
您所在的位置:网站首页 祝病人早日出院怎么说 【精選語句】早日康復英文怎麼說?20句關心感冒親友的英文


2024-07-15 11:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265








關心對方的感受 Is everything OK? 一切都安好嗎?


You seem tired today. Is everything OK?你今天看起來很累。一切都安好嗎?

You look pale. Is everything OK?你看起來好蒼白。一切都安好嗎?

How’s your… ? 你的(傷、病)如何?


Hi Peter. How’s your flu? Are you OK?嗨Peter。你的流感怎麼樣了?有比較好嗎?

How’s your ankle? It really sucks that you sprained it during the marathon.你的腳踝怎麼樣了?跑馬拉松扭傷腳踝真的是很討厭的事耶!

How do you feel today? 你今天感覺如何?


How do you feel today? Hopefully better than yesterday?你今天覺得怎麼樣?有比昨天好一點嗎?

I heard you’ve been sick all week. How do you feel today?聽說你病了一整個禮拜。今天感覺怎麼樣呢?

… any better? … 有好一點嗎?

…any better的句型也可以和上面幾句搭配使用喔!


I heard about your back injury. Do you feel any better?聽說你背受傷了。現在有好一點了嗎?

How’s your cough? Is it getting any better?你的咳嗽怎麼樣了?有好一點了嗎?

祝對方早日康復 Get well soon. 快點好起來。

“Get well” 就是 “Recover(復原、痊癒)”的意思,

所以我們會對感冒或受傷的人說 “Get well soon.”,




Get well soon! Work is no fun without you.快點好起來!沒有你工作就不好玩了!

Surgery sucks. Get well soon.動手術真的很討厭。祝早日康復!

Feel better. 希望你能感覺好點。

有時候, “Feel better” 會比 “Get well” 來得要更適合一點,




這時候用 “Feel better” 就會比較適合。

但因為 “Feel better” 和 “Get well” 很相似,所以大部分情境可以互通是沒問題的。

Hope you feel better soon @2026Jada ! We all are thinking about you and love you! https://t.co/RFWcTl7s8i

— Ella Coburn (@EllaCoburn_5) July 21, 2021 Hope ... goes away soon. 希望你的(病痛)快點消失。


Hope the pain from your surgery goes away soon.希望你手術後的病痛能快點消失。

I’ve had acne before, and it’s definitely no joke. Hope it goes away soon.我也長過大痘痘,痛起來真的不是開玩笑的。希望它快點消失。

Wish … a speedy recovery. 祝你早日康復。

Speedy就是fast的意思,所以這句話和 “Get well soon” 是一樣的喔。

Wishing Onyeka Okongwu a speedy recovery and hoping he returns stronger from this setback. pic.twitter.com/wAChMgns1u

— Hawks Nation (@HawksNationCP) July 22, 2021


Wish him a speedy recovery! It’s really a shame that he can’t come with us because of the flu.


… soon. 願你能儘早...。

除了get well以外,soon還可以放在其他句子後面。


都可以用 “soon”。


Hope you can get out of the hospital soon!希望你可以儘早出院!

Hope you get off your antibiotics soon, so we can go out for drinks again!祝你可以早點結束你的抗生素療程,這樣我們就可以再出去喝酒了!

提醒對方好好照顧自己 Take care. 好好照顧自己。


I’m so sorry to hear that you caught the flu. Hope you feel better soon and take care!我聽說你得到流感,真是個壞消息。希望你病情能快點好轉,然後好好照顧自己!

Take care of yourself. We wouldn’t want your cold to turn into something more serious!好好照顧自己。我們不希望你的普通感冒變成什麼嚴重的病!

Focus on …. 好好(休息、恢復元氣)。


Focus on recovering. Don’t worry about work. We’ve got you covered.好好休息恢復元氣。不用太擔心工作的事。我們會罩你的。

We know you feel bad about breaking your leg right before a big game, but for now, just focus on resting and recovering!我們都知道你在比賽前腳受傷,你覺得很愧疚。但是現在你就好好休息、恢復就好!

… lots/plenty of … 多多(喝水、休息...)


Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids!多休息、多喝水!

Hope you get lots of rest and sleep this week.希望你這週能多多休息、有充足的睡眠。

Rest well/up. 好好休息。

雖然都是 “Rest”,

但“Well”指的是「高品質」; “up” 則是「好好地、完整地」,



It’s so easy to get sick in your line of work. Rest up and get better soon!做你這行的很容易生病。好好休息,祝你早日康復!

Rest well and take all the time you need to recover.好好休息。慢慢來,好好休養身體。




Can I help you … ? 需要我幫你...嗎?

比起 “How can I help”, 用 “Can I help you …” 說出一些具體的事項,



Can I help you walk the dog this week at least?那至少這禮拜讓我幫你遛狗,好嗎?

Can I help you pick up the kids from kindergarten?有需要我幫你到幼兒園接小孩嗎?

Can I get you anything? 需要我幫你買什麼嗎?

I’m heading to the grocery store. Can I get you anything?我要去雜貨店,有需要幫你買什麼嗎?

Can I get you anything from the pharmacy? Like cough medicine or something for your fever?有需要我到藥局幫你買什麼嗎?像咳嗽藥或退燒藥之類的。

Let me know if …. 有需要我...(幫忙)的話,請儘管告訴我。

Let me know if you need anything.如果有需要什麼的話,請儘管告訴我。

Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.如果還有什麼我能幫得上忙的地方,請儘管讓我知道。

Let me know if you need me for anything.如果你需要我幫你做些什麼,請告訴我。

對方康復後,歡迎他們回來 Welcome back! 歡迎回歸!


Welcome back! We missed you while you were out sick!歡迎回來!你生病不在的時候我們超想你的!

(It’s) Good to have you back! 很開心你歸隊了!


It’s been a couple weeks but I’m back in the Funhouse Church over on YouTube! Happy Sunday! Stella Parton’s Funhouse Church - fighting fear during the Covid19 pandemic - Ep.15 https://t.co/kIxT38QvMS

— Stella Parton (@StellaParton) April 26, 2020 (I’m) Glad … 很高興...。


I’m glad you’re feeling better! You sounded really sick over the phone.很開心你好一點了!你在電話裡聽起來真的病得很嚴重。

Glad you’re on your feet again and hope you never have to go through that again!很高興你又恢復活力,也希望你以後不會再遭遇這種事了!

Take it easy. 不要給自己太多壓力。


Take it easy the next few days. We’re happy you’re back and certainly don’t want you getting sick again!接下來幾天不要給自己太多壓力。我們很高興你能回來,當然也不希望你又再生一次病!

How are you feeling today? Make sure you take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard!你今天感覺如何?慢慢來沒關係,不要把自己逼得太緊。


俗話說:「大笑是最好的良藥(Laughter is the best medicine.)」,



Sorry your sick day is due to actual sickness.真可惜。你這次請病假是真的因為生病

Get better soon, so I have someone to hang out with!快點好起來!這樣才有人陪我出去玩。

I guess the universe is telling you to catch up on some TV shows.這是上天的旨意。祂叫你趁現在趕快追劇。

Apparently, laughter is the best medicine – good thing I'm hilarious!大家都說大笑是最好的良藥。有我這種幽默的朋友真是算你好運!

You better get better – I’m sick of you being sick!你最好快點好起來,不然連我也要生病了!


You better get better的第一個better是指「你最好...」,

第二個 better 就是指「病情好轉」的better;

I’m sick of you being sick的第一個sick of是指「受夠了」,

第二個 sick 是指「生病」。






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