
您所在的位置:网站首页 病例报道摘要怎么写 如何撰写英文医学病例报告标题及摘要?


2024-07-01 05:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

医学论文是与数学、自然科学、社会科学和工程技术均有所不同的一类特殊的学术论文,种类较多,体裁各异,主要包括以下七类:(1)论著类,(2)综述、讲座类,(3)病例报告类,(4)简报类,(5)评论类,(6)会议纪要类,(7)消息动态类。其中,病例报告(case report)通常记录和总结临床中少见但具有特殊意义的病例。这类论文有新意,实用价值高,被很多读者所喜爱。特别是针对罕见病症的首例报道,能够引发新的研究热点,在国内外具有重要影响力。




虽然很多高影响因子期刊都开辟专栏接受病例报告,但并不是每个医学期刊都允许刊登病例报告。某些期刊只发表少量的病例报告,但是也有很多著名学术期刊专门发表病例报告,其中很多是开放获取期刊,例如:Journal of Medical Case Reports, Oxford Medical Case Reports, BJR Case Reports, International Journal of Surgery Case Reports。

每个医学期刊都有自己的投稿格式规定,通常刊登在期刊网站的以下位置:Instructions for Authors,Author Guidelines,Preparing Your Manuscript。作者需根据期刊的投稿规定调整论文格式。


标题需要简明扼要地反映病例信息,并能够吸引读者。病案数量应包括在标题中。但是,case study(病例研究)或 case report(病例报告)这些词在标题中其实是多余的,应尽量避免。常见的病例报告标题的例子包括:“……病的诊治”,“……病的诊断”,“……病的诊断与疗效观察”等。有些英文词汇专门用于英文病例报告的标题,包括:presentation, unusual case, rare case, challenges, complications, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment。另外,在英文病例报告的标题中常用的与病患相关的词汇包括:patient, adult, child, infant, adolescent, elderly, man, woman。下面给出几个比较好的标题例子:

An unusual presentation of primary small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) in an elderly woman Challengesin the management of mycotic splenic arteriovenous fistula in a cirrhotic patient CREST syndrome: a rare cause of chronic upper-gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in adults Primary tuberculous dacryocystitis: two cases mimicking tumors of the lacrimal sac



1. 研究背景和目的:



2. 病例描述:


3. 讨论和结论:



Example No 1: A Case of Injury

We herein report a case of a [patient age and gender] with an unusual case of [injury].

The [injury] consisted of features typical of [common features of the injury/disease/disorder], with additional [additional features of case, if any], signifying a [diagnosis/complications].

Features of this case are discussed together with its implications, including [implications of case].

[Additional measures taken—treatment/surgery/etc.] was undertaken due to [reason for measures].

Example No. 2: A Case of Disease/Disorder

[Disease/disorder] is a rare condition characterized by [symptoms].

Its presentation is usually [sporadic/chronic/acute].

Usually seen in patients who are [typical demographics of patient], [disease] presentation in [this specific category of patient] is rare.

Symptoms at presentation depend on [parts of body/patient’s environment].

Patients with [disease/disorder] may present with [additional major symptoms].

We herein report a rare presentation of [disease/disorder] in a [patient demographic—age/gender/race/etc.] who suffered from [corresponding symptoms or co-morbid diseases].

[Diagnostics/tests] revealed [results of tests/complication].

The patient underwent [surgery/treatment] and was given [drugs/intubation/etc.].

Recovery was [description of recovery].

In spite of a wide range of therapeutic options for the management of [disease/disorder] described in the literature, the efficacy of those available therapies is [unknown/not well established/open/etc.].

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“How to Compose a Journal Submission Cover Letter” (Wordvice/YouTube)

“How to Write the Best Journal Submission Cover Letter” (Wordvice)

“40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays” (Oxford Royale Academy)

“100+ Strong Verbs That Will Make Your Research Writing Amazing” (Wordvice)

“Essential Academic Writing Words and Phrases” (My English Teacher.eu)

“Academic Vocabulary, Useful Phrases for Academic Writing and Research Paper Writing” (Research Gate)返回搜狐,查看更多





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