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2024-05-09 04:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

用英文短语造句 并翻译

1,Make sure of your facts before you accuse him. 在指责他以前要把材料核实一下。 2,I quite approve of the idea of your plan. 我很赞成你的计划中的构想。 3,I can assure you that he is sincere. 我可以向你保证他是诚恳的。 4,Beware of people stirring up trouble behind the scenes. 警惕有人在背后挑拨。 5,We must never brag and boast. 我们决不可自吹自擂 6,Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about. 别抱怨了! 你没什麽可抱怨的. 7,Health does not consist with intemperance. 健康和酗酒不能相容。 8,They be convince of the singularity of their good taste 他们确信自己的趣味高雅非凡 9,The doctor devoted himself to the cure of cancer. 这名医生把自己奉献于癌症的治疗上。 10,If that were broken, I should despair of the immediate future. 假如这一点遭到破坏,我对最近的将来就绝望了 11,Her dream of visiting Australia came true. 她访问澳大利亚的梦想实现了。 12,What do you expect of him? He is young and hasn't cut his wisdom teeth yet. 你对他能寄予什么希望呢? 他初出茅庐, 还未到懂事年龄。 13,Did you ever hear of Michael Angelo? 你听说过米开朗基罗吗? 14,Let's get rid of this moldy old furniture. 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。 15,The smell of baked apple pies pervaded the house. 房子里弥漫着烤苹果馅饼的香味。 16,He was suspected of complicity in her murder. 他涉嫌合谋将她杀害. 17,We think of the Puritans as staid people. 我们认为清教徒是很稳重的人 18,I never tire of listening to classical music. 我对古典音乐百听不厌 19,The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。

1、He starts with his homework at 7 o'clock every night.释意:他每天晚上七点开始写作业。2、She started with her report last year.释意:她去年开始了她的报道。3、They started with their classes half an hour ago.释意:他们半小时前开始了上课。参考资料360问答:http://wenda.so.com/q/1489068212728187?src=140

1.the pollution fighter 环境保护者 2.many useful things 许多有用的东西 3.give out harmful gases 排放有害气体 4.pass information 传递信息 5.pass sth to one another 把某物从一个人那里传给另一个人 6.collect some facts 收集一些事实 7.interview sb about sth 就某事采访某人 8.be interested in 对什么感兴趣 9.be useful for sth 对什么事情很有用 10.enjoy fresh air 享受新鲜空气 11.one another=each other 一个又一个=每一个 12.natural our conditioners natural 自然的,our 我们的 conditioners 冷气机 13.cool and clean air 清凉洁净空气 14.communicate with one another 相互交流 15.be in danger 处在危险之中 16.cut down and burn trees 砍并且烧树 17.destory the pollution figher 破坏污染战斗机 18.know a lot about sth 对某事很了解 19.warn sb(not) to do sth 警告某人(不要)干某事 20.join their roots together 把它们的根连在一起 1 污染物2 许多有意义的事3 散发有害气体4 泄露信息5 把某物的递给某人6 收集一些事实7 采访某人某事8 对...感兴趣9 对...有用10 呼吸新鲜空气11 每一个12 天然的调节器13 冷的和干净的空气14 与其他恩交流15 有危险16 砍伐和烧毁树木17 摧毁污染物18 对某事了解很多19 警告某人(不)要做某事20 Oh..!so much ..I think nobody will help you .. 你想翻译什么,发上来哦~

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