
您所在的位置:网站首页 用英语怎么写通知 英文通知信格式范文(通用58篇)


2023-05-31 07:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265
























  inform通知;organize组织;be welcome欢迎参加;be requeseted to do...务必......


  1、I am pleased to inform you that ...很高兴通知您.....

  2、I'd like to tell you that ...我想告诉您.....

  3、All teachers and students are required to ...要求全体师生.....

  4、Notice is hereby given that ...特此通知......

  5、Everyone is required to be present on time.要求大家准时参加。


  优秀英文通知信范文 篇1

  Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. We' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We' 1! have lunch on the farm. You' d better put on your old clothes. Please get to school on time tomorrow morning.

  The Headmaster's Office

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇2

  Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. Please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Please come on time. That's all.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇3

Boys and girls,

  Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being(keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That' s all.

  Thank you.

  The Students' Union

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇4

  All the members who will take part in the annual department picnic are requested to gather together at the outroom on ,July 1 at 9:00 provide all the food and beverage,and also welcome everyone to bring their spouses and can call contact phone number with secretary:while,please cc to HR Department berore On Wednesday,June 25.

  Alice Wang


  优秀英文通知信范文 篇5

Dear Colleagues,

  Please kindly be informed that our offices in China (office Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai) for the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 15th to 17 vacation days off, a total of 3 days.9 18 days (Sunday) to work.

  Please help to communicate this message to our staffs, customers, suppliers and any other relevant parties if required.

  IT, Operation, Finance and other department’s, thanks to prepare your backup and helpdesk planning during the holiday period if needed.

  Wish you have a good holiday and thank you for your attention.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇6

Dear students,

  The Student Union is going to organize a music week。 It is in the first week of May。 The activities include singing pop songs, playing classical and folk music, and a musical competition。 If you want to play classical and folk music, please bring musical instruments with you。 No instruments are supplied。 In the musical competition you will be asked to listen to part of a song or a piece of music and then tell where it isfrom。 If you are interested in the activities and want to take part in any of them, please come to the Student Union to sign up before April 20th。 The place for the activities will be announced later。

  Come to the great fun!

  Student Union

  April 10, 20xx

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇7

Boys and girls,

  May I have(take)your attention,please. There will be a lecture at half past three on Friday afternoon. It’s about Information and English Study. And it will be given by Mr Li Hua,who is a famous teacherfromthe English Department. There’s sure to be something instructive and interesting. We can get more informationfromit,I think. And it will improve our English studies to a new stage. Anyone who wants to attendit can come to Room 206. Take notes and have a discussion after the lecture. That’s all!Thank you!

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇8

Dear Sir/Madam,

  How a nice day! The Chinese traditional Spring Festival is coming. We will have a vacationfromFebruary 13 to February 26th, If you have something you can sendme by E-mail.I hope we can co-operate more in the next year.

  If you have any biness don't hesitate to contact with me.

  Take my best regards to you and your family.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇9

Dear Timmy,

  I am writing this letter on behalf of all of management to express our heart felt thanks for your contribution to the success of the CompuTech Exhibition last month.

  CompuTech is the largest and most important event of the year at Fairdale Hotel,and thank to your leadership,enthusiasm and hard work,it came off without a hitch.Responsesfromarrendees1 indicate it was our best CompuTech ever.

  We sincerely appreciate your outstanding work in organizing this event with such flair and professionalism.Putting on such a large exhibition requires attention to detail and the ability to motivate2 others.You have demonstrated3 both of these talents,and we want you to know that your efforts have not gone noticed.Given a complex4 problem,you have a rare and enviable5 ability to find a simple solution.

  Thanks again,Tammy.We salute you for your professional approach and proud to have you as part of your staff.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇10


  Our records indicate that payment on your account is overdue in the amount of $ . If the amount has

  already been paid, please disregard this notice. If you have not yet mailed your payment, why not make out your check and place it in the enclosed envelope while this reminder is has your full attention.

  Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇11

Dear parents,

  You recently had good?I miss you,leaving you already have more than two months,I am in the school all right.My teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.They often help me with my study.Now I am learning grades have improved a lot,I have made a great progress.Now I'm much more outgoing than before,during the school day let me feel the life is becoming more and more interested in.My school life now become very beautiful.I also actively participate in school club activities.

  I made many friends,learn a lot here.Mom and Dad,I live well now,don't read,you should also pay attention to your body,take good care of yourself,now the cold weather,pay attention to keep warm,wear more clothes,hope you everything goes well.

  Best wishes to you.

  Love you.

  优秀英文通知信范文 篇12

Dear Mr Smith,

  I was so pleased to hearfromyou and am writing to tell you something about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.

  On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school.

  We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself.

  Best wishes.


  聚餐英文通知信 篇1

Dear Company Departments,

  In order to enrich the entertainment life of the company's employees, strengthen the cultural construction of the company, and enhance the cohesion of the company, the company has decided to organize a group dinner event for all employees on the occasion of the holiday. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Time: Tentatively scheduled to start on xx, xx, 20xx at xpm

  2、 Location: xxxxx

  3、 Participating unit (department): All employees of xxxx (department) are welcome to bring their families to participate;

  4、 Requirements: Each xx (department) must submit the list of participants and family members to the office xx before xx;

  5、 Form: Singing, dancing, telling stories, telling jokes, etc., without performance form restrictions; I hope that every employee can actively participate, and even more, I hope that employees with performance skills can actively participate, demonstrating their talents in various ways through self improvement.

  Notified by:


  聚餐英文通知信 篇2

Dear students,

  Once a classmate, vaguely like a dream, do you remember me: innocent years, years like songs, I hope to often remember you and me.

  Forty years of time, forty years of change, regardless of poverty, regardless of officers and soldiers, regardless of success or failure, regardless of distance. We are all students from the National High School. Years have passed, but what remains unchanged is our pure schoolmate friendship with each other. Like you, how many times have we met in dreams, and how many times have we been fascinated

  For this reason, we make an appointment with you: to invite you to go back to your school days, listen to the voices of long-lost students, look at the faces of long-lost students, and talk about the thoughts of parting. Come back, dear students, let's temporarily put aside the noise of the world, discard the troubles around us, and meet again in forty years, enjoying the warmth and joy of the old classmates' reunion, speaking from the bottom of our hearts, and recounting our classmates' feelings.

  Remember: Homecoming cannot be without you.

Notified by:


  聚餐英文通知信 篇3

  After everyone's efforts, our reunion in 20 years' time is just around the corner. Please let us know the specific date and schedule. We hope to arrange our own affairs to make time for the party.

  1. Time:

  2. Location:

  3. Duration: The basic duration of the meeting is xx days (school stay xx nights), and future schedules can be arranged according to the situation (personal wishes).

  4. Content: Dinner gathering, cordial discussion, communication, activities As long as you can think of it, we will strive to achieve it.

  5. Cost: In principle, it is under the AA system.

  6. Invite your family to the party.

  "Tell any classmates you have contact with about the party. They may not yet know the news of the party and are eager to reunite after xx years.".

  Please let us know if you have any suggestions.



  聚餐英文通知信 篇4

Dear Employees,

  The end of the year has come, and the new year is beginning. In order to thank all employees for their hard work in the year 20xx, the company has decided to hold a year-end dinner on January 20th, 20xx, on the occasion of welcoming the new year and the new year. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Activity time:

  Lunch: 11:30-13:30

  PM KTV: 14:00-18:00

  2、 Event location:

  Miao's Sichuan Cuisine (Fifth Garden Store, 2nd Floor, Vanke Lane, Vanke Fifth Garden, Banxue Gang Avenue, Bantian) - Baile City Oxygen Bar (KTV) (Bantian Store, 2nd Floor, Dafa Pu Market, Wuhe Intersection, Bantian)

  3、 Participants:

  all hands

  4、 During the event, you are not allowed to leave the team without authorization. Anyone involved must ask for leave from the leader. Please take good care of your own finances. After the event, go home and pay attention to traffic safety.

  I wish everyone a happy new year and a prosperous xx year. The company hopes to still have your company in xx 7. Thank you all the way and move forward hand in hand!

  Personnel Administration Department

  January 12th, 20xx

  聚餐英文通知信 篇5

Dear colleagues,

  Everyone has worked hard!

  The New Year is approaching. In order to thank everyone for their hard work throughout the year and welcome the arrival of the New Year, and to enhance cohesion and communication among employees, the company specifically organizes a dinner for all employees on Christmas Eve. We hope that everyone will attend with their hearts. The specific information is as follows:

  1. Dining place:

  2. Dinner time: 18:00, MM/DD/20xx

  3. Activity location: Le Bin KTV (rear of RT-Mart)

  4. Participants: All members of the company and their families

  xxx Co., Ltd


  聚餐英文通知信 篇6

Dear colleagues,

  Today, we specially invite you to participate in the celebration of the opening of xx (location name) branch. We hope to celebrate with you and invite you to enjoy the champagne while visiting.

  Warmly welcome your arrival on xx (date), xx (time A) - xx (time B).

  If your acquaintances or friends are also interested in our products, you are welcome to bring them along.

  We look forward to your arrival!

  Notified by:


  聚餐英文通知信 篇7

Dear colleagues,

  In order to enrich the entertainment life of the company's employees, strengthen the company's cultural construction, and enhance the company's cohesion, the company has decided to organize a group meal for employees. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Time:

  It is tentatively determined that at 19:00 on April 11th, 20xx,

  And from 19:00 on April 16th, 20xx.

  2、 Location:


  3、 Participating unit (department):

  All employees.

  4、 Requirements:

  The production department must report the list of participants to the office before 09:00 on April 11th;

  Due to the particularity of the production department's operations, the company has decided to organize the dinner party in two batches.

  (i.e., having separate dinners on the day shift and night shift); Therefore, the night shift working hours on April 11, 20xx and April 16, 20xx were changed to 19:00 sharp.

  I hope that every employee can actively participate, and I also hope that employees with performance skills can participate actively, demonstrating their talents in various ways that they are good at.



  聚餐英文通知信 篇8

Each department,

  The New Year's Day of 20xx is approaching. Looking back on the year 20xx, we have gone through ups and downs, ups and downs together. We are sincere in unity and close cooperation. In our achievements, there is our hard work, and in our honors, there is our busy figure. With our emotions and wisdom, we have forged the monument of success in the year 20xx. At this incomparably joyful moment, let us gather together and jointly wish for a beautiful future. The office plans to organize a dinner party on New Year's Day on January 1st. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Time: 17:30-19:00, January 1st, 20xx.

  2、 Activity location: Staff canteen.

  3、 Participants: All employees and group resident personnel.

  4、 Activity content: Dinner gathering.

  5、 Relevant requirements:

  1. All departments are requested to attach importance to this event, and in principle, all personnel are required to participate. During the event, they should obey the arrangement of the office personnel and not disturb the order of the event;

  2. You can bring family members and friends to dinner parties. During the process of drinking, do not encourage or drink excessively.



  聚餐英文通知信 篇9

Dear colleagues,

  The Spring Festival of 20xx is approaching, and in order to enable the company and employees to enjoy a warm, happy, and safe Spring Festival, we hereby notify the relevant matters as follows:

  1、 Vacation time: from xx, 20xx (the 23rd lunar month) to xx, 20xx, a total of xx days. Start work on (Sunday).

  2、 Carefully conduct safety and health inspections. Such as fire prevention, theft prevention, and office area sanitation.

  3、 Please pay attention to your personal safety during holidays and arrange the return time in a timely manner.

  I wish all employees a happy new year and all the best!



  聚餐英文通知信 篇10

Dear xxx level students,

  1. Graduation Ceremony and Graduation Party Time: Thursday evening, June 21, xxxx, Location: Handball Hall.

  2. Graduation Dinner and Teacher Appreciation Dinner: On the evening of Friday, June 22, xxxx, at the second floor of Taoyuan.

  3. Notes on the arrangement of graduation dinner time: (1) Try to arrange it close to the graduation party time. (2) The reservation time for Taoyuan (we made the reservation on May 31st, but we couldn't make it from June 23rd to 26th at that time).

  4. Please make every effort to coordinate the time to attend our graduation party and graduation dinner. If possible, it is best to make the time available from June 10th to 30th to return to school to participate in relevant activities and handle graduation related work. Next, there will be "Notice of Graduates' Departure Procedures" and other notices.


  会议英文通知信 篇1

Dear Timmy,

  I am writing this letter on behalf of all of management to express our heart felt thanks for your contribution to the success of the CompuTech Exhibition last month.

  CompuTech is the largest and most important event of the year at Fairdale Hotel,and thank to your leadership,enthusiasm and hard work,it came off without a onses from arrendees1 indicate it was our best CompuTech ever.

  We sincerely appreciate your outstanding work in organizing this event with such flair and ing on such a large exhibition requires attention to detail and the ability to motivate2 have demonstrated3 both of these talents,and we want you to know that your efforts have not gone n a complex4 problem,you have a rare and enviable5 ability to find a simple solution.

  Thanks again, salute you for your professional approach and proud to have you as part of your staff.

  Neil Foley


  Special Events

  会议英文通知信 篇2


  All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in te

  college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss

  questions concerning international academic exchanges.



  会议英文通知信 篇3

  To: All Managers

  The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 5, in Meeting Room A.

  Following is the agenda for the meeting:

  hase of New Office Computers

  nsion of Summer Holidays

  etary Control

  If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda, let me know by e-mail by the end of this week.

  Thank you.

  John Doe

  会议英文通知信 篇4

  To: All Managers

  The next Monthly Management Meeting, previously scheduled for Monday next week, has been rescheduled for Friday, April 9, same time, same place.

  John Doe

  会议英文通知信 篇5

Dear Dr.Lu,

  My name is xxx, a Phd student of xxx. I have learned from the Website about the International Conference on Medical Biometrics 20xx will be held on the Shenzhen from 30th May to 1th June 20xx. I am just writing a paper which seems to be coinciding with the topics of the conference. I would appreciate receiving the Call for Papers, Circulars and other details of the Conference.

  I await your early reply.

  My best regards,

  Sincerely, xxx.

  会议英文通知信 篇6

  TO:All Shellvon Employees,

  Please be aware that an all一hands staff meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 15 at 10:30am in the conference room. Attendance is mandatory for all employees. If you are unable to attend the meeting for any

  reason, you must clear your absence with your department head.


  会议英文通知信 篇7


  To better sum up the semester's work, strengthenexchanges between Student Union of every department, our school decided to holdthe first semester of the work summarization convention, notice asfollows:

  It will be held at 3:00 p.m. on January th, , in the meetingroom in No.1 office building.

  All members of student union are required toattend the meeting.

  Please attend the meeting with pen and notebook and beassured on time.



  会议英文通知信 篇8

Dear John,

  Our principal phoned a message to you, but you were out. She asks me to tell you that a discussion on how to study English will be held in the meeting-room at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Two different opinions will mainly be discussed:

  1. Learning a large number of words and all the grammatical rules by heart is a good way to study English well.

  2. The best method of studying English is to speak English as often as possible and the rules of grammar are not important at all.

  Please he there on time and give your opinion at the meeting.

  会议英文通知信 篇9

  The Conference Notice

  Gansu Provincial Education Department and British Government Department for International Development (DFID) are co-organizing an International Conference on “International Conference on School Development Planning”.

  The theme of the conference is “School Development Planning” and central topic is “School Development Planning (SDP) e_perience in China and worldwide” Teilnehmer: Administrators from all colleges and universities in China,faculty and staff in institutions

  Conference date/time: Sept 24, Friday, , 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

  Conference place: Academic Conference Center,Lanzhou University

  Registration and meeting schedule:

  Contact name: Ms. Hilary Wang



  会议英文通知信 篇10

Dear xx,

  On behalf of the xxxxx, I would be very pleased to invite you to attenda conference of theforthcoming 1st Opportunity and Challenge xxxxx to be held in xxxUniversity, China,fromDecember 19 to December 30,2011.

  As we all know, Google is one of the top corporations around the world in Computer Science, and the biggest Internetsearch service provider. At the same time, Google’s products are also famous and popular in Music, Society Network, and Smartphone Operating System et al. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and businessman assuredly. Your research on distributed software service andparallel computation is widely used in Computer Science. Your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.

  We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 1st held of OCCSG and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papersfromseveral disciplines.

  If youcan come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.

  Sincerely yours,

  Guangming Lu



  面试英文通知信 篇1



  Thank you for applying for the position of reserve cadre in our company. After careful selection, I am pleased to inform you that you have obtained the interview qualification. In order to further understand each other, I am honored to inform you to participate in the interview organized by our company. The specific arrangements are as follows:

  Interview time: 8:30, December 13, 20xx, check-in time: 18:00 (full day) Interview address: Zhengdong New Area Business Outer Ring and Jiuru East Road intersection - Renbao Building - 17F Interview format: structured interview (including multiple links, requiring full participation) Notes:

  1. The interview time is full day, and the reexamination personnel need to report to the company's front desk at 8:30 a.m

  To receive your own number plate.

  2. Interviewers are required to participate in all aspects of the reexamination throughout the day and arrange the time in advance;

  3. The information required for the reexamination is as follows:

  ① Personal ID card;

  ② Materials that can prove my ability (such as student ID cards, credit cards, various certificates, etc.);

  ③ One 1-inch ID photo;

  4. Please inform our company of any changes in a timely manner. thank you!



  面试英文通知信 篇2

Dear Sir/Madam

  Thank you for your trust and support in our company. Your application materials have been reviewed to meet our interview requirements. Please bring the following materials to our company for an interview on xx, 20xx. If you cannot come, please call us in advance.

  Original ID card, graduation certificate, degree certificate, national professional title certificate, English, computer grade certificate, other valid certificates, and proof of achievement.

  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇3


  1、 Welcome to apply for the xx position in our company. Your knowledge and experience have left a good impression on us. In order to further understand each other, please come to our company for an interview at xx on xx. Interview location:

  2、 If your time is not convenient, please contact Mr. xx by phone in advance,



  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇4

Sir (Miss):

  1、 Welcome to apply for our company. In order to further understand each other, please give it a try. Interview location: xx. At that time, please bring your ID card, academic certificate, and other relevant documents. Once hired, your treatment will be preferential.

  Bus route: xx.

  2、 If your time is not convenient, please contact the Human Resources Department of the company by phone in advance,





  面试英文通知信 篇5


  1、 Welcome to apply for the position of xxxx in our company. Your knowledge and experience have left a good impression on us. In order to further understand each other, please come to our company for a formal interview at xx on xx.

  2、 Bring personal ID card and photocopy, academic certificate and photocopy, professional title certificate and photocopy, and xxxxxx one-inch bareheaded color photos of individuals.

  3、 If your time is not convenient, please contact Ms. Xie in advance by phone at 0731-8868

  Company address: No. Tongzipo Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City



  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇6


  Hello, thank you for applying for the xx position in our company/Through preliminary screening, you meet the basic requirements for the xx position in our company. In order to enhance mutual understanding, we hereby invite you to come to our company for an interview at xx on xx, 20xx! I hope you arrive on time!

  Company address:

  Interview address:


  contact number:

  Bus route:

Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇7

Dear Sir

  Thank you very much for participating in this recruitment activity of our company. Your talent and temperament have left a good impression on our company. Due to the fact that the current recruitment position in our company is specialized in xx, and therefore cannot exert your expertise, we regret to inform you that in this recruitment position. You were not hired during the recruitment process. We believe that with your talents, you will definitely find a job suitable for you to display your talents.

  Good luck, thank you!

  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇8

Dear Sir and Madam

  Thank you for your attention to our company! "We have received your resume and are pleased to inform you that you have passed the preliminary screening conducted by our company. We hereby invite you to participate in the first round of interview organized by our company. The specific arrangements are as follows:"

  corporate name:

  Company address:

  Interview time:

  contact number:


  You can take bus xx or xx to get off at xx.

  Note: Please bring your resume

  Friendly reminder: Upon receiving the interview notice, please attend on time. If there are any changes, please notify us in advance to facilitate subsequent arrangements. Thank you!

  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇9


  Hello, XXX Personnel Department has arranged the interview time for you. Please bring a resume and attend the interview on time. Note: This position is evaluated based on the interview ability level and salary. Particularly excellent candidates are invited to participate in the company's dry share allocation, and you are invited to join xxx with a high salary.

  Interview time: 9:30-12:00, 14:00-16:30 within 3 working days after receiving the interview notice.

  Interview location: xxxx.

  Bus route: Take the subway Batong Line, get off at Gaobeidian, exit the north entrance, cross Xinglong Park and diagonally cross Ruicheng International. The map shows red dots.

  Bus: Civil Aviation Hospital Station, get off and get there. Tel.: xxxxxx, Manager Li.

  Company website: xxxx

  For company maps, please refer to Baidu Maps, Gaode Maps, Sogou Maps, or other maps.

  Unit name:


  面试英文通知信 篇10



  First of all, thank you for your trust and strong support to our company.

  After initial contact, we believe that you have the basic ability to join our company. Therefore, we hereby notify you to come to our company for a formal interview at the following time and place. The specific requirements are as follows.

  Interview time:

  Interview location:


  Personal preparation:

  1. Bring personal ID card and photocopy, academic certificate and photocopy, professional title certificate and photocopy

  2. Qualification certificate and photocopy, award certificate and photocopy

  3. xxxx one-inch bareheaded color photos of individuals

  A good beginning is half the battle. Wishing you success!




  培训英文通知信 篇1

Each unit:

  In response to the government's request to carry out the "Safety Production Month Activity" in 20xx, our company adheres to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", and in order to ensure the company's safety production and eliminate safety and fire hazards, we are now scheduled to conduct fire safety knowledge and safety knowledge training in the training room of Jiangbei Station on the morning of June 11, 20xx. All units are requested to participate in the training on time according to the following requirements.

  1、 Training time: 9:00 am, June 11th, 20xx.

  2、 Training location: x training room of xx company.

  4、 Training lecturers: Wujin Fire Protection Center, Group Production Safety Center.

  5、 Training objectives: Through training, understand fire hazards, increase vigilance, and prevent accidents.

  6、 Training content: explanation of fire safety knowledge.

  7、 Training objects: safety administrators, repair team leaders, machine repair team leaders, and auto repair team leaders of each station. (List attached)

  Notified by:


  培训英文通知信 篇2

All departments of the company:

  In order to further improve the comprehensive quality of the company's employees and strengthen the overall external image of the company, the company's executive council has decided to hire x Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to provide systematic training for our employees. The training related matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Main training content

  1. Employee mindset

  2. Business Etiquette in the Workplace

  3. Knowledge and skills

  4. Management quality

  2、 Training time

  From xx/xx/20xx to xx/xx/20xx (every Saturday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm)

  3、 Trainees:

  All employees of all departments of the company

  4、 Training location:

  Conference Room

  5、 Training requirements:

  1. All registered employees of the company must participate in the training. All departments of the company are requested to submit the training roster (the receipt is attached) to the administrative office of the company before the date of x.

  2. Please arrange your work properly and do not ask for leave.

  3. Please bring your notebook and make records. Unified examination after study.

  Notified by:


  培训英文通知信 篇3

Organizations of the company:

  In order to further improve the execution and implementation capabilities of the company's employees, cultivate a positive corporate culture, improve the professional level and quality of employees, and enhance the competitiveness of the company. The company decided to conduct an introductory training on corporate culture.


  Training topic:

  Those who enter the door, please give up all autonomy

  Training time:


  Personnel with the position of monitor or above in the company must attend. Other employees are welcome to attend.

  Training location: Building Auditorium

  After receiving the notification, the Logistics Section of the Administration Department will arrange the venue; All participants should make time adjustments.

  Notified by:


  培训英文通知信 篇4

Each junior high school and primary school:

  In accordance with the spirit of the "Notice on Conducting the Training and Assessment of Professional Basic Literacy of Primary Vocational Teachers in the Year of xxxx Compulsory Education" (No. [xxxx] xx) issued by Ningjiagaoshi University, it has been decided to organize and carry out the training activities for primary vocational teachers in the year of xxxx. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Training time: xx pm, xx, xx

  2、 Training location: Report Hall of Cuipingshan Primary School

  3、 Training object: All teachers who have been employed in the compulsory education period since xxxx (including teachers who have not participated in the assessment for some reason since xxxx)

  4、 Training content: Special lectures on education and teaching theory

  Schools in compulsory education should notify relevant teachers to attend the training on time and not be absent.

  Notified by:


  培训英文通知信 篇5

All employees:

  In order to effectively implement the spirit of the "Fire Safety No.3 Action" of the Municipal Military Retirement Office, actively carry out the construction of the four capabilities of fire protection, improve the fire awareness of staff, and improve their ability to handle initial fires, we hereby invite the teachers of the Fire Prevention Center to provide training on fire safety knowledge and the use of fire extinguishers for staff.

  1、 Training time: 09:30 am, September xx, 20xx (this Wednesday)

  2、 Training location: fire knowledge training: multi-functional hall on the third floor of the complex building Fire extinguisher use training: East Square

  3、 Participants: All on-the-job employees (including temporary staff)

  4、 Precautions:

  1. Without special circumstances, on-the-job employees must participate in training;

  2. At the training venue, please turn your phone to a silent or vibrating state to keep the venue quiet;

  3. After the fire knowledge training, the group went to the East Square for training on the use of fire extinguishers.

  Notified by:


  培训英文通知信 篇6

Taiwan affiliated units:

  In order to enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, improve their fire fighting skills, and their ability to cope with emergencies, Taiwan is scheduled to hold a fire safety knowledge training on the afternoon of xx. The specific matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1、 Training time

  At 3:00 pm on Friday, 2nd xx

  2、 Training location and content

  1. Listen to the fire knowledge class (multi-function hall on the fourth floor);

  2. Actual operation of fire-fighting equipment (stadium).

  3、 Relevant requirements

  1. All units are requested to submit the list of trainees to Comrade Li Wenbin of the Taiwan office before leaving work on the afternoon of xx. (Each unit should give priority to arranging for personnel who have not participated in the training, especially new employees, to participate in the training. See the attachment for the quota.)

  2. The participants attended the fire knowledge class in the multi-function hall on the fourth floor on time.

  3. No parking is allowed on the afternoon of xx.

  Notified by:
















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