
您所在的位置:网站首页 生日祝福英文表达 2024祝福英文超實用教學:各類場合英文祝福語、英文祝福句子一次看


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YesOnline »生活英文 »2024祝福英文超實用教學:各類場合英文祝福語、英文祝福句子一次看








表示對現在或未來有所期望,通常與可能實現的事情相關聯,也可能與個人努力有關。Hope 當動詞使用時,一般只會用在現在式、現在進行式或未來式,並且不會出現在否定句子中,這點需要特別留意喔!

X:I don’t hope it rains tomorrow. 我不希望明天下雨。 O:I hope it won’t rain tomorrow. 我希望明天不要下雨。 X:I hope I were younger. 我希望我再年輕一點。 O:I wish I were younger. 我希望我再年輕一點。 Wish

表示對某件事的渴望,但這件事往往較不切實際,也無法透過個人努力去實現,有點空想、做白日夢的感覺。而 wish 如果當動詞使用,就可以用於過去式囉!

X:I wish my mom doesn’t get angry. 我希望我媽不會生氣。 O:I hope my mom doesn’t get angry. 我希望我媽不會生氣。 X:I hope I could run as fast as airplane. 我希望我能跑得像飛機一樣快。 O:I wish I could run as fast as airplane. 我希望我能跑得像飛機一樣快。 祝福的話英文除了Good Luck,還有哪些用法?

通常要祝福對方一切都好,獻上祝福英文我們都會說「good luck(祝你好運)」,但難道每一次都只能用這句話來祝福對方嗎?


All the best 心想事成 Hope everything goes well with you. 希望你一切順利 Break a leg 祝好運 Keep fingers crossed 為你祈禱(盼來好運) 英文祝福語各項情境一覽


以下透過各種情境,YES 編編要來告訴你如何正確的獻上祝福英文:

祝福英文一、生日 Happy Birthday! May your day be filled with joy and laughter. 生日快樂!願你的一天充滿快樂和笑聲。 Wishing you another year of accomplishments and growth. 祝你又有一年的成就和成長。 May this birthday be the beginning of a year filled with new adventures and opportunities. 願這個生日是一年新冒險和機會的開始。 Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true. 生日快樂!願你所有的願望都成真。 Wishing you a day filled with love, surprises, and everything you‘ve been dreaming of. 祝你的一天充滿愛、驚喜,實現你所有的夢想。 祝福英文二、新年 Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with joy, prosperity, and success. 祝你新年快樂,充滿喜悅、繁榮和成功。 May the coming year bring you new opportunities and great achievements. 願新的一年為你帶來新的機會和偉大的成就。 Happy New Year! May it be a year of health, happiness, and endless possibilities. 新年快樂!願它是一年充滿健康、幸福和無窮的可能性。 Wishing you peace, love, and laughter in the New Year. 祝你在新的一年裡充滿和平、愛和歡笑。 May the New Year be a blank canvas for you to paint a year full of achievements and beautiful memories. 願新的一年是一張空白畫布,讓你繪製滿滿的成就和美好回憶。


祝福英文三、聖誕 Merry Christmas! May your home be filled with love and laughter. 聖誕快樂!願你家充滿愛和笑聲。 Wishing you a season of joy, peace, and warmth. Merry Christmas! 祝你有個歡樂、和平和溫暖的季節,聖誕快樂! May the magic of Christmas fill your heart with joy and kindness. 願聖誕的魔力充滿你的心,帶來喜悅和仁慈。 Wishing you a wonderful Christmas surrounded by family and friends. 希望你在家人和朋友的陪伴下度過美好的聖誕。 May your Christmas be merry and bright, and your New Year be filled with delight. 願你的聖誕充滿歡樂和光明,新的一年充滿喜悅。 祝福英文四、畢業 Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success and fulfillment. 恭喜你畢業!祝你未來能夠成功和滿足。 As you graduate, may your dreams take flight and your journey be filled with exciting adventures. 隨著你畢業,願你的夢想飛翔,旅程充滿刺激的冒險。 Wishing you the best as you step into this new chapter of your life. Congratulations! 祝你在踏入生命新篇章時一切順利,恭喜! Congratulations on your achievement! May your future be as bright as your success. 恭喜你達成成就!希望你的未來能夠功成名就。 May your education be a foundation for a successful and fulfilling career. Congrats on your graduation! 願教育成為成功和充實職業的基石,畢業快樂! 祝福英文五、婚禮 Wishing you a lifetime filled with love, joy, and endless adventures together. Congratulations on your wedding! 祝你們一生充滿愛、喜悅和無盡的冒險。祝賀你們的婚禮! Congratulations on finding your forever love. May your journey together be as beautiful as your wedding day. 恭喜你們找到了永遠的愛。願你們的共同旅程像婚禮一樣美麗。 May the love you share continue to grow and bring you endless happiness. Best wishes on your wedding day! 願你們分享的愛不斷成長,帶給你們無盡的幸福。祝你們婚禮快樂! Congratulations on the beginning of a beautiful journey together. Wishing you a lifetime of love and companionship. 恭喜你們開始一段美麗的旅程。祝你們終身幸福、相伴相隨。 Wishing you a marriage filled with love, laughter, and countless happy moments. Congratulations! 祝你們的婚姻充滿愛、笑聲和無數快樂時刻。恭喜! 祝福英文六、生子 Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! Wishing you a world of happiness and sweet moments. 恭喜迎接新生命的到來!願你們有滿滿的幸福和甜蜜時刻。 May your days be filled with baby giggles and the joy of parenthood. Congratulations on your bundle of joy! 願你們的日子充滿寶寶的咯咯笑聲和當父母的喜悅。恭喜你們的小天使! Wishing you endless love and precious moments with your newborn. Congratulations on becoming parents! 祝你們和新生寶寶度過無窮的愛與珍貴時刻。恭喜成為父母! Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. May parenthood bring you boundless joy and beautiful memories. 恭喜你們家添了新成員。願當父母給你們帶來無窮的喜悅和美好回憶。 Wishing your family a lifetime of love, laughter, and unforgettable moments with your little one. 祝你們一家人擁有一生的愛、笑聲和與小寶寶的難忘時刻。 祝福英文七、工作 Congratulations on your new job! May this opportunity bring you success and fulfillment in your career. 恭喜你找到新工作,願這個機會為你的事業帶來成功和滿足。 Wishing you a smooth and successful journey in your new position. Congratulations on your career advancement! 祝你在新職位上事事順利、取得成功,恭喜你升遷了! May your talents and skills shine in your new role. Congratulations on this well–deserved achievement! 願你的才華和技能在新職位中大放異彩,恭喜你這個實至名歸的成就! Congratulations on your promotion! May this new role bring you challenges and successes in abundance. 恭喜你升遷了!願這個新角色為你帶來豐富的挑戰和成功。 Wishing you a fulfilling and rewarding journey in your new job. Congratulations on your career milestone! 祝你在新工作中有充實且有回報的旅程,恭喜你達到新的職業里程碑! 祝福英文八、旅行 Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with exciting adventures and wonderful memories. 一路順風!願你的旅程充滿刺激的冒險和美好的回憶。 Wishing you safe travels and unforgettable experiences in every destination. Have a great trip! 祝你旅途平安,每個目的地都留下難以忘懷的經歷。旅途愉快! May your travels open new horizons and broaden your perspectives. Enjoy every moment of your journey. 願你的旅行開拓新的視野,擴展你的眼界。享受旅程的每一刻。 Safe journey! May your explorations bring you joy, discovery, and a deeper appreciation for the world. 一路平安!願你的探險帶給你快樂、發現,並更深刻地欣賞這個世界。 Wishing you smooth flights, comfortable stays, and unforgettable moments in every place you visit. 願你平安順飛、有舒適的住宿環境,在每個你參訪的地方留下難以忘懷的時刻。 祝福英文九、送別 Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life. Farewell and good luck! 願你在踏上生命新篇章的同時一切順利。再見,祝你好運! Farewell, dear friend. May our paths cross again in the future, and may your journey be filled with success and joy. 再見,親愛的朋友。願我們的道路在未來再次交叉,願你的旅程充滿成功和喜悅。 As you move on to new opportunities, may you find fulfillment and happiness in every step of your journey. 當你迎接新機會時,願你在旅程的每一步都找到滿足和幸福。 Wishing you a fond farewell and expressing gratitude for the wonderful moments we shared. Until we meet again! 離別愉快,並對我們共度的美好時光表示感謝,期待再次相聚! May the road ahead be smooth, and may you carry with you the memories and friendships formed along the way. 願前方的道路平坦,並且你能攜帶一路上形成的回憶和友誼。 祝福英文十、喪事 My deepest condolences on the loss of your loved one. May you find comfort in the memories you shared. 對你失去摯愛的深切慰問,願你在共度的回憶中找到安慰。 Sending you heartfelt sympathy during this difficult time. May the love of those around you provide solace. 在這個艱難時刻向你致以深切的慰問,願身邊人的愛給予你慰藉。 Our thoughts are with you as you navigate through this time of grief. May you find strength and support in your loved ones. 我們在你度過哀傷的時光中與你同在。願你在摯愛的人身上找到力量和支持。 May the memories of your loved one bring you comfort and peace during this challenging period. 在這個艱難的時期,願摯愛的回憶帶給你安慰和平靜。 Extending our deepest sympathy to you and your family. May you find courage and strength in the midst of sorrow. 對你和你的家人致以最深切的慰問,願你在悲傷中找到勇氣和力量。




以下YES編編提供 3 種常見會發送祝福語英文電子郵件的範例,包括新年、生日和工作升遷,歡迎你直接套用後修改成適合自己的版本:


Dear XXX,


Happy New Year! May the coming year be filled with joy, success, and prosperity for you and your loved ones. 新的一年即將到來,願你和家人在這一年中充滿喜悅、成功和繁榮。

May all your dreams and aspirations come true, and may you embrace new opportunities and adventures. Sending warm wishes for a fantastic year ahead! 願你的所有夢想和抱負成真,迎接新的機會和冒險。送上對你未來美好一年的熱切祝願!


Best regards,




Dear XXX,


Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments as you celebrate another year of life. 祝你在這個生日中充滿愛、歡笑和難忘的時刻,慶祝又一個美好的歲月。

May this year bring you closer to your goals and bring you immense happiness. Happy Birthday! 願這一年讓你更接近目標,帶給你無盡的幸福。生日快樂!


Warmest wishes,




Dear XXX,


Congratulations on your recent promotion! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. 恭喜你最近的升遷!你的努力和奉獻終於得到了回報。

Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in your new role. May this promotion be the stepping stone to even greater achievements. 祝你在新職位中繼續取得成功和滿足。願這次升遷成為更大成就的開端。


Best regards,




然而祝賀英文除了 Congratulations 以外,你還可以有以下的替代用法,這些英文祝賀詞也都很常見:

Well done. / Excellent! 做得好! Good one. / Nice one. 做得很好。 Respect! 你很厲害! 了解更多祝福的英文,就從生活英文開始!


YesOnline線上英文 的生活英文課程採一對一外師線上教學,每堂課只要花你 350 元的平價費用,就可以和外師學習各式生活英文情境對話,包括用英文祝福他人,現在就趕快預約免費試聽課程吧!


祝福的英文之外,更多實用英文知識 「疏忽英文」Neglect、Omit、Ignore用法差別,你分清楚了嗎?






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「風景英文」View, Scenery, Sight 差在哪?5個形容美景英文信手捻來!

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