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2023-05-15 15:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Pepsi apologised and pulled the ad after accusations. But it wasn't the only company copping flak for poor creativity. 随后,百事可乐对此道歉,并撤销了该广告。但是,它并不是唯一一家因创造力匮乏而招致谴责的公司。

German skincare brand Nivea also said sorry over its "white is purity" deodorant advert that was deemed discriminatory and racially insensitive. 德国护肤品牌妮维雅也为其口号为“白色才纯净”的除臭剂广告而道歉。人们认为这则广告具有歧视意味,种族意识淡漠。

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Co-op supermarket was accused of "outrageous sexism" in an advert for chocolate Easter eggs that encouraged parents to "treat your daughter for doing the washing up", while Cadbury was criticised after dropping the word "Easter" from its egg hunts. 同时,英国Co-op超市被指责其一则广告“严重性别歧视”。这则推销复活节巧克力蛋的广告鼓励家长们“如果你的女儿洗衣服了,就奖励她复活节巧克力蛋吧”,而吉百利因为把“复活节”从“复活节寻蛋”中剔除,也遭到了批评。

These campaigns have now taken their place in the pantheon of bad advertising. Here are a few more picks from recent memory. 所有这些都已经在广告败笔的行列中名垂青史。以下是近期其他一些犯过类似错误的广告。

Snickers 士力架

Here's another one that left a sour taste. The Snickers TV advert featuring Mr T as BA Baracus from The A-Team was pulled after it was accused of being insulting to gay men. 这又是一则让人恶寒的广告。士力架的一则电视广告由T先生扮演《天龙特攻队》中的B.A.•巴拉克斯,在被批评侮辱男性同性恋后,这则广告也被撤掉。

Mr T is shown firing Snickers chocolate bars at a man who's speed walking in tight yellow shorts, while yelling, "You are a disgrace to the man race. It's time to run like a real man." 广告中,T先生在向一个身穿黄色紧身短裤、正在快走的男人狂扔士力架巧克力棒,并且喊道:“你真是男人的耻辱。是时候像个真正的男人那样奔跑了。”

Confectionery giant Mars, which owns Snickers, released a statement saying the advert was intended to be funny but that "humour is highly subjective". 士力架的母公司、甜品巨头玛尔斯发表声明称,这则广告本意是想幽默一下,但“幽默是非常因人而异的”

Dunkin' Donuts 唐恩都乐

In the US and most of the West, this poster would have caused outrage and accusations of racism. 在美国和大多数西方国家,这张海报必然会引起愤怒和对种族歧歧视的谴责。

But in Thailand, an image of a woman in blackface and bright pink lipstick to promote a new "charcoal donut" wasn't deemed a big deal. 然而在泰国,用扮作黑人、抹着明粉色口红的女性来推销新款“炭烧甜甜圈”并不是什么大事。

The chief executive of the Thai franchise - whose daughter was the model - reportedly said at the time: "I don't get it. What's the big fuss? What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?" But a spokesman for Dunkin' Brands apologised. 据报道,泰国连锁店的首席执行官(他女儿是海报中的模特)当时称:“我没弄明白,为什么要小题大做?如果产品是白色的,那么我将模特的脸涂白,这还是种族歧视么?”但唐恩都乐的某位发言人仍然为此道了歉。

The use of blackface - which historically was used by non-black performers to represent a black person - is still used in some Asian countries. Last year, a company in China used it to promote a laundry detergent. 过去,非黑人表演者曾把脸涂黑以扮作黑人,这种方法在一些亚洲国家仍然沿用。去年,中国的一家企业曾用它来推销一款洗衣液。




Ford India 印度福特

The US carmaker was forced to issue an apology over a poster that featured three gagged and bound women in the boot of a car. 这家美国汽车制造商被迫为一张海报发表道歉声明。海报中三名女性嘴被堵住,手脚被捆绑着放在后备箱中。

It also showed former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the driver's seat grinning and flashing the peace sign. 海报中,意大利前总理贝卢斯科尼坐在驾驶位置上咧着嘴笑,还比出剪刀手的姿势。

The advert for Ford's new Fido hatchback was posted online soon after India passed a new law on violence against women following a fatal gang rape. 福特这款新型Fido轿车广告在网上发布后没多久,印度通过一项抵制对女性施暴的新法律,意在针对此前发生的一起轮奸致死案。

Singapore's 'own goal' 新加坡的“乌龙球”

This anti-gambling advert deserves to be ranked in the Hall of Fame (or shame) for the amount of jokes it generated. 这则反赌的广告闹出的笑话可以在名人堂里(或“糗人堂”里)榜上有名了。

It was released to coincide with the 2014 World Cup and featured a boy complaining to friends that his dad had bet his life savings on Germany winning. The trouble is... Germany won. 这则广告发布时恰逢2014年世界杯,广告中一个男孩向伙伴们抱怨,他爸爸用整整一生的积蓄来赌德国队赢。但问题是......那年德国队真的赢了。

Singapore officials updated the ad but not before it got lampooned around the world. 新加坡官员们随后更换了这则广告,但在此之前,广告还是遭到了世界各地人们的嘲讽。

French faux pas 法国人的失态

It takes quite a lot to shock in France, a country many consider to be one of the most liberal in Europe. 想要在法国引起轩然大波可并不容易,毕竟,在许多人眼里,这是欧洲最自由开放的国家之一。

But a 2010 anti-smoking advertisement featuring teenagers and sex innuendos did just that, with one minister calling it an "outrage to decency". 但2010年一则反对吸烟的广告还是成功吸引了注意。广告中有许多青少年出镜,并含有性暗示,一位部长称其“有伤风化”。

Critics said the highly suggestive pictures trivialised the sexual abuse of minors. 批评家称,这些极具暗示性的画面淡化了对未成年人性侵的危害。

Thankfully we've since moved on to pictures of diseased organs to put people off smoking instead. 幸好,从那时起我们已经改用器官病变的图片来劝说人们禁烟了。

Bloomingdale's 布鲁明黛

There wasn't any cheering when the US department store Bloomingdale's released its Christmas catalogue two years ago. 两年前,美国百货商店布鲁明黛发布其圣诞产品时,并没有受到什么好评。

The photo of an attractive, well-dressed woman being eyeballed by an unsmiling man looked innocent enough... 照片上一个表情严肃、看起来十分无辜的男人直勾勾地盯着一位富有魅力、穿着得体的女士......

Until you read the creepy caption that said "spike your best friend's eggnog when they're not looking". 然后你就看到了一行让人毛骨悚然的字幕:“趁你的好朋友没注意,为她加点蛋酒吧”。

The online backlash was swift with many interpreting it as supporting date rape. Bloomingdale's admitted the ad was "in poor taste". 广告立刻在网上招来谴责,许多人认为这是在支持约会强奸。布鲁明黛也承认这则广告“品味低俗”。





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