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2023-10-07 21:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

rarely造句 - 百度文库

rarely造句 1. I rarely eat fast food because it's not good for my health. 2. My boss rarely gives me a day off, so I have to plan my vacations carefully. 3. She r...


6、I rarely see one that really impresses me.好莱坞的电影几乎都一样。我很少看到真让我印象深刻的。 7、Yet Tanka people rarely voiced regret for the passing of thei...


28、Such a large-scale social transformation israrelyseen in the world. The difficulties we are facing and trying to resolve are unimaginable andrar...


He rarely comes here anymore.现在他难得来这儿。 You rarely apply this attribute.很少应用此属性。 A Car Usually Rarely Appreciates买了就贬值的车 But beating Kings ...


rarely (adv.) 1550s, fromrare(adj.1) +-ly(2). "Seldom, not often;" also "finely, excellently." 双语例句 1. Adolescent suicide israrelyan impulsive reaction to imm...

rarely是什么意思|rarely的音标|rarely的用法 - 英语词典

1. She rarely visits her aunt. 她难得去看望姨妈。 2. She is old and rarely goes out. 她年纪大了,很少外出。 rarely 情景对话 借钱 A:What do you do when people ask y...

rarely放句首如何造句 - 百度知道

Rarely did she request help but this was a matter of urgency.她很少求助於人,这事却是十分紧急。Rarely 位于句首,后面句子要用部分倒装。类似的词还有 never,...


10. Beijing rarely criticises Pyongyang in public. 中国政府很少公开批评平壤。 11. Father and daughter have rarely discussed it since. 从那以后,父女二人几乎没有谈...


用rarely造句 问题解答 I rarely see them. 我很少见到他们. Decisions in life are rarely black and white but usually involve shades of gray. 生活中的许多决策很少是黑...

倒装句(二)之倒装句的分类之部分倒装 - 知乎

部分倒装(partial inversion):只将助动词(包括情态动词)移到主语之前。 部分倒装的6种情况: a. 为了强调“否定”,含否定意义的副词或介词短语放在句⾸。 1)never,rarely和seldom置于...


rarely造句 导读1.rarely is any one product made in any one country.(很少有任何一种产品是在任何单一个国家生产的。) 造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法...


rarely造句 复制 1、rarelyis any one product made in any one country.(很少有任何一种产品是在任何单一个国家生产的。) 2、rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question...


not often; "we rarely met"同义词:seldom, seldom, 例句与用法 1. They must have been rarely gifted by nature .他们极少接受大自然的馈赠。 2. We rarely addressed the...

'rarely'的翻译、'rarely'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - ...

rarely 1.Herarelydisciplined anybody. 他很少惩戒任何人。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句好评(12)差评() 2.whichrarelyhappened; 不过他们也难得苏醒; -- 来源 -- 天宝物华(...


(adv.) In a rare manner or degree; seldom; not often; as, things rarely seen. (adv.) Finely; excellently; with rare skill. See 3d Rare, 2. 校對:马特 例句/造句/用...


I rarely see them.我很少见到他们.Decisions in life are rarely black and white but usually involve shades of gray.生活中的许多决策很少是黑与白,而往往...

rarely【解释 语法 同义词 造句 考试真题】_医学教育网

adv.副词。比较级:more rarely 高级:most rarely rarely同义词: rarely, seldom, hardly, scarcely, never, barely, in no case rarely造句: There are rarely...


rarely的基本解释:ad. 很少地, 罕有地英语解释:副词 rarely:not often同义词:seldom

rarely if ever造句_用rarely if ever造句大全

rarely if ever造句 1、Sherarely if everwatches television. 2、State-run television channels offer highly favorable coverage of the party, and the co...




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