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2024-06-24 06:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

许多人不清楚在英文写作时标点符号该如何使用,但在写作学术论文时,遵循标点符号的使用准则是非常重要的。举个简单的例子,如果用逗号分隔两个独立不相关的句子会让读者感到困惑,但若适当的使用分号分隔则可使文章更加通顺易懂。因此,当在英文论文或文章中使用标点符号,如逗号comma (,), 冒号colon (:), 分号semicolon (;), 或破折号dash (—)时,请注意以下使用准则:




I bought bread, cheese, and pickles at the grocery store.


Astronomers have known about the positions of stars for centuries, but they didn’t understand that the earth revolves around the sun.


In preparation for the next convention, the representatives studied up on the most important issues.

 当需要区分附加说明部分的句子(parenthetical phrase),或要分隔插入语(interrupter)时:

All doctors, if they care about their patients, are concerned with good office hygiene.

逗号的常见错误使用案例 Comma splice. 不要在未使用连接词的情况下,使用逗号分隔两个独立的从句

Incorrect: Thousands of protesters showed up on the streets, they were shouting and carrying large posters.

Correct: Thousands of protesters showed up on the streets; they were shouting and carrying large posters.

Combining lengthy phrases. 在复合句中使用逗号或用逗号来分隔短句会造成读者的困惑,这种情况应使用分号。

Incorrect: Some useful subjects are English, which is an international language, math, which is used in all domains of sciences and social sciences, and philosophy, which underpins many other areas of study.

Correct: Some useful subjects are English, which is an international language; math, which is used in all sciences and social sciences; and philosophy, which underpins many other areas of study.


冒号来条列下文,并告诉读者 “Here’s what I mean.”。通常在英文写作中,冒号不常被使用,除非您有许多内容需要列举,冒号的使用准则较为严谨,但也相对容易被记住。


Humans use five major senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.


Martha realized that her worst fear was coming true: her son was being sent to war.

(*冒号后用独立的从句解释Martha’s fear)


To the Central Valley Committee Chairman:

其他冒号使用准则 冒号后的第一个字母不要大写,除非是专有名词, is part of a quote, or is the first in a series of sentences:

错误范例: I have three desires: To eat, sleep, and work.

正确范例 : I have three desires: to eat, sleep, and work.


In Chapter 3, the author explains his theory: “Dogs have dreams, but they don’t dream as humans do. Their dreams reflect a primal desire for pleasure, whereas humans are preoccupied with the ego and self-image. This is equally true in wakefulness and sleep.”


There is one mantra that can sum up our position towards climate change: urgent action.

常见冒号错误 分隔平等并且无相关的两个从句:

错误范例: Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain : nature always held a special meaning for them.

正确范例: Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain ; nature always held a special meaning for them.



冒号属于强调性质的标点符号,要避免过多使用。请将冒号想像为暂停标志,用来引起读者注意“Hey! Pay attention to this. This is important.” 如果路上有过多的暂停标志,则无法顺利并快速的前进,同样的道理,若文章中包含过多的冒号,读者也无法顺利阅读。





The universe has always called to human beings; there could be no more final frontier than space.


Sam thought David was inviting him to the picnic to enjoy a nice day out; as it turned out, David was planning a surprise birthday party.


Our family members came all the way from Denver, Colorado; Rochester, Minnesota; and even Paris, France.


My main research objective is to isolate the cause of the disease, as well as to contribute to the existing literature; for this will bring an end to starvation across the continent, create new study designs related to epidemiology, and change the very paradigm of my research field.


错误范例: The specimens were treated properly, however, they were not stored properly.

正确范例: The specimens were treated properly; however, they were not stored properly.

*副词“however”表示的是连接两个独立的从句; 不要用逗号去连接两个不包含并列连词(and, but, or, nor 等等)的独立从句。

错误范例: The sun is wonderful: it produces light, which plants need to survive, it gives us warmth, which is useful for most life, and it makes a sad day happier, which is obviously a positive trait!

正确范例: The sun is wonderful: it produces light, which plants need to survive; it gives us warmth, which is useful for most life; and it makes a sad day happier, which is obviously a positive trait!







And so, when the baby was born in June, nearly two months premature, the parents were happy but quite nervous, and they still had to buy all of the baby supplies .


And so, when the baby was born in June—nearly two months premature—the parents were happy but quite nervous, and they still had to buy all of the baby supplies .

(*破折号强调”baby was premature”的重点,表现出此内容在句中的重要性)




使用括号: After taking all of his final exams (including seven essays and three multiple choice tests), David just wanted to sleep.

使用破折号: After taking all of his final exams—including seven essays and three multiple choice tests—David just wanted to sleep.



使用括弧: That coffee shop offers a selection of exotic gourmet coffee (or at least that is how they describe it).

使用破折号: That coffee shop offers a selection of exotic gourmet coffee—or at least that is how they describe it.

*The dash seems to work especially well when placed at the end of a sentence—it extends the sentence like an addendum .



冒号: The executives finally decided what they would do with the company: sell it at a loss.

单一破折号: The executives finally decided what they would do with the company—sell it at a loss.

冒号:Let’s go where we went last year: Disneyland!

单一破折号: Let’s go where we went last year—Disneyland!




延伸阅读 APA 格式文献引用范例 怎么写出一份吸引人的绪论 如何撰写研究论文的研究结果 如何灵活替换论文中的动词,让文章更好读? 如何写研究论文的摘要 论文标题怎么下最合适 论文中常用的转折、连接词和短语 研究论文的改写技巧 其他资源 Rules for Comma Use (Grammarly) Using Commas, Colons, and Semicolons within Sentences (GrammarBook) Rules for Using Semicolons (University of Wisconsin Writing Center) How to Use the Em Dash (The Punctuation Guide)

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