
您所在的位置:网站首页 电信工程技术与标准化 6G关键技术标准化的思考与建议


2024-07-13 21:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[ 1 ] 中国政府网‍‍. 国务院关于印发"十四五"数字经济发展规划的通知‍ [EB/OL]‍. (2022-01-12)‍[2023-03-09]‍. http: //www‍.‍gov‍.‍cn/zhengce/content/2022-01/12/content_5667817‍.htm‍. China Government Network‍. Notice of the State Council on the issuance of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the development of the digital economy [EB/OL]‍. (2022-01-12)[2023-03-09]‍. http: //www‍.gov‍.cn/zhengce/content/2022-01/12/content_5667817‍.htm‍.

[ 2 ] 中国电子信息产业发展研究院‍. 6G全球进展与发展展望白皮书 [R]‍. 北京: 中国电子信息产业发展研究院, 2021‍. China Center for Information Industry Development‍. White paper on 6G global progress and development outlook [R]‍. Beijing: China Center for Information Industry Development‍, 2021‍.

[ 3 ] 王亦菲, 闻立群, 李明豫‍. 全球6G产业及政策进展研究 [J]‍. 信息通信技术与政策, 2022 (9): 71‒75‍. Wang Y F, Wen L Q, Li M Y‍. Global 6G industry and policy progress [J]‍. Information and Communication Technology and Policy, 2022 (9): 71‒75‍.

[ 4 ] 刘珊, 黄蓉, 王友祥‍. 全球6G研究发展综述 [J]‍. 邮电设计技术, 2021 (3): 16‒20‍. Liu S, Huang R, Wang Y X‍. Global 6G research development review [J]‍. Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications, 2021 (3): 16‒20‍.

[ 5 ] 陈奕彤, 宋微, 李彩霞‍. 韩国6G研发促进战略研究 [J]‍. 全球科技经济瞭望, 2021 (8): 20‒26‍. Chen Y T, Song W, Li C X‍. A study on 6G R&D promotion strategy in Korea [J]‍. Global Science and Technology Economic Outlook, 2021, 36(8): 20‒26‍.

[ 6 ] 徐晓燕, 韩凯峰, 杜滢, 等‍. 6G愿景及潜在关键技术分析 [J]‍. 信息通信技术与政策, 2022 (9): 2‒8‍. Xu X Y, Han K F, Du Y, et al‍. 6G vision and analysis of potential key technologies [J]‍. Information and Communication Technology and Policy, 2022 (9): 2‒8‍.

[ 7 ] 李鑫阳‍. 展望全球6G发展趋势 [J]‍. 中国电信业, 2022, 264(12): 26‒29‍. Li X Y‍. Outlook of global 6G development trend [J]‍. China Telecom Industry, 2022, 264(12): 26‒29‍.

[ 8 ] 何涛, 杨振东, 曹畅, 等‍. 算力网络发展中的若干关键技术问题分析 [J]‍. 电信科学, 2022, 38(6): 62‒70‍. He T, Yang Z D, Cao C, et al‍. Analysis of some key technical issues in the development of arithmetic networks [J]‍. Telecommunications Science, 2022, 38(6): 62‒70‍.

[ 9 ] 唐雄燕, 曹畅, 王友祥, 等‍. 算力网络: 面向6G要求的计算与网络融合的架构 [J]‍. 中国通信, 2021, 18(2): 175‒185‍. Tang X Y, Cao C, Wang Y X, et al‍. Computing power network: The architecture of convergence of computing and networking towards 6G requirement [J]‍. China Communications, 2021, 18(2): 175‒185‍.

[10] 李玉, 段宏岳, 殷昱煜, 等‍. 基于区块链的去中心化众包技术综述 [J]‍. 计算机科学, 2021, 48(11): 12‒27‍. Li Y, Duan H Y, Yin Y Y, et al‍. A review of block-chain based decentralized crowdsourcing technologies [J]‍. Computer Science, 2021, 48(11): 12‒27‍.

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[13] IMT-2030 (6G)推进组‍. 6G典型场景和关键能力 [R]‍. 北京: IMT-2030 (6G)推进组, 2022‍. IMT-2030 (6G)‍. 6G typical scenarios and key cap-abilities [R]‍. Beijing: IMT-2030 (6G), 2022‍.

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[15] 张海君, 陈安琪, 李亚博, 等‍. 6G移动网络关键技术 [J]‍. 通信学报, 2022, 43(7): 189‒202‍. Zhang H J, Chen A Q, Li Y B, et al‍. Key technologies for 6G mobile networks [J]‍. Journal of Communication, 2022, 43(7): 189‒202‍.

[16] 袁晓志, 彭莉, 张琳峰‍. 全息通信对未来网络的需求与挑战 [J]‍. 电信科学, 2020, 36(12): 59‒64‍. Yuan X Z , Peng L, Zhang L F‍. Demands and challenges of holographic communication for future networks [J]‍. Telecommunication Science, 2020, 36(12): 59‒64‍.

[17] 栾宁, 熊轲, 张煜, 等‍. 6G: 典型应用、关键技术与面临挑战 [J]‍. 物联网学报, 2022, 6(1): 29‒43‍. Luan N, Xiong K, Zhang Y, et al‍. 6G: Typical applications, key technologies and challenges [J]‍. Journal of Internet of Things, 2022, 6(1): 29‒43‍.

[18] IMT-2030 (6G)推进组‍. 6G总体愿景与潜在关键技术白皮书[R]‍. 北京: IMT-2030 (6G)推进组, 2021‍. IMT-2030 (6G)‍. 6G overall vision and potential key technologies white paper [R]‍. Beijing: IMT-2030 (6G), 2021‍.

[19] 冯伟, 韦舒婷, 曹俊诚‍. 6G技术发展愿景与太赫兹通信 [J]‍. 物理学报, 2021, 70(24): 175‒189‍. Feng W, Wei S T, Cao J C‍. 6G technology development vision and terahertz communication [J]‍. Journal of Physics, 2021, 70(24): 175‒189‍.

[20] 高子路, 孙韶辉, 李丽‍. 面向新一代移动通信的智能超表面技术综述 [J]‍. 电信科学, 2022, 38(10): 20‒35‍. Gao Z L, Sun S H, Li L‍. A review of intelligent supersurface technologies for next-generation mobile communications [J]‍. Telecommunications Science, 2022, 38(10): 20‒35‍.

[21] 潘时龙, 宗柏青, 唐震宙, 等‍. 面向6G的智能全息无线电 [J]‍. 无线电通信技术, 2022, 48(1): 1‒15‍. Pan S L, Zong B Q, Tang Z Z, et al‍. Intelligent holographic radio for 6G [J]‍. Radio Communication Technology, 2022, 48(1): 1‒15‍.

[22] IMT-2030 (6G)推进组‍. 超大规模MIMO技术研究报告[R]‍. 北京: IMT-2030 (6G)推进组, 2022‍. IMT-2030 (6G)‍. Research report on super massive MIMO technology [R]‍. Beijing: IMT-2030 (6G), 2022‍.

[23] 王亚娟, 金婧, 楼梦婷, 等‍. 通信感知一体化关键技术与应用 [J]‍. 通信世界, 2022 (21): 27‒30‍. Wang Y J, Jin J, Lou M T, et al‍. Key technology and application of integrated sensing and communication [J]‍. Communication World, 2022 (21): 27‒30‍.




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