Android开发 :详细讲解如何使用Xposed拦截修改地理位置信息

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Android开发 :详细讲解如何使用Xposed拦截修改地理位置信息

2023-09-06 12:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




























// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by Fernflower decompiler) // package com.amap.api.location; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.Parcelable.Creator; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import com.loc.dd; import org.json.JSONObject; public class AMapLocation extends Location implements Parcelable, Cloneable { public static final int LOCATION_SUCCESS = 0; public static final int ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 1; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_WIFI_INFO = 2; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PARAMETER = 3; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CONNECTION = 4; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_PARSER = 5; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION = 6; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_AUTH = 7; public static final int ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN = 8; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_INIT = 9; public static final int ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_FAIL = 10; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CELL = 11; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PERMISSION = 12; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOWIFIANDAP = 13; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOENOUGHSATELLITES = 14; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_SIMULATION_LOCATION = 15; public static final int ERROR_CODE_AIRPLANEMODE_WIFIOFF = 18; public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOCGI_WIFIOFF = 19; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_GPS = 1; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_SAME_REQ = 2; /** @deprecated */ public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FAST = 3; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FIX_CACHE = 4; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_WIFI = 5; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_CELL = 6; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_AMAP = 7; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_OFFLINE = 8; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LAST_LOCATION_CACHE = 9; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_GOOD = 1; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_BAD = 0; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN = -1; private String d = ""; private String e = ""; private String f = ""; private String g = ""; private String h = ""; private String i = ""; private String j = ""; private String k = ""; private String l = ""; private String m = ""; private String n = ""; private boolean o = true; private int p = 0; private String q = "success"; private String r = ""; private int s = 0; private double t = 0.0D; private double u = 0.0D; private int v = 0; private String w = ""; private int x = -1; private boolean y = false; private String z = ""; private boolean A = false; protected String a = ""; protected String b = ""; public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { }; AMapLocationQualityReport c = new AMapLocationQualityReport(); public int getGpsAccuracyStatus() { return this.x; } public void setGpsAccuracyStatus(int var1) { this.x = var1; } public AMapLocation(String var1) { super(var1); } public AMapLocation(Location var1) { super(var1); this.t = var1.getLatitude(); this.u = var1.getLongitude(); } public int getLocationType() { return this.s; } public void setLocationType(int var1) { this.s = var1; } public String getLocationDetail() { return this.r; } public void setLocationDetail(String var1) { this.r = var1; } public int getErrorCode() { return this.p; } public void setErrorCode(int var1) { if(this.p == 0) { this.q = dd.b(var1); this.p = var1; } } public String getErrorInfo() { StringBuilder var1; (var1 = new StringBuilder()).append(this.q); if(this.p != 0) { var1.append(" 请到查看错误码说明"); var1.append(",错误详细信息:" + this.r); } return var1.toString(); } public void setErrorInfo(String var1) { this.q = var1; } public String getCountry() { return this.k; } public void setCountry(String var1) { this.k = var1; } /** @deprecated */ public String getRoad() { return this.l; } /** @deprecated */ public void setRoad(String var1) { this.l = var1; } public String getAddress() { return this.i; } public void setAddress(String var1) { this.i = var1; } public String getProvince() { return this.d; } public void setProvince(String var1) { this.d = var1; } public String getCity() { return this.e; } public void setCity(String var1) { this.e = var1; } public String getDistrict() { return this.f; } public void setDistrict(String var1) { this.f = var1; } public String getCityCode() { return this.g; } public void setCityCode(String var1) { this.g = var1; } public String getAdCode() { return this.h; } public void setAdCode(String var1) { this.h = var1; } public String getPoiName() { return this.j; } public void setPoiName(String var1) { this.j = var1; } public double getLatitude() { return this.t; } public void setLatitude(double var1) { this.t = var1; } public double getLongitude() { return this.u; } public void setLongitude(double var1) { this.u = var1; } public int getSatellites() { return this.v; } public void setSatellites(int var1) { this.v = var1; } public String getStreet() { return this.m; } public void setStreet(String var1) { this.m = var1; } public String getStreetNum() { return this.n; } public void setNumber(String var1) { this.n = var1; } public void setOffset(boolean var1) { this.o = var1; } public boolean isOffset() { return this.o; } public String getAoiName() { return this.w; } public void setAoiName(String var1) { this.w = var1; } public String getBuildingId() { return this.a; } public void setBuildingId(String var1) { this.a = var1; } public String getFloor() { return this.b; } public boolean isFixLastLocation() { return this.A; } public void setFixLastLocation(boolean var1) { this.A = var1; } public void setFloor(String var1) { if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(var1)) { var1 = var1.replace("F", ""); try { Integer.parseInt(var1); } catch (Throwable var3) { var1 = null; cv.a(var3, "AmapLoc", "setFloor"); } } this.b = var1; } public boolean isMock() { return this.y; } public void setMock(boolean var1) { this.y = var1; } public String getDescription() { return this.z; } public void setDescription(String var1) { this.z = var1; } public String toString() { StringBuffer var1 = new StringBuffer(); try { var1.append("latitude=" + this.t + "#"); var1.append("longitude=" + this.u + "#"); var1.append("province=" + this.d + "#"); var1.append("city=" + this.e + "#"); var1.append("district=" + this.f + "#"); var1.append("cityCode=" + this.g + "#"); var1.append("adCode=" + this.h + "#"); var1.append("address=" + this.i + "#"); var1.append("country=" + this.k + "#"); var1.append("road=" + this.l + "#"); var1.append("poiName=" + this.j + "#"); var1.append("street=" + this.m + "#"); var1.append("streetNum=" + this.n + "#"); var1.append("aoiName=" + this.w + "#"); var1.append("poiid=" + this.a + "#"); var1.append("floor=" + this.b + "#"); var1.append("errorCode=" + this.p + "#"); var1.append("errorInfo=" + this.q + "#"); var1.append("locationDetail=" + this.r + "#"); var1.append("description=" + this.z + "#"); var1.append("locationType=" + this.s); } catch (Throwable var2) { ; } return var1.toString(); } public String toStr() { return this.toStr(1); } public String toStr(int var1) { JSONObject var4; try { var4 = this.toJson(var1); } catch (Throwable var3) { var4 = null; cv.a(var3, "AMapLocation", "toStr part2"); } return var4 == null?null:var4.toString(); } public float getAccuracy() { return super.getAccuracy(); } public float getBearing() { return super.getBearing(); } public double getAltitude() { return super.getAltitude(); } public float getSpeed() { return super.getSpeed(); } public String getProvider() { return super.getProvider(); } public JSONObject toJson(int var1) { JSONObject var2; try { var2 = new JSONObject(); switch(var1) { case 1: try { var2.put("altitude", this.getAltitude()); var2.put("speed", (double)this.getSpeed()); var2.put("bearing", (double)this.getBearing()); } catch (Throwable var3) { ; } var2.put("citycode", this.g); var2.put("adcode", this.h); var2.put("country", this.k); var2.put("province", this.d); var2.put("city", this.e); var2.put("district", this.f); var2.put("road", this.l); var2.put("street", this.m); var2.put("number", this.n); var2.put("poiname", this.j); var2.put("errorCode", this.p); var2.put("errorInfo", this.q); var2.put("locationType", this.s); var2.put("locationDetail", this.r); var2.put("aoiname", this.w); var2.put("address", this.i); var2.put("poiid", this.a); var2.put("floor", this.b); var2.put("description", this.z); case 2: var2.put("time", this.getTime()); case 3: var2.put("provider", this.getProvider()); var2.put("lon", this.getLongitude()); var2.put("lat", this.getLatitude()); var2.put("accuracy", (double)this.getAccuracy()); var2.put("isOffset", this.o); var2.put("isFixLastLocation", this.A); } } catch (Throwable var4) { var2 = null; cv.a(var4, "AmapLoc", "toStr"); } return var2; } public int describeContents() { return 0; } public void writeToParcel(Parcel var1, int var2) { super.writeToParcel(var1, var2); var1.writeString(this.h); var1.writeString(this.i); var1.writeString(this.w); var1.writeString(this.a); var1.writeString(this.e); var1.writeString(this.g); var1.writeString(this.k); var1.writeString(this.f); var1.writeInt(this.p); var1.writeString(this.q); var1.writeString(this.b); var1.writeInt(this.A?1:0); var1.writeInt(this.o?1:0); var1.writeDouble(this.t); var1.writeString(this.r); var1.writeInt(this.s); var1.writeDouble(this.u); var1.writeInt(this.y?1:0); var1.writeString(this.n); var1.writeString(this.j); var1.writeString(this.d); var1.writeString(this.l); var1.writeInt(this.v); var1.writeInt(this.x); var1.writeString(this.m); var1.writeString(this.z); } public AMapLocation clone() { try { super.clone(); } catch (Throwable var3) { ; } AMapLocation var1 = new AMapLocation(this); try { var1.setAdCode(this.h); var1.setAddress(this.i); var1.setAoiName(this.w); var1.setBuildingId(this.a); var1.setCity(this.e); var1.setCityCode(this.g); var1.setCountry(this.k); var1.setDistrict(this.f); var1.setErrorCode(this.p); var1.setErrorInfo(this.q); var1.setFloor(this.b); var1.setFixLastLocation(this.A); var1.setOffset(this.o); var1.setLocationDetail(this.r); var1.setLocationType(this.s); var1.setMock(this.y); var1.setNumber(this.n); var1.setPoiName(this.j); var1.setProvince(this.d); var1.setRoad(this.l); var1.setSatellites(this.v); var1.setGpsAccuracyStatus(this.x); var1.setStreet(this.m); var1.setDescription(this.z); var1.setExtras(this.getExtras()); if(this.c != null) { var1.setLocationQualityReport(this.c.clone()); } } catch (Throwable var2) { cv.a(var2, "AMapLocation", "clone"); } return var1; } public AMapLocationQualityReport getLocationQualityReport() { return this.c; } public void setLocationQualityReport(AMapLocationQualityReport var1) { if(var1 != null) { this.c = var1; } } }


首先看一下AMapLocation 类中的变量,总共分为三部分:

public static final int LOCATION_SUCCESS = 0; public static final int ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 1; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_WIFI_INFO = 2; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PARAMETER = 3; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CONNECTION = 4; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_PARSER = 5; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION = 6; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_AUTH = 7; public static final int ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN = 8; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_INIT = 9; public static final int ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_FAIL = 10; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_CELL = 11; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_LOCATION_PERMISSION = 12; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOWIFIANDAP = 13; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_NOENOUGHSATELLITES = 14; public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILURE_SIMULATION_LOCATION = 15; public static final int ERROR_CODE_AIRPLANEMODE_WIFIOFF = 18; public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOCGI_WIFIOFF = 19;



public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_GPS = 1; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_SAME_REQ = 2; /** @deprecated */ public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FAST = 3; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_FIX_CACHE = 4; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_WIFI = 5; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_CELL = 6; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_AMAP = 7; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_OFFLINE = 8; public static final int LOCATION_TYPE_LAST_LOCATION_CACHE = 9; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_GOOD = 1; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_BAD = 0; public static final int GPS_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN = -1;



private String d = ""; private String e = ""; private String f = ""; private String g = ""; private String h = ""; private String i = ""; private String j = ""; private String k = ""; private String l = ""; private String m = ""; private String n = ""; private boolean o = true; private int p = 0; private String q = "success"; private String r = ""; private int s = 0; private double t = 0.0D; private double u = 0.0D; private int v = 0; private String w = ""; private int x = -1; private boolean y = false; private String z = ""; private boolean A = false; protected String a = ""; protected String b = "";



private double t = 0.0D; private double u = 0.0D;

变量 t  和变量 u 。就只有他两个是double型的,那么估计经纬度就是他们两个表示的了,只不过不清楚谁是经度谁是纬度。没关系,我们可以往下看代码,重点关注变量 t  和变量 u 出现的地方。很快我们就发现了:

public AMapLocation(Location var1) { super(var1); this.t = var1.getLatitude(); this.u = var1.getLongitude(); }

这是AMapLocation类的构造函数,我们可以很清楚的看到,在构造函数里,我们传入一个Location 类的对象,然后分别调用了Location 类的getLatitude()方法和getLongitude()方法为变量 t  和变量 u 赋值!

我们知道,Location 类的getLatitude()方法获取的是纬度,getLongitude()方法获取的是经度,那么这里我们基本就可以确定,变量 t 代表的是纬度,变量 u 代表的是经度,我们可以继续向下看一下 t 和 u 的set和get方法:

public double getLatitude() { return this.t; } public void setLatitude(double var1) { this.t = var1; } public double getLongitude() { return this.u; } public void setLongitude(double var1) { this.u = var1; }


public class AMapLocation extends Location implements Parcelable, Cloneable


/** * Get the latitude, in degrees. * *

All locations generated by the {@link LocationManager} * will have a valid latitude. */ public double getLatitude() { return mLatitude; } /** * Set the latitude, in degrees. */ public void setLatitude(double latitude) { mLatitude = latitude; } /** * Get the longitude, in degrees. * *

All locations generated by the {@link LocationManager} * will have a valid longitude. */ public double getLongitude() { return mLongitude; } /** * Set the longitude, in degrees. */ public void setLongitude(double longitude) { mLongitude = longitude; }



首先你可能会想到,既然需要拦截的关键方法是经纬度 ,那么进行拦截,目标类是AMapLocation 类,目标方法有两个,分别是获取纬度方法getLatitude(),获取经度方法getLongitude()。这里我将会告诉你,这是不对的,因为首先你要知道,AMapLocation类是高德地图SDK中的方法,并不是Android系统所提供的方法,拦截起来难度是很大的,很容易就会出错。



@Override public void handleLoadPackage(XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam loadPackageParam) throws Throwable { XposedBridge.log("loaded: " + loadPackageParam.packageName); XposedBridge.log("开始劫持"); if (loadPackageParam.packageName.equals("com.autonavi.minimap")) { XposedBridge.log("进入"); setHookMethodAndClassGaoDeLo(); setHookMethodAndClassGaoDeLa(); } private void setHookMethodAndClassGaoDeLo(){//经度 XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(Location.class, "getLongitude", new XC_MethodHook() { @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable { XposedBridge.log("进入,开始修改经度坐标"); param.setResult(115.193721); } }); } private void setHookMethodAndClassGaoDeLa(){//纬度 XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(Location.class, "getLatitude", new XC_MethodHook() { @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable { XposedBridge.log("进入,开始修改纬度坐标"); param.setResult(33.655748); } }); }














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