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2024-07-12 02:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”我爱好是摄影“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My hobby is photography。以下是关于我爱好是摄影专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hobby is photography

My hobby is photography. I take pictes on my mobile phone almost ry day. I have a pper camera.

When I see something interesting or want to record a specific memory, I use it on special occasions. I take photos rywhere, so that I can record what I see, or most of my photos are about fends and family, but I also take some interesting things. I like photography becse it's a creative hobby that makes you pay attention to the world nd you.

I like to capte special moments or unusual or betiful pictes. It's a good feeling to be able to look back on my photos and relive different expeences. These memoes usually cheer me up.




Photography photography [ˈ f ə t ə gr ˈ f ʊ t ə gr æ F] NVT & VII got on o boat, and Willis steered the boat to take photos. When you take a picte, try not to jerk at the camera. I don't know him very well.

I took his picte for a book he had wtten. Forget yo photo. I just want to remind you to take photos tomorw.

Sorry, we have to take them.




Hobby gup, hobby gup, hobby gup, comr gup, photography gup, calligraphy gup, dance gup, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge, there are many in o school, such as I am a member, I join, not only becse of my interest, but I also hope that I have decided to have many hobby gups in o school. Last year, I was a member of the science gup, and the teacher asked me to plant some Flowers, look at them, and then I should wte a report about them. Ding that time, I was very excited about these flowers.

I n forgot the time when I became and interested in science, so I hope to become a scientist when I gw up. There are many hobby gups in o school. I am a member of the photography gup.

Last summer vacation, we often went to the mountains or lakes to take good photos. We went to the Great Wall, and we took many betiful pictes there Have a good time. I hope I can go to Mount Emei next time.



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