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2024-07-03 07:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

梦境的每一层需要多大 It could be anything from the floor of a building to an entire city.随你 一个楼面一幢大楼或是一座城市 But they have to be complicated但梦境必须非常复杂 enough that we can hide from the projections.能让我们躲避映射的追踪 A maze?比如一个迷宫吗 Right, a maze, and the better the maze...对 迷宫 迷宫越好... Then the longer we have before the projections catch us?映射就越难找到我们吗 Exactly. My subconscious seems polite enough.没错 我的潜意识就很有礼貌 You wait, they'll turn ugly.等着瞧 他们会翻脸不认人 No one likes to feel someone else messing around in their mind.没人喜欢别人在自己的大脑里乱窜 Cobb can't build anymore, can he?柯布不能再筑梦了吧 I don't know if he can't, but he won't.就算他可以 他也不愿意了 He thinks it's safer if he doesn't know the layouts.他觉得他不知道梦境的话会更保险 Why?为什么 He won't tell me. I think it's Mal.他不愿意说 我想是因为茉儿吧 His ex wife? No, not his ex.他前妻吗 不 不是 They're still together? No, she...他们还在一起吗 不 她... she's dead.她已经死了 What you just see in there is just his projection of her.你看到的她不过是他脑中的映射 What was she like in real life? She was lovely.她在现实中怎么样 她很迷人 You're seeking a chemist? Yes.你要找药剂师吗 对 To formulate compounds for a job.任务需要配制药剂吗 And to go into the field with us.还得和我们一起进入梦境 No, I rarely go into the field, Mr. Cobb.不 我从不进入梦境 柯布先生 We need you there to tailor compounds specific to our needs.你得在梦里根据需要定做药剂 Which are? Great depth.有什么要求 足够深度 A dream within a dream? two levels?梦中梦吗 两层梦境 Three. Not possible.三层 这不可能 That many dreams within dreams is too unstable.这种多层梦境太不稳定了 It is possible. You just have to add a sedative.有可能 只需要加镇静剂 A powerful sedative.强效镇静剂 How many team members? Five.一共几个人 五个 Six.六个 The only way to know you've done the job只有我和你们一起进入梦境 is if I go in with you.才能确定你是否完成了任务 There's no room for tourists on a job like this,这种工作可不能带观光客 Mr. Saito.斋藤先生 This time it seems there is.那这次得破例了 This, I think, is a good place to start. I use it everyday.先试试这个吧 我每天都用 What for? Here, I'll show you.用来做什么 来 我带你看看 Perhaps, you will not want to see. After you.你得做好心理准备 你先请 Ten... twelve, all connected.十个...十二个 全部连在一起 Bloody hell!天啊 They come here everyday to share the dream.他们每天来这分享梦境 You see? Very stable.看见了吗 非常稳定 How long do they dream for? Three, four hours, each day.他们每天做梦多久 三四个小时吧 And the dream time? With this compound?梦里是多久 在这种药效下 About 40 hours, each and every day.每人每天四十个小时 Why do they do it?他们为什么这么做 Tell him, Mr. Cobb.你来说吧 柯布先生 After a while,在你用药一阵子后 it becomes the only way you can dream.不用药就没法做梦了 Do you still dream, Mr. Cobb?你还做梦吗 柯布先生 They come here everyday to sleep?他们每天来这做梦吗 No, they come to be woken up.不 他们是为了醒过来 The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise, uh?梦境已成了他们的现实 谁又能说不是呢 Let's see what you can do.让我见识一下吧 You know how to find me. You know what you have to do.你知道怎么找到我 你知道你该怎么做 Sharp? No?很鲜明吧 Are you all right, Mr. Cobb?你没事吧 柯布先生 Yeah, yeah. I'm just fine.放心 我没事 Robert Fischer,罗伯特·费舍 heir to the Fischer Morrow Energy Conglomerate.费舍明日能源集团的继承人 What's your problem with this Mr. Fischer?你和这位费舍先生有何瓜葛 That's not your concern.这不关你的事 Mr. Saito, this...斋藤先生 这... this isn't your typical corporate espionage.这可不是一般的商业间谍活动 You asked me for inception, I do hope you understand that...你让我植梦 我希望你明白... the gravity of that request.这其中的严重性 The seed that we plant in this man's mind will grow into an idea.我们会在对方脑中植入一个想法 This idea would define him. It may come to change...这个想法会决定他的行为 it may come to change everything about him.可能会彻底改变他的人生 We're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance.我们是仅存的能和他们抗衡的能源公司 We can no longer compete.但我们快撑不住了 Soon they'll control the energy supply of half the world.很快他们将控制半个世界的能源供给 In effect, they become a new superpower.事实上 他们将成为新兴超级帝国 The world needs Robert Fischer全世界都需要罗伯特·费舍 to change his mind.改变主意 That's where we come in.这要看我们的了 How is Robert Fischer's罗伯特·费舍 relationship with his father?和他父亲的关系如何 Rumor is their relationship is quite complicated.传言他们之间的关系有些复杂 But we can't work based solely on rumor, can we?但光靠传言可不够 是吧 Can you get me access to this man here,你能让我接近这个男人吗 Browning?布朗宁 Fischer senior's right hand man,老费舍的左膀右臂 Fischer junior's godfather.小费舍的教父 It should be possible, if you can get the right references.应该不难 只要你有合适的推荐信 References are something of a speciality for me, Mr. Saito.搞推荐信可是我的专长 斋藤先生 I'm not smelling settlement here.这里还有未解决的事项 Take them down. Mr. Browning,去搞定它 布朗宁先生 Maurice Fischer's policy is always one of莫里斯·费舍的原则之一 avoiding litigation.就是避免一切诉讼 Well, shall we voice your concerns那我们是不是应该把你的想法 with Maurice directly?直接告诉莫里斯 Not sure if that's necessary.没那个必要吧 No, no, no. I think we should.不 我觉得有必要 How is he?他怎么样了 I don't wanna bother him unnecessarily, but...我也不想因琐事而麻烦他 但... Robert, I've told you to罗伯特 我告诉过你 keep out the damn...别让那些该死的... Just do it!照做就是了 No, don't speak, Mr. Fischer.你不适合讲话 费舍先生 Never... never do thing what I asked.总是不照我说的做 Leave town.出去吧 Must be a cherished memory of this.这一定是他宝贵的回忆 I put it beside his bed. He hasn't even noticed it.我把相框放在他床边 他甚至都没注意到 Robert, we need to talk about the power of attorney.罗伯特 我们得谈谈委托书的问题了 I know this is hard for you...我知道现在不合适... Not now, uncle Peter.现在不行 彼得叔叔 But it's imperative that we start to...但刻不容缓 我们得开始... The vultures are circling.秃鹰在盘旋 It is the sicker Maurice Fischer becomes,莫里斯·费舍病得越重 The more powerful Peter Browning becomes.彼得·布朗宁就越强大 I've had ample opportunity to observe Browning,我充分观察了布朗宁 adopt his physical presence, study his mannerisms, so on and so forth.记下了他的模样 行为模式和习惯等等 So now, in the first layer of the dream,所以在梦境的第一层 I can impersonate Browning,我可以模仿布朗宁 and suggest the concept to Fischer's conscious mind.并给费舍的大脑灌输暗示 Then, when we take him a level deeper,当我们带他进入更深一层 his own projection of Browning should...他脑中产生的布朗宁的映射 should feed that right back to him.会把这些信息反馈给他自己 So he gives himself the idea? Precisely.让他觉得这是自己的想法 没错 That's the only way it will stick. It has to seem self generated.只能这么做 必须是自发生成的想法 Eames, I am impressed.伊姆斯 不错嘛 Your condescension, as always,能得到你的赞赏 is much appreciated, Arthur. Thank you.我真是受宠若惊 亚瑟 感激不尽 Were you going under on your own?你一个人进入梦境吗 No, no. I was just, uh... just running some experiments.不 我就是做些实验 I didn't realize anyone was here. So...没想到这里还有人 所以... Yeah, I was just... I was working on my totem, actually.




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