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2024-07-17 13:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

卧床的英文:keep the bed

参考例句:Mother was so weak after her operation that she had to lie up for a month手术后母亲那么虚弱,以致要卧床一个月。His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time fiat on his back.他的病床临窗,那是病房里惟一的窗子。另一位不得不整天卧床。He was confined to bed by illness. 他因病卧床。 The flu has laid him up for a few days流行性感冒使他卧床数日。He was In bed with a tummy upset .他因肠胃不适而卧床。The doctor instructed him to go to bed and rest.医生嘱咐他卧床休息。He is struck down with influenza他因患流行感冒而卧床。He is struck down with influenza.他因患流行感冒而卧床。This cot collapses so that it can be stored easily.卧床可折迭而易于收藏The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days.大夫嘱咐他卧床一两天。keep是什么意思:v. 保持,处于;继续,重复;使耽搁;抚养;履行n. 生活费,生活必需品That news will keep.那个消息留待以后再宣布。They keep a shop.他们经营一家商店。How are you keeping?你最近还好吧?Will this food keep?这食品能放得住吗?To keep high quality of products is to keep the everlasting value.保持产品的高质量,就是保持永恒的价值。bed是什么意思:n. 床,睡眠处;睡觉;(海、河、湖等的)底部;苗床v. 把...安置在;为…提供住宿(床位);睡,卧Procrustean bed逼人就范之物Bed rest is more like bed agony.上床睡觉好象是种苦恼。It has bedded into the deepest crevices of the store. 它已钻进了店里最隐避的隙缝。 change a bed;change the baby.换床单;给婴儿换尿布 She is in bed with an awful cold.她得了重感冒而卧病在床。






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