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端午节祝福用英语怎么写75句 字典 |

2023-06-01 16:39




【 liuxue86.com - 端午节祝福语 】




  2、Have a fun-filled and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your friends and loved ones!


  4、May the fragrance of the rice dumplings and the spirit of the dragon bring joy and prosperity to your home!

  5、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you lots of happiness, joy, and vitality.

  6、May the Dragon Boat Festival be a time of peace, happiness, and prosperity for you and your family!

  7、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! May the waters be calm and the boats be swift.

  8、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you lots of opportunities to succeed and grow.

  9、Sending you lots of love and warm wishes on Dragon Boat Festival!

  10、Sending my warmest wishes for a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival to you and your loved ones.

  11、May the dragon boat festival bring peace, love, and happiness to your family and friends!


  13、May the flavors of traditional zongzi enrich your taste buds on this festive occasion.

  14、Here's wishing you peace, happiness, and good fortune on Dragon Boat Festival and always!

  15、Wishing you a joyful Dragon Boat Festival with love and best wishes from your family and friends!

  16、Let the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you closer to your loved ones, and strengthen your bonds with family and friends!

  17、May the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with love, your home with happiness, and your life with prosperity!

  18、Wishing you a happy Dragon Boat Festival filled with fun and excitement.

  19、Sending you warm wishes and blessings this Dragon Boat Festival season.


  20、On this Dragon Boat Festival, I wish that happiness fills your home and the spirit of health and prosperity come knocking at your door!

  21、May the fragrance of zongzi fill your home with happiness and love on this Dragon Boat Festival!

  22、Wishing you a happy and memorable Dragon Boat Festival, full of warmth, laughter, and heartfelt moments with your loved ones!

  23、Celebrate this Dragon Boat Festival with joy and happiness in your heart!

  24、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! May the dragon bring you good health, wealth, and wisdom.

  25、Enjoy the flavors of the Dragon Boat Festival and the company of your loved ones with your heart and soul!

  26、Wishing you a joyful and festive Dragon Boat Festival celebration with your family and friends.

  27、May the blessings of Dragon Boat Festival guide you towards the path of success and prosperity.

  28、Have an amazing Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones and enjoy the beauty of this traditional Chinese festival!

  29、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you cherished memories with your loved ones and plenty of happiness!

  30、May you have a joyful Dragon Boat Festival filled with happiness and prosperity.

  31、Sending you my warmest wishes and blessings on this special occasion of Dragon Boat Festival.

  32、May the dragon boat races bring you good fortune and success.

  33、As you celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, may you be blessed with beautiful memories and moments to cherish forever!

  34、Sending you warm wishes for a blessed and happy Dragon Boat Festival.

  35、Wishing you and your family a wonderful and joyful Dragon Boat Festival!

  36、May your Dragon Boat Festival be blessed with love, laughter, and good memories.

  37、May the rice dumplings and festival spirits bring an abundance of joy and happiness to your life!

  38、Wishing you peace, love, and happiness on this Dragon Boat Festival, and always!


  39、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival season.

  40、Let us unite in the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival and celebrate together.

  41、May the colors and flavors of Dragon Boat Festival brighten up your day!

  42、May the festival season bring you good health, happiness, and prosperity!

  43、Wishing you a delightful and memorable Dragon Boat Festival experience.

  44、wish you every day with mind to face the sea, the feeling of sleeping with pigs, with the sun back in South Africa, the dollar consumption, with gates with bin laden method of tax evasion. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  45、May the festivities of Dragon Boat Festival bring happiness and prosperity to your life.


  47、May the dragon's power and strength fuel you with success and happiness in life!

  48、Wishing you good luck and prosperity on the auspicious occasion of Dragon Boat Festival.

  49、May the dragon boats carry away all your troubles and bring you good luck.

  50、May the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with happiness, your home with love, and your life with new opportunities and success!

  51、Hoping that the festive spirit of Dragon Boat Festival stays with you throughout the year!

  52、To my blessings never fired; Readers can fly emperor tengda; Store will love sweet; Delete will good luck; Forwarding people pay up! Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

  53、Wishing you a Dragon Boat Festival filled with delicious zongzi and happy memories.

  54、May the joyous and vibrant celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you closer to your cultural roots and heritage!

  55、Have a joyous and unforgettable time celebrating this traditional festival.

  56、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with joy.



  58、Grilled may festival, dragon boat, black ring, big river, ha ha, you can see the dragon boat racing there? I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  59、Wishing you a prosperous and plentiful year ahead on this Dragon Boat Festival.

  60、May the dragon spirits bless your life with success, prosperity, and happiness!

  61、Let the spirit of Qu Yuan and his legacy of loyalty and patriotism be a guiding light in your life. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  63、May the folklore of the Dragon Boat Festival inspire you to cherish your traditions and create new memories with your loved ones!

  64、May the galloping dragon boats and agile paddlers bring you success and prosperity.

  65、Warmest wishes to you and your family on the Dragon Boat Festival. May you all enjoy a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead.

  66、May this Dragon Boat Festival bring you endless joy, love, and prosperity!

  67、Wishing you a happy and blessed Dragon Boat Festival!

  68、May the Dragon Boat Festival carry the spirit of health, happiness, and prosperity to brighten up your life!

  69、May the festive mood of Dragon Boat Festival inspire you to achieve your goals and dreams!

  70、May the dragon spirits bless you with good fortune, happiness, and success in life!

  71、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you peace, happiness, and good fortune now and always!

  72、Wishing you a happy and safe Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

  73、Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with your friends and family, and let the positive energy flow through your life!

  74、Happy Tuen Ng Festival to you and your family!

  75、May the dragon boat races inspire you to strive for success and achieve your goals.

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  想了解更多端午节祝福语网的资讯,请访问: 端午节祝福语

本文来源:https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4906315.html 热门标签: 结婚贺词 国庆节给同学的祝福语 小年祝福语 初三毕业寄语 元宵节给员工的祝福语 端午节给父母的祝福语 春节给领导的祝福语 感恩节英文祝福语 七夕情人节给老婆的祝福语 温馨祝福语 上一篇:给朋友的端午节祝福语简短72句 下一篇:端午节短信祝福语给领导简短


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