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2024-07-16 12:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


A woman in Shenzhen was killed last Wednesday when she was about to step out of an elevator. According to the administration of work safety of Luohu district, the woman was concentrating on her cellphone, so she didn't see the doors were closing. 上周三深圳一女子在走出电梯时不幸丧生。罗湖区安全劳动部门称,这名女子在出电梯时注意力一直在手机上,所以没看到电梯正在关门。

The elevator doors closed on her head and wouldn't open, leaving her stuck between the doors. It then continued its descent. Another woman was killed riding an escalator with one step missing in a supermarket in Yichang, Hubei province.关住的电梯夹住她的头后并未松开,这名女子被困两扇门之间;之后电梯继续下降,酿成惨剧。另一名女子在湖北宜昌一超市里乘坐电梯时,因为少迈一步而丧命。



Following simple guidelines can help further improve passenger safety. It’s important to not only know how to properly ride elevators, but also what to do if the elevator becomes stalled. Please reference the guidelines below for more information on both situations.以下的简单准则可以帮助我们提高电梯搭乘安全。如何正确乘坐电梯很重要,当电梯失速时知道怎样做也很重要。在这两种情况下,请参考以下安全乘做电梯和紧急应对小窍门。

1. When approaching elevators:当你等待电梯时

Know your destination. Push the elevator call button once for the direction you want to go.明确目的地方向,只按一次电梯方向按钮。

Look or listen for the signal announcing your car’s arrival.注意电梯到达时的视听信号。

Stand aside for exiting passengers. Wait for the next car if the arriving elevator is full.站在电梯门两侧,为出电梯乘客留出通道。若电梯人满则等待搭乘下一辆。

Don’t try to stop closing doors with anything, including hands, feet, canes, etc. Wait for the next elevator.不要用手脚或手杖等物体阻止电梯关门。等待搭乘下一辆电梯。

Take the stairs if there is a fire or other situation that could lead to a disruption in electrical service.在发生火灾或或其他可能导致停电的情况下,使用楼梯逃生。

2. When entering and exiting elevators:当你进入电梯时:

Enter and exit carefully. Passengers nearest the doors should move first.小心出入。最靠近电梯门的乘客应首先移动。

Once on board, quickly press the button for your floor, and move to the back of the car to make room for other passengers.进电梯后,应迅速按下楼层按钮,并向后移动,为其他乘客留出空间。

Hold children and pets firmly.牢牢抓紧随行儿童和宠物。

Stand clear of the doors, keeping clothes and carry-ons away from the opening.不要站在门口挡道。衣服和随身物品应远离开关门区域。

Push and hold the DOOR OPEN button if doors need to be held open, or ask someone to push the button for you.按住常开按钮以使电梯门保持开启状态,或请其他乘客帮你按下按钮。

3. When riding on elevators: 当你乘坐电梯时:

Stand back from the doors.远离电梯门,往后站。

Hold the handrail, if available.如有扶手请紧握。

Pay attention to the floor indicators and be prepared to exit at your destination.注意楼层指示,提前做好准备出电梯

If the doors do not open when the elevator stops, push the DOOR OPEN button. If the doors still don’t open, ring the ALARM button and/or use the telephone or intercom. Wait until qualified people can assist you.当电梯停下而门不开时,按开门按钮。如果还是不开,则按下紧急呼叫按钮,并用电梯内置电话或对讲机向外界求助。耐心等待救援人员前来帮助。

4. When exiting elevators:当你出电梯时:

Exit immediately at your floor. Do not wait for others behind you.到达楼层立即出电梯,不要等待身后的人。

Do not push the people in front of you when exiting.出电梯时不要推挤前方乘客。

Watch your step – the elevator car may not be perfectly level with the floor.注意脚下,电梯轿厢可能与地板有落差。

5. In the event of an elevator emergency:当你在电梯遇到紧急情况时:

If the elevator should ever stop between floors, do not panic. There is plenty of air in the elevator.如果电梯停在楼层之间,不要惊慌。电梯里有足够空气。

Never climb out of a stalled elevator.不要从停滞的电梯里爬出来。

Use the ALARM or HELP button, the telephone or the intercom to call for assistance.使用紧急呼叫或帮助按钮,也可打电话或用对讲机寻求救助。

Above all, wait for qualified help to arrive and never try to leave an elevator that has not stopped normally.最重要的,要等待救援人员前来救助,不要试图强行离开发生故障的电梯。

Emergency lighting will come on in the event of a power failure.应急照明灯会在断电时启动。

6. What to Do if you are Stalled in an Elevator?如果你困在电梯里该怎么办?

1) Push the "Door Open" Button按“开门”按钮。

If you are near the landing the door will open. You can slowly and carefully step out of the elevator. Be sure to watch your step as the elevator floor may, or may not, be level with the landing.如果电梯轿厢接近楼层地面,电梯门会打开。你可以慢慢地小心地走出电梯。一定要留神脚下,因为电梯轿厢可能会与楼层地面不相平。

2) Remain Calm保持冷静

If the door does not open, you are still safe. Do not try to exit the elevator. Wait for trained emergency personnel to arrive. Even if the air temperature feels warm, there is plenty of air circulating in the elevator and its shaftway.如果门没有打开,你还是安全的,请不要试图离开电梯,请等待训练有素的救援人员,即使感觉很热,也不要离开,电梯及井道里有足够的流动空气。

3) Press the Alarm or Help Button, and Use Any Available Communication Systems按下“报警”或“帮助”按钮,使用任何可用的通讯系统

Push the alarm button and wait for someone to respond to you.按下“报警” 按钮,等待他人回复。

In newer elevators, there will be a "PHONE" or "HELP" button instead of an alarm button this will place a call to a party that is trained to take action (i.e. elevator company, alarm company, etc.). It will give the exact location of the building and elevator you are in. Trained emergency personnel will answer the call for service within several minutes.在新的电梯内,会有一个“手机” 或“帮助”按钮代替原始紧急呼叫按钮。专业救援团队(比如:电梯公司,报警公司等)收到呼叫信号后,可以迅速定位你所在的故障电梯位置。救援人员将在几分钟之后到达故障地点解决问题。

Some elevators have a two-way speaker system or telephone that will allow for communication between you and the building or rescue personnel. Do not be alarmed if you cannot be heard or if the phone does not work. Some phones are designed to only receive calls. Trained personnel should call when they arrive at the building.有些电梯有双向对讲机或电话 ,你可以和物业或救援人员直接交流。如果听不到对方的声音,也不要惊慌,因为有些电话只有接听功能,在救援人员到达后会致电联系你。

4) Relax, and DO NOT Try to Extract Yourself from the Elevator放松,不要试图自己从电梯里出来

NEVER try to exit a stalled elevator car. It is extremely dangerous. ALWAYS wait for trained emergency personnel.千万不要从停滞的电梯轿厢里出来。这种做法极其危险。请耐心等待救援人员。

Your best course of action is to relax, get comfortable, and wait for professional assistance.最佳的做法是放轻松地等待专业救助。

You may be inconvenienced but you are SAFE.你可能会感到不方便,但至少你很安全。


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