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2023-10-24 12:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

天气这个话题不仅雅思口语中的常考的话题,我也不知道为啥,外国人就特别喜欢用天气来开启话题。那除了good weather,bad weather,hot,cold,还有什么形容天气的词能够给你的口语加分,向考官展示你的英语能力呢?今天James给大家补充一些地道的形容天气的词汇,和与天气相关的俚语,希望大家在考试中可以运用上,并且在以后国外的生活中也能偶尔丢出几句装个小X:


Good Weather

替换good weather还可以说:

- pleasant weather

- favorable weather

- mild weather:形容不冷也不热的天气。

- balmy weather:形容温暖的天气。

Bad Weather

替换bad weather还可以说:

- lousy weather

- rotten weather

- adverse weather condition: 指会影响驾驶的天气,如大雨、大雪、大雾等

* 以上三个词汇表示坏的程度已经很大了,所以前面不加very.

Very Hot Weather


- blazing

例子:I really can't stand the blazing heat at the peak of summer. 我实在受不了夏天的酷暑.

* at the peak of summer: 夏天最热的时候

- scorching

例子:It's such a sorching day. 这个天也太热了吧。

- muggy:形容闷热的天气,在外面走一下就出汗。

Very Cold Weather


- freezing

- chilly:注意chilly形容冷的程度没有freezing高

- bitterly cold:

例子:It's bitterly cold out there, because it’s in the depth of winter. 这外面太冷了,因为现在正是冬天最冷的时候。

* in the depth of winter:在冬天最寒冷的时候,记得这里不是at the peak of winter了哦!

- icy: 只有有霜有冰的情况下适用

例子:An icy blast of air hit me in the face. 冷空气刚刚打了我的脸(🤔这么翻译行吗?)


Under the weather:身体不适


“It's easy to get under the weather because of the recent changeable weather.” 因为最近天气多变,所以身体容易不适。


- Raj:I didn't think I was going to get to see you until tomorrow. 我以为我明天才能见到你呢?

- Howard: Yeah, well, Bernadette's a little under the weather and my mom's kind of under my dentist. 嗯..Bernadette身体有点不舒服,然后我妈现在有点在我的牙医下面(这里是一个黄梗😳)

- 出自 生活大爆炸

In all weathers : 任何天气(情况)


“I do exercise every day in all weathers.”不管天气如何,我每天都坚持锻炼。


- I collect specimens at all times and in all weathers Dr. Bell. 不管什么时候,什么天气,我都坚持采样

- 出自 Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes (2001)

Rain or shine = In all weathers


“My family always got my back, rain or shine.” 无论何时,我的家人都支持我。


- A: You do this every day? 你每天都跑步嘛?

- B: Rain or shine. I just go 3 miles. Kevin does 10. 对,不管什么天气,我通常跑3英里,Kevin跑10英里。

- 出自 The Learning Curve(2012)

Weather permitting/ If the weather permits:天气允许的话


- In most cases, I prefer outdoor activities if the weather permits.Otherwise, I'd rather stay indoors. 正常情况下,如果天气允许,我选择户外运动。不行的话,我就呆在屋里了。


- I want to take her on another ride. My wish is, if the weather permits, I wanna take her on Highway No.3 again.我想再带她去兜兜风,如果天气允许的话,想再带她去3号公路上。

- 出自 Go Grandriders(2012)

To weather the storm:渡过难关


"She's an admirable leader as she can always figure out how to weather the storm." 她是个令人尊重的领袖,因为她总是可以想办法渡过难过。


- That's what they have done since thousands of years. It's what they do, they weather the storm. But the storm is different. This is not the Romans, this storm is the SS. 几千年来他们都渡过了难关,但是这次的难过不是罗马人了,而是SS。

-出自 辛德勒的名单

A fair-weather friend:酒肉朋友


"Unlike a fair-weather friend, a true friend will always be by your side, rain or shine." 不像那些酒肉朋友,真正的朋友会永远在你身边支持你,任何时候。


- Never realized how many fair-weather friends I had. Y'know, when I had my own parish, they were tripping over themselves to help me out. 从来没有意识到我有这么多酒肉朋友,你知道吗?当我有自己的地盘的时候,他们都抢着来帮我。

* be tripping over to do sth = be hurrying do sth = 抢着做某事

- 出自 无耻之徒

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