ollama: Ollama 是一款命令行工具,可在 macOS 和 Linux 上本地运行 Llama 2、Code Llama 和其他模型

您所在的位置:网站首页 百度下载应用太慢 ollama: Ollama 是一款命令行工具,可在 macOS 和 Linux 上本地运行 Llama 2、Code Llama 和其他模型

ollama: Ollama 是一款命令行工具,可在 macOS 和 Linux 上本地运行 Llama 2、Code Llama 和其他模型

2024-07-14 21:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 ollama Ollama


Get up and running with large language models.



Windows preview


Linux curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh

Manual install instructions


The official Ollama Docker image ollama/ollama is available on Docker Hub.

Libraries ollama-python ollama-js Quickstart

To run and chat with Llama 3:

ollama run llama3 Model library

Ollama supports a list of models available on ollama.com/library

Here are some example models that can be downloaded:

Model Parameters Size Download Llama 3 8B 4.7GB ollama run llama3 Llama 3 70B 40GB ollama run llama3:70b Phi 3 Mini 3.8B 2.3GB ollama run phi3 Phi 3 Medium 14B 7.9GB ollama run phi3:medium Gemma 2B 1.4GB ollama run gemma:2b Gemma 7B 4.8GB ollama run gemma:7b Mistral 7B 4.1GB ollama run mistral Moondream 2 1.4B 829MB ollama run moondream Neural Chat 7B 4.1GB ollama run neural-chat Starling 7B 4.1GB ollama run starling-lm Code Llama 7B 3.8GB ollama run codellama Llama 2 Uncensored 7B 3.8GB ollama run llama2-uncensored LLaVA 7B 4.5GB ollama run llava Solar 10.7B 6.1GB ollama run solar

Note: You should have at least 8 GB of RAM available to run the 7B models, 16 GB to run the 13B models, and 32 GB to run the 33B models.

Customize a model Import from GGUF

Ollama supports importing GGUF models in the Modelfile:

Create a file named Modelfile, with a FROM instruction with the local filepath to the model you want to import.

FROM ./vicuna-33b.Q4_0.gguf

Create the model in Ollama

ollama create example -f Modelfile

Run the model

ollama run example Import from PyTorch or Safetensors

See the guide on importing models for more information.

Customize a prompt

Models from the Ollama library can be customized with a prompt. For example, to customize the llama3 model:

ollama pull llama3

Create a Modelfile:

FROM llama3 # set the temperature to 1 [higher is more creative, lower is more coherent] PARAMETER temperature 1 # set the system message SYSTEM """ You are Mario from Super Mario Bros. Answer as Mario, the assistant, only. """

Next, create and run the model:

ollama create mario -f ./Modelfile ollama run mario >>> hi Hello! It's your friend Mario.

For more examples, see the examples directory. For more information on working with a Modelfile, see the Modelfile documentation.

CLI Reference Create a model

ollama create is used to create a model from a Modelfile.

ollama create mymodel -f ./Modelfile Pull a model ollama pull llama3

This command can also be used to update a local model. Only the diff will be pulled.

Remove a model ollama rm llama3 Copy a model ollama cp llama3 my-model Multiline input

For multiline input, you can wrap text with """:

>>> """Hello, ... world! ... """ I'm a basic program that prints the famous "Hello, world!" message to the console. Multimodal models >>> What's in this image? /Users/jmorgan/Desktop/smile.png The image features a yellow smiley face, which is likely the central focus of the picture. Pass the prompt as an argument $ ollama run llama3 "Summarize this file: $(cat README.md)" Ollama is a lightweight, extensible framework for building and running language models on the local machine. It provides a simple API for creating, running, and managing models, as well as a library of pre-built models that can be easily used in a variety of applications. Show model information ollama show llama3 List models on your computer ollama list Start Ollama

ollama serve is used when you want to start ollama without running the desktop application.


See the developer guide

Running local builds

Next, start the server:

./ollama serve

Finally, in a separate shell, run a model:

./ollama run llama3 REST API

Ollama has a REST API for running and managing models.

Generate a response curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{ "model": "llama3", "prompt":"Why is the sky blue?" }' Chat with a model curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{ "model": "llama3", "messages": [ { "role": "user", "content": "why is the sky blue?" } ] }'

See the API documentation for all endpoints.

Community Integrations Web & Desktop Open WebUI Enchanted (macOS native) Hollama Lollms-Webui LibreChat Bionic GPT HTML UI Saddle Chatbot UI Chatbot UI v2 Typescript UI Minimalistic React UI for Ollama Models Ollamac big-AGI Cheshire Cat assistant framework Amica chatd Ollama-SwiftUI Dify.AI MindMac NextJS Web Interface for Ollama Msty Chatbox WinForm Ollama Copilot NextChat with Get Started Doc Alpaca WebUI OllamaGUI OpenAOE Odin Runes LLM-X (Progressive Web App) AnythingLLM (Docker + MacOs/Windows/Linux native app) Ollama Basic Chat: Uses HyperDiv Reactive UI Ollama-chats RPG QA-Pilot (Chat with Code Repository) ChatOllama (Open Source Chatbot based on Ollama with Knowledge Bases) CRAG Ollama Chat (Simple Web Search with Corrective RAG) RAGFlow (Open-source Retrieval-Augmented Generation engine based on deep document understanding) StreamDeploy (LLM Application Scaffold) chat (chat web app for teams) Lobe Chat with Integrating Doc Ollama RAG Chatbot (Local Chat with multiple PDFs using Ollama and RAG) BrainSoup (Flexible native client with RAG & multi-agent automation) macai (macOS client for Ollama, ChatGPT, and other compatible API back-ends) Olpaka (User-friendly Flutter Web App for Ollama) OllamaSpring (Ollama Client for macOS) LLocal.in (Easy to use Electron Desktop Client for Ollama) Terminal oterm Ellama Emacs client Emacs client gen.nvim ollama.nvim ollero.nvim ollama-chat.nvim ogpt.nvim gptel Emacs client Oatmeal cmdh ooo shell-pilot tenere llm-ollama for Datasette's LLM CLI. typechat-cli ShellOracle tlm podman-ollama gollama Database MindsDB (Connects Ollama models with nearly 200 data platforms and apps) chromem-go with example Package managers Pacman Helm Chart Guix channel Libraries LangChain and LangChain.js with example LangChainGo with example LangChain4j with example LangChainRust with example LlamaIndex LiteLLM OllamaSharp for .NET Ollama for Ruby Ollama-rs for Rust Ollama-hpp for C++ Ollama4j for Java ModelFusion Typescript Library OllamaKit for Swift Ollama for Dart Ollama for Laravel LangChainDart Semantic Kernel - Python Haystack Elixir LangChain Ollama for R - rollama Ollama for R - ollama-r Ollama-ex for Elixir Ollama Connector for SAP ABAP Testcontainers Portkey PromptingTools.jl with an example LlamaScript Mobile Enchanted Maid Extensions & Plugins Raycast extension Discollama (Discord bot inside the Ollama discord channel) Continue Obsidian Ollama plugin Logseq Ollama plugin NotesOllama (Apple Notes Ollama plugin) Dagger Chatbot Discord AI Bot Ollama Telegram Bot Hass Ollama Conversation Rivet plugin Obsidian BMO Chatbot plugin Cliobot (Telegram bot with Ollama support) Copilot for Obsidian plugin Obsidian Local GPT plugin Open Interpreter Llama Coder (Copilot alternative using Ollama) Ollama Copilot (Proxy that allows you to use ollama as a copilot like Github copilot) twinny (Copilot and Copilot chat alternative using Ollama) Wingman-AI (Copilot code and chat alternative using Ollama and HuggingFace) Page Assist (Chrome Extension) AI Telegram Bot (Telegram bot using Ollama in backend) AI ST Completion (Sublime Text 4 AI assistant plugin with Ollama support) Discord-Ollama Chat Bot (Generalized TypeScript Discord Bot w/ Tuning Documentation) Discord AI chat/moderation bot Chat/moderation bot written in python. Uses Ollama to create personalities. Headless Ollama (Scripts to automatically install ollama client & models on any OS for apps that depends on ollama server) Supported backends llama.cpp project founded by Georgi Gerganov.




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