result.


Q: In a fight between Mir's dad (Khan the Asura and his sword Laevatain) at full strength versus Gesamtkunstwerk, who would come out on top?

come out on top = to win a competition, argument, election, etc.


A: I originally intended to refuse to answer this question, but the editor-in-chief said that she'd axe my next manuscript if I didn't. In which case, my Mora would be on Gesamtkunstwerk.


Q: Mr. Nine, you mentioned in "Farewell Frau Welt" that you were suffering from hair loss. Are you doing better now?

Frau XXXX [德] = Mrs XXXX; Ms XXXX // Welt [德] = world

Frau Welt: An allegorical figure occurring frequently in medieval literature. Seen from the front she is beautiful; when she turns round, her back is a mass of decay, maggots, and noisome creatures.


A: Could the Yae Publishing House not accept this sort of question? And do people actually read what gets added in these new editions?


(Editor-in-Chief's Note: Oh, but the readers are very concerned about you! And yes, they are also very concerned with the purchase of new editions.)





Mitternachts Waltz

Mitternacht [德] = midnight


"Mein Fräulein, not one tear of yours was shed in vain during your pilgrimage."


Thus spoke Ozvaldo Hrafnavins when the Prinzessin's journey in the land of ever-silence came to a close.


In their long journey across space and time, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung and her Night-Severing Raven bore witness to countless stories and their endings, each a raindrop that flows at the journey's end into a bitter sea. Every young man's rage at injustice must turn to calm. Every passion must be ground into dust by the march of time, before being turned to wild paranoia upon that inverted, ancient tree. Even the branch of the tree of time upon which the great and glorious Reman Republic nested would be cut off in the end, such that the nation founded by the other twin child of the wolves might rule.

(雷马hhhh 传说本该被篡位者淹死的双胞胎罗穆卢斯和雷穆斯被一头母狼哺育,两兄弟长大后复仇并创建了罗马城。)


Everything in this world must pass through the doorway of their destruction unto the future kingdom of the Prinzessin. In the silence of her pitch-dark Nachtgarten would they find a place to slumber.


Even so, when Droctfult fell at the hands of the Beast of the World, having fought for the dreams of a young man and the rain that had yet to fall, and was torn to shred by its claws, the Prinzessin still began to tear up.  


"Hearken well, Ozvaldo Hrafnavins. The Sovereign of the Immernachtreich weepeth not."  


She went on, "Who among those born into this world are not burdened with sin? When the clock sounds for the time of judgment once more, the skirt of night shall descend once more. Then the writhing struggles of man and beast trapped within will be naught but a midnight waltz."  


"It is as you say, mein Fräulein."


"Humph. As well you should know."  


"Well then, mein Fräulein, I wonder if you still recall this tale..."


Two of the three bright moons that caused the perfumed sea of the primordial universe to shine and stirred up the beasts of the Arianrhod Realm were shredded by a sword that tore the horizon asunder, left in smithereens too small even for the mystical sight of the Prinzessin.


smithereens = a lot of very small broken pieces


Or perhaps this was what happened: the bright moons that once illuminated a universe, brought dreams and song to the sweet sleepers of three worlds, and awakened a deep longing in the beast-herds that wandered betwixt dawn and dusk — they were at last rendered dust. But even so, they too wished to remain within the eternal, shining gaze of the Prinzessin, bringing their subtle light unto more lands still. 

betwixt = [old use] between


Indeed. A Prinzessin does not shed tears.  


That was merely a natural secretion from her royal eyes, affronted as they were by the untimely intrusion of those impudent grains of sand.  

affront = to insult or offend someone

(没抽到武器_(:з」∠)_,英文来自Fandom原神Wiki的Mitternachts Waltz 词条。)





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