GBase 8a常见报错码,错误码 – 老紫竹的家

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GBase 8a常见报错码,错误码 – 老紫竹的家

2023-09-21 10:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

发表于2021年1月6日2022年7月12日 作者 laozizhu

本文列举GBase 8a数据库集群,能验证的,遇到过的报错码或错误码。

如下错误码是:ERROR + gbase_errorno + (SQLSTATE)


ERROR 1046 (3D000)


gbase> SELECT DATABASE() FROM dual; ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected ERROR 1049 (42000)

指定的数据库不存在。Unknown database

gbase> create table testdb2.t1 (id int); ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'testdb2' ERROR 1050 (42S01)

表已经存在,不能重复创建。Table already exists

gbase> create table t1 (id int); ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 't1' already exists ERROR 1061 (42000) Duplicate key name


gbase> CREATE TABLE t (a int,b int,c int,d int, GROUPED a(b,c), GROUPED a(d)); ERROR 1061 (42000): Duplicate key name 'a'

ERROR 1064 (42000) You have an error in your SQL syntax


gbase> drop table x1@gc_dblink; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your GBase server version for the right syntax to use near '@gc_dblink' at line 1 gbase> alter table t1 modify id comment '编号'; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your GBase server version for the right syntax to use near 'comment '编号'' at line 1

ERROR 1105 (HY000) DBLink-Table does not support update operation


update x1@gc_dblink set id2 =1; ERROR 1105 (HY000): DBLink-Table does not support update operation. ERROR 1109 (42S02)

目前测试结果,在支持express引擎的库,会报 ERROR 1702 (HY000): gcluster table error: (GBA-02DD-0017),否则报这个错误。

gbase> drop table aaaaaa; ERROR 1109 (42S02): Unknown table 'aaaaaa' in information_schema ERROR 1133 (42000) Can’t find any matching row in the user table



[root@rh6-1 ~]# ssh [email protected] [email protected]'s password: [test@rh6-1 ~]$ su - gbase Password: [gbase@rh6-1 ~]$ gccli ERROR 1133 (42000): Can't find any matching row in the user table [gbase@rh6-1 ~]$ gccli -uabc ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'abc'@'localhost' (using password: NO) ERROR 1142 (42000) SELECT command denied to user


ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user 'test'@'localhost' for table 'dual' ERROR 1146 (42S02)

表不存在。Table doesn't exist

gbase> select * from table_not_exists; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'testdb.table_not_exists' doesn't exist ERROR 1149 (42000) contains function can ONLY in WHERE clause


gbase> SELECT contains(a ,'通用') FROM t WHERE contains(a ,'中国') AND score(0) >10; ERROR 1149 (42000): contains function can ONLY in WHERE clause score function can ONLY in SELECT, GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause

SCORE 函数只能用于投影列、GROUP BY 和 ORDER BY 子句中

gbase> SELECT * FROM t WHERE contains(a ,'中国',0) AND score(0) >10; ERROR 1149 (42000): score function can ONLY in SELECT, GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause not match the number of score func

果没有与其 SCORE 标号一致的全文查询函数 CONTAINS

gbase> SELECT score(1) a1 FROM t WHERE contains(a ,'中国',0); ERROR 1149 (42000): not match the number of score func Can’t DO Merge when not able to build hash


gbase> merge into t1 using t2 on when matched then update set,t1.birth=t2.birth when not matched then insert(id,name,birth)values(,,t2.birth); ERROR 1149 (42000): (GBA-02SC-1001) Can't DO Merge when not able to build hash (redistribution) JOIN relationship between merge target and source. (GBA-02SC-1001) The query includes syntax that is not supported by the gcluster


gbase> select udfKQIScore('123'); ERROR 1149 (42000): (GBA-02SC-1001) The query includes syntax that is not supported by the gcluster. ERROR 1191 (HY000) Can’t find FULLTEXT index matching the column list


gbase> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sms WHERE contains(MB_Text,'"天津" | "培训班" - "水上"'); ERROR 1191 (HY000): Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list


多个 CONTAINS 函数的 SCORE 标号均与其一致。

gbase> SELECT score(0) FROM t WHERE contains(b, 'abc' , 0) AND contains(b, 'bcb' , 0); ERROR 1210 (HY000): Incorrect arguments to CONTAINS FUNCTION - SCORE FLAG COLLISION ERROR 1235 (42000)

This version of GBase doesn't yet support。

use dblink table in a FUNCTION/TRIGGER/VIEW


create view v1 as select * from t1@testlink; ERROR 1235 (42000): This version of GBase doesn't yet support 'use dblink table in a FUNCTION/TRIGGER/VIEW.' update/merge on auto_increment column

UPDATE 时,不能更新自增列。

gbase> update t2 set a = 441 where b = 'a2'; ERROR 1235 (42000): This version of GBase doesn't yet support 'update/merge on auto_increment column' ERROR 1256 Table has no partition for value


ERROR 1264 (22003) Out of range value for column


gbase> INSERT INTO products(productnum) VALUES(191220.443); ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'productnum' at row 1 ERROR 1292 (22007) Incorrect date value for column


gbase> CREATE TABLE products (productDate DATE); Query OK, 0 rows affected gbase> INSERT INTO products(productDate) VALUES('2010-09-31'); ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect date value: '2010-09-31' for column 'productDate' at row 1 Incorrect time value for column


ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect time value: '14:08:89' for column 'producttime' at row 1 Incorrect datetime value for column


gbase> INSERT INTO products(productDate) VALUES('2010-09-31 12:09:44'); ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect datetime value: '2010-09-31 12:09:44' for column 'productDate' at row 1 ERROR 1305 (42000) FUNCTION does not exist


gbase> select abc(); ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION does not exist ERROR 1317 (70100) Query execution was interrupted


gbase> select * from lineitem@tpch_link l, orders@tpch_link o ; ERROR 1317 (70100): Query execution was interrupted ERROR 1702 (HY000): gcluster table error GBA-02DD-0017


gbase> drop table table_not_exists; ERROR 1702 (HY000): gcluster table error: (GBA-02DD-0017) Unknown table 'testdb.table_not_exists' ALTER column definition except increasing length of varchar’


ERROR 1702 (HY000): gcluster table error: This version of GBase doesn't yet support 'ALTER column definition except increasing length of varchar'.

详情介绍看这个文章:GBase 8a报错

ERROR 1708 (HY000): Failed to query in gnode GBA-01EX-0006


(GBA-01EX-0006) Express out of resources error:Too many tuples. GBA-01EX-700

SQL语法当前版本的引擎不支持。可以参考 GBase 8a集群查询报错The query includes syntax that is not supported by the Express engine

ERROR 1708 (HY000): [](GBA-02EX-0005) Failed to query in gnode: DETAIL: Query failed. CAUSE:(GBA-01EX-700) The query includes syntax that is not supported by the Express engine. Either restructure the query with supported syntax, or enable the GBase Query Path in the configuration file to execute the query with reduced performance. GBA-02AD-0005 incorrect parameter in function to_date


gbase> SELECT TO_DATE('2020-4-14 13:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') FROM dual; ERROR 1708 (HY000): [](GBA-02AD-0005)Failed to query in gnode: DETAIL: incorrect parameter in function to_date. SQL: SELECT ERROR 1712 (HY000): gcluster view error


gbase> drop view aaaaa; ERROR 1712 (HY000): gcluster view error: Unknown table 'aaaaa'. ERROR 1722 (HY000) GBA-02DD-0006 Can’t update distributed column


gbase> UPDATE student SET stu_no = 4 WHERE stu_no = 2; ERROR 1722 (HY000): (GBA-02DD-0006) Can't update distributed column 'stu_no' ERROR 1729 (HY000) set table extend failed: must be between 1M and 2G


gbase> CREATE TABLE t1(a int) AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 3G; ERROR 1729 (HY000): set table extend failed: must be between 1M and 2G ERROR 1733 (HY000) GBA-01-600 Too many bad records


gbase> LOAD DATA INFILE '' INTO TABLE test_2 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MAX_BAD_RECORDS 1; ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: Task 268 failed, [](GBA-02AD-0005)Failed to query in gnode: DETAIL: (GBA-01-600) Gbase internal error: Task 268, Too many bad records!SQL: LOAD /*+ TID('11471') */ DATA INFILE GBA-01EX-700 参数超过了允许范围 gbase> SELECT *, nth_value(totalamount, NULL) over (partition by uname order by dt) as nth_value from tt; ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: argument[2] of nth_value is out of range 通配符匹配加载失败 gbase>LOAD DATA INFILE '*.txt' INTO TABLE test_3 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' SKIP_BAD_FILE 0; ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: Expanding wildcard operation failed with error - I/O operation on failed with error - Access denied to remote resource, HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden, File name uri : Empty or invalid index path


gbase> CREATE TABLE text1 (col1 varchar(100), FULLTEXT INDEX fti_col1(col1) INDEX_DATA_PATH='/index/dat/'); ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: Empty or invalid index path The disk space of User has exceeded the limit value


gbase> load data infile 'file://' into table part data_format 3 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: Task 262152 failed, [](GBA-02AD-0005)Failed to query in gnode: DETAIL: (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: (gns_host: ::ffff: The disk space of User 'u' has exceeded the limit value.(Usage: 4437691, Limit: 1048576) SQL: LOAD /*+ auto-increment column should not be specified in insert(...)

自增列不允许insert,参考 GBase 8a自增列不允许insert报错auto_increment column should not be specified in insert

gbase> insert into t_inc values(1,'First'); ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: auto-increment column should not be specified in insert(...) auto-increment column should not be specified in insert select

自增列不允许insert select。参考 GBase 8a自增列不允许insert报错auto_increment column should not be specified in insert

gbase> insert into t_inc select * from t_inc; ERROR 1733 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-700) Gbase general error: auto-increment column should not be specified in insert select ERROR 1739 (HY000) GBA-01EX-0006


ERROR 1739 (HY000): (GBA-01EX-0006) Express out of resources error:OR operation recursion depth overrun. Max depth: 10” ERROR 1758 (HY000) Operation CREATE USER failed for


gbase> create user abc identified by 'abc'; ERROR 1758 (HY000): gcluster dal error: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'abc'@'%'. Operation DROP USER failed for


gbase> drop user abc; ERROR 1758 (HY000): gcluster dal error: Operation DROP USER failed for 'abc'@'%'. Password is in history for user


gbase> set password=password('111111'); ERROR 1758 (HY000): gcluster dal error: is in history for user 'root'@'%'.. ERROR 1802 (HY000) Invalid password format


gbase> create encryption certificate identified by 'ddd~'; ERROR 1802 (HY000): Invalid password format,length should >= 4 and contain 'number'. ERROR 1818 (HY000) No VC selected

gccli 等客户端连接时,没有指定vc。在开启了虚拟集群时,指定数据库必须指定vc。

[gbase@gbase_rh7_001 gcinstall]$ gccli testdb ERROR 1818 (HY000): No VC selected.


[gbase@gbase_rh7_001 gcinstall]$ gccli GBase client Copyright (c) 2004-2021, GBase. All Rights Reserved. gbase> ^CAborted [gbase@gbase_rh7_001 gcinstall]$ gccli vc01.testdb GBase client Copyright (c) 2004-2021, GBase. All Rights Reserved. gbase> ERROR 1829 encryption certificate already open


-----------打开密钥证书示例 gbase> alter encryption certificate open identified by '1111'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:04.76) ------------重复 open gbase> alter encryption certificate open identified by '1111'; ERROR 1829 (HY000): encryption certificate already open. encryption certificate not exists


-----------证书不存在 gbase> alter encryption certificate open identified by '1111'; ERROR 1829 (HY000): encryption certificate not exists. decrypt failed, please check password


-----------解密失败 gbase> alter encryption certificate open identified by '2222'; ERROR 1829 (HY000): decrypt failed, please check password. ERROR 1830 (HY000) You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement



ERROR 1835 (HY000) encryption certificate already exists


-----------创建明文密钥证书示例 gbase> create encryption certificate identified by ''; Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) -----------证书重复创建 gbase> create encryption certificate identified by ''; ERROR 1835 (HY000): encryption certificate already exists. ERROR 1838 (HY000) Encrypt key invalid


-----------关闭密钥证书 gbase> alter encryption certificate close; Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase> insert into t1 values(4); ERROR 1838 (HY000): Encrypt key invalid. gbase> select * from t1; ERROR 1838 (HY000): Decrypt key invalid. Decrypt key invalid


-----------关闭密钥证书 gbase> alter encryption certificate close; Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00) gbase> select * from t1; ERROR 1838 (HY000): Decrypt key invalid. ERROR 2003 Can't connect to GBase server on IP (113)


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