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2022-12-28 15:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


%% Getting started with symbolics and code generation % This is a brief example about how we can derive symbolic robot model % expressions and how we can generate robot specific functions as well as % real-time capable Simulink blocks using the |CodeGenerator| class. The % example uses a reduced version of the 6-DOF cooperative robot rocr6. % % A requirement for this demo is that we have the Mathworks Symbolic Toolbox % installed besides the Robotics Toolbox. % clear,clc,close all; %% Instantiate a |CodeGenerator| class object % We start off with the instantiation of a |CodeGenerator| class object. % First, we load the |SerialLink| object for which we intend to generate % code. mdl_rocr6 %% % After that, we find a |SerialLink| object named robot in the workspace. This % object is used to instantiate the CodeGenerator. cGen = CodeGenerator(rocr6) %% Code generation % By default |CodeGenerator| class objects are configured to generate: % % * symbolic expressions % * m-code % * Simulink blocks % % and they document the CodeGeneration progress on the Matlab console. % We may modify this behaviour by passing extra arguments to the % |CodeGenerator| constructor. (Type |help CodeGenerator| for details) % cGen.geneverything(); % Now let's generate code for the forward kinematics of our reduced rocr6. symExp = cGen.genfkine %% % The text output to the console may be disabled cGen.verbose = false; % % or logged to disk by specifying a log file name cGen.logfile = 'roblog.txt' %% % The output variable |symExp| now contains the symbolic expression for the % forward kinematics. This expression is the same as would be obtained by % the following code. symp6 = robot.sym; q = symp6.gencoords; symExpDir = symp6.fkine(q) % So we have basically two ways for deriving symbolic expressions using the % Robotics Toolbox. %% % The difference is that in addition the functional output the symbolic % expression has now been saved to disk along with the generated m-code and % Simulink blocks. The storage directory is given in |cGen.basepath|, which % we now add to our search path. addpath(cGen.basepath) ls(cGen.basepath) %% % The m-code is contained in a specialized robot class. ls(cGen.robjpath) %% Using the generated m-code % The |mdl_puma560_3| robot definition script defines some special joint % configurations: % % * qz zero joint angle configuration % * ql vertical 'READY' configuration % * qr arm is at a nominal non-singular configuration % % The use of the symbolic expressions and generated code will be % exemplified in the following based on the zero joint angle configuration. % % qz %% % With the generic version of the fkine function from the |SerialLink| % class we would compute the forward kinematics as follows: tic; Tz1 = robot.fkine(qz); t1 = toc %% % In order to use the generated robot specific m-functions we add them to % the search path and instantiate a new robot object. addpath(cGen.basepath) specRob = eval(cGen.getrobfname) tic; Tz2 = specRob.fkine(qz); t2 = toc %% Speedup % The specialized robot version of fkine runs a little faster % because it only performs the computations necessary for the specific robot. % The speedup of the generated robot specific m-code becomes even more appearent if we % repeat the comparison of the execution times for dynamics % functions such as: % % * gravload -> cGen.gengravload % * inertia -> cGen.geninertia % * coriolis -> cGen.gencoriolis % * invdyn -> cGen.geninvdyn % % This way the specialized m-code can be used to decrease simulation times. % %% % We obtain the exact solution without floating point notation if we use % the symbolic expression as follows: tic; Tz1 = subs(symExp, {'q1', 'q2', 'q3','q4','q5','q6'},qz); toc %% % This is however more time consuming. Most probably we might use the % symbolic expressions for algorithm development, controller design, % stability proofs as well as analysis, system identification or teaching. % % It is also possible to get the symbolic expressions for the homogenous % transformations of up to each individual joint. This has been found to be % useful for example for during derivation of analytical inverse kinematics % solutions. See the documentation of genfkine for details. % %% C-Code generation % Since Release 9.9 the RTB is able to also generate ready to use C-code. % You can enable C-code generation by activating the CodeGenerator property % flag |cGen.genccode|: cGen.genccode = true; %% % Now all higher level generator methods (|cGen.genfkine|, |cGen.geninvdyn| % etc. ...) also produce .c and .h files. They are written to the directory % specified by the |cGen.ccodepath| property. You can use the C-files in % your projects outside the MATLAB world. The header files are documented % and compatible with Doxygen. % % Instead of using the higher level generator methods, you can also % directly call the C-code generation routine for the model code of your % choice. In the following we complement the previously generated m-functions % for the forward kinematics by their C-equivalent: cGen.genccodefkine; cGen.genccodecoriolis; cGen.genccodeinertia cGen.genccodeinvdyn; cGen.genccodejacobian; cGen.genccodefdyn; cGen.genccodefriction; cGen.genccodegravload; disp('Generated C-headers:') ls(fullfile(cGen.ccodepath,'include')) disp('Generated C-definitions:') ls(fullfile(cGen.ccodepath,'src')) %% Generating C-MEX functions % We can use the generated C-code outside the MATLAB world and use it in % arbitrary C-applications. In addition we can also benefit from it inside % the MATLAB world by means of C-MEX functions. The automated generation of % C-MEX functions is controlled by the CodeGenerator flag properties % |cGen.genmex| and |cGen.compilemex|: cGen.genmex = true; %% % Now all higher level generator methods (|cGen.genfkine|, |cGen.geninvdyn| % etc. ...) also produce C-MEX files. The MEX files are stored in the class % directory |cGen.robjpath| of the specialized robot object also incorporating the % m-functions we generated before. %% % By default the flag compilemex is active. This means that the % CodeGenerator always compiles the generated MEX function after generation. % We require an installed C-compiler and our MATLAB MEX environment being % configured properly. See the MATLAB documentation ond MEX files for % details. In order to proceed with this demo in the case where we do not % have this prerequisites, we now deactivate the automatic generation: cGen.compilemex = true; %% % Nevhertheless, we can create the C-MEX code for the forward kinematics % and inspect the |cGen.robjpath| directory: cGen.genmexfkine cGen.genmexcoriolis cGen.genmexfdyn cGen.genmexgravload cGen.genmexinertia cGen.genmexinvdyn cGen.genmexjacobian disp('Robot object directory with new MEX source file fkine.c:') ls(cGen.robjpath) %% % The readily compiled MEX functions will shadow the previously generated % m-functions. The function calls as such remain identical. Using the % specialized robot object with MEX files we experience an additional and % substantial computation speed up compared to the robot specific m-code % as well as the generic rne functions (both, m and MEX version). % %% Inheritance % Even though we have not yet generated robot specific code for |SerialLink| % metods other than |fkine|, we can still use all functionality of % |SerialLink| objects with our new specialized robot object which inherits % from |SerialLink|. J01 = robot.jacob0(qz) J02 = specRob.jacob0(qz) %% A look at the generated Simulink blocks % The Simulink blocks are stored in a Simulink library file. By opening the % generated Simulink library we can investigate the already optimized robot % specific code within the blocks. % The usage of these blocks is also accompanied with a noticable speedup % compared to the blocks based on generic |SerialLink| objects. eval(cGen.slib); snapnow; %% % Beyond the speedup for simulations all blocks in the generated library % may be directly compiled for real-time operating systems such as xPC-Target or % dSpace systems for model based control of real hardware setups. % This way we avoid tedious and error prone reimplementation of the model % on the target hardware. % bdclose(cGen.slib); %% Further information % For further information on symbolics and code generation see the % documentation of the |SerialLink| and |CodeGenerator| class. % % All generated functions come with their own description headers so that information % about their usage can be found by typing |help funname|. % % A list of all available methods provide by the |CodeGenerator| class can be % displayed. methods CodeGenerator %% % The same applies to the configurable properties: properties CodeGenerator %% Cleanup % If we whish to clean our disk from all the generated code, we can simply % remove it from the search path return rmpath(cGen.basepath) %% % and purge everything. cGen.purge(1) snapnow






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