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新闻如下英语新闻报道短篇:A watch that Marilyn Monroe reportedly gave President Kennedy as a birthday gift has fetched $120,000 at an auction.The gold Rolex is inscribed: “Jack, With love as always from Marilyn May 29th 1962.” Kennedy was born May 29, 1917.Bill Panagopulos, founder of the Alexander Autographs auction house, said the buyer was an East Coast collector, but he didn’t release a name.




据美联社10月18日报道,负责此次拍卖的是一家名为“Alexander Autographs”的专门经营名人签名和手稿的拍卖商。其创办人比尔-帕纳古普罗斯透露买家来自美国东海岸,但他没有说出买家的名字。

求一篇英文的新闻报道,要最新的?BBC News with John JasonThe Malian army backed by French forces has repelled an attack by Islamist militants in the northern city of Timbuktu. French troops pushed the militants out of the city earlier this year, but sporatic fighting has continued. Tomma Fessy reports from Bamako.What

happened is that a group of Jihadists managed to infiltrate the town over night. A long fire fight lasted hours overnight between the Jihad fighters and the Malian army. It’s only when the French intervenes on the ground and by the air according to the residents there that the battle was taken to an end this afternoon. A Malian officer I spoke to over the phone told me that he was able to confirm that death of at least 8 Jihad fighters. And he told me that one Malian soldier was also killed in the fierce fighting this afternoon, and four others wounded.Nigerian

troops say they’ve killed 14 suspected members of the Islamist rebel group Boko Haram in a raid on a building in the northern city of Kano. A military spokesman said a soldier was killed in the raid and a potential suicide bomber was arrested. From Lagos, here’s Tomi Oladipo. Residents in some parts of Kano said they heard explosions and gunfire as the soldiers fought Islamist militants on Sunday morning. A military spokesman says security forces found several weapons belonging to the extremists including a car loaded with explosives, possibly to be used for an Easter Sunday attack. There’s been no independent confirmation of the details of this clash. In the past major Christian holidays in northern Nigeria have been blacked by bomb attacks particularly targeting churches. Much of the violence across the region has been blamed on the radical Boko Haram sect. Doctors in South Africa reporting a further improvement in the condition of the former president Nelson Mandela. President Jacob Zuma thanked that thousands of people who prayed for the former leader at various Easter church services over the weekend. From Johannesburg, here’s Peter Biles. A statement from the South African presidency said Nelson Mandela had had a restful day and was continuing to receive treatment for his lung infection. The government in Pretoria says it’s satisfied that he’s getting the best possible medical care to enable his recovery and comfort. And doctors have reported a further improvement after four days in hospital. They’ve not said how serious Mr. Mandela’s condition is. But there is obvious concern. He’s 94 years old, and this is his third stay in hospital since last December. A day of national mourning has been declared on the India Ocean island of Mauritius after 11 people died in severe floods. Torrential rain hit the capital Port Louis on Saturday night. Water levels have now receded, but many buildings have been flooded. Residents expressed anger at the authorities have not done more to help them cope. They said roads were blocked, trees had fallen, and there’s mud everywhere. Others reported shortages of food, water and electricity. You’re listening to the latest world news from the BBCThe Syrian government has accused rebels of setting fire to three oil wells in the east of the country, causing a loss of nearly 5,000 barrels of oil a day. Syria state news agency says the wells were set ablaze following a dispute between the rebels about how to divide the oil. The government of president Assad has lost control of large parts of eastern Syria where most of the oil fields located.The

self-claim president of the Central African Republic Michel Djotodia has named his caretaker government. Rebels and the members of the former opposition will make up most of the cabinet. Although, there’ll be one member was linked to the ousted president Francois Bozize. Mr.Djotodia

will take on the role of Defense Minister, as well as being president. The rebels seized power in a coup last week.Pope

Francis has used his first Easter Sunday message to call for peace around the world. In an address to tens of thousands of people in St. Peter Square in Rome, the new pontiff appealed for a diplomatic solution on the Korean Peninsula. He also mentioned conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. These people in St. Peter Square gave their reactions to the Pope’s message. We want to come to be, to get the blessing from the Pope and to feel the love and community here today. That’s all we did. And we are hoping that this would be a new sign for world peace. I listened to the Pope’s reaching. And I attended the service. I think it reminds me of the younger generation. I often believe that there’ll be peace. And if older brought in the same way we serve in God and treating the younger generation to give them peace and love. An entire troop of performing fleas has been wiped out by the freezing temperatures currently gripping Germany. The director of the flea circus said he woke and found all 300 of tiny staffs dead inside their transport box. The circus has found 50 new fleas to fulfill an engagement to open their fair near Kommern.BBC

News BBC新闻,约翰•詹森报道。在法军的配合下,马里军队在北部城镇延巴克图击退了伊斯兰激进分子发动的攻击。法军在今年早些时候将激进分子驱逐出该城镇,但仍存在一些零星的战斗。汤马•费西从巴马科发回报道。一群伊斯兰圣战者试图连夜潜入该城镇。一场在夜间持续了几个小时的交火在伊斯兰圣战者与马里军队之间展开。根据当地居民所说,在法国通过地面和空中行动进行干预后,这场战斗在下午终于结束。一位马里官员在电话中向我提到,他能确认的是至少有八名伊斯兰圣战者死亡。他还说道,在下午激烈的战斗中,一位马里士兵丧生,另有四人受伤。尼日利亚军方表示他们在突袭卡诺城北部的一栋建筑物时杀了14名疑似伊斯兰反叛组织博科圣地成员。一位军方发言人称突袭中一位士兵被杀害,一名人体炸弹嫌疑人被抓获。Tomi Oladipo从拉各斯为您发回的报道。卡诺部分地区的居民称他们听到军方士兵与伊斯兰反叛组织周日上午交战的爆炸和炮火声。一位军方发言人表示安全部队发现伊斯兰极端分子可能用来做复活节袭击的部分武器,包括一辆装载炸药的汽车。目前还没有这场冲突具体细节的独立消息来源。尼日利亚北部主要基督教节日过去一直遭受针对教堂的炸弹袭击阴影。该地区的大部分暴力主要归咎于博科圣地激进教派。南非医生报告称,前总统纳尔逊・曼德拉的健康状况正进一步好转。现任总统雅各布・祖玛感谢数千名民众周末在各种复活节祷告仪式中为前总统祈祷。皮特・拜尔斯从约翰内斯堡发回报道。 南非总统府发表声明称,纳尔逊.曼德拉已度过了平静的一天,此后继续接受肺部感染的治疗。位于比勒陀利亚的政府表示,曼德拉也许得到了最好的治疗,这使得他能够早日康复并减轻痛苦,他们对此表示满意。医生称曼德拉在入院四天后健康状况进一步好转。他们并未






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