
您所在的位置:网站首页 用subject造句加翻译 外媒经常用哪些词报道中国高考?


2023-06-27 20:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Gaokao:指中国的高考,是外媒报道中最常用的词汇之一。例如:The Gaokao: China's grueling college entrance exam (The Guardian)

Entrance exam:指入学考试,也是外媒报道中经常出现的术语。例如:The Chinese National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), also known as Gaokao, is an annual entrance exam that determines the fate of millions of students who aspire to enter a top university in China.

Curriculum:指学校的课程设置,包括教学计划、课程表等。例如:The curriculum of most Chinese high schools is very rigid, with a heavy emphasis on memorization and rote learning.

Syllabus:指课程大纲,包括课程内容、教学目标等。例如:The syllabus for Gaokao is very demanding, covering a wide range of subjects including Chinese, mathematics, and English.

Academic performance:指学术表现,包括成绩、排名等。例如:Chinese students are under immense pressure to perform well on Gaokao and achieve high academic performance.



Red envelope:指红包,是中国传统文化中的一个重要元素。在高考结束后,家长通常会给孩子发红包来表示祝贺。例如:Many Chinese parents give their children red envelopes as a reward for their hard work during Gaokao.

Kaozhong:指高中,是中国教育系统中的一个重要阶段。在高考前,学生需要经过三年的高中学习和备考。例如:The pressure to perform well on Gaokao begins in Kaozhong, where students are expected to achieve high grades in order to gain admission to a top university.

Cram school:指补习班,是中国教育系统中的一个现象。在高考前,很多学生会去参加补习班来提高成绩。例如:Many Chinese students attend cram schools in order to prepare for Gaokao and improve their chances of getting into a top university.


来源:The New York Times

句子:The gaokao, China’s national college entrance exam, is one of the most grueling tests in the world, lasting nine hours over two days. 翻译:高考是中国的全国性大学入学考试,是世界上最艰苦的考试之一,历时两天,共九个小时。


句子:The gaokao is a make-or-break moment for many young Chinese people, who have to sit the notoriously difficult exam after 12 years of schooling. 翻译:高考对于许多年轻的中国人来说是一个关键时刻,他们在接受了12年的学校教育后,必须参加这个众所周知的难度极高的考试。

来源:The Guardian

句子:The gaokao: China's grueling college entrance exam that puts students under enormous pressure. 翻译:高考:中国令人筋疲力尽的大学入学考试,让学生承受巨大的压力。


句子:The gaokao is seen as a crucial test for Chinese students, who face intense pressure to do well in order to secure a place at a top university. 翻译:高考被视为中国学生的重要考试,他们面临着巨大的压力,以便在一流大学获得一个位置。

这些句子中出现了一些常用的词汇,例如“gaokao”和“college entrance exam”,这些词汇都是指中国的高考。这些句子还强调了高考对于中国学生来说的重要性和压力,以及高考的难度。



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