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丁真的家乡理塘到底有多美?《孤独星球》:美到令人窒息 Hometown of web celebrity now a hit with tourists

中国日报双语新闻 2020-12-07 10:20

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"He'll get a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan as well as insurance and subsidies. We'll check the qualifications of the companies that want to cooperate with him to prevent him from being cheated. We'll take no bite of the income or the presents he receives," he said.“他每月能拿到3500元的工资,还有保险和津贴。我们将审查那些想和他合作的公司的资质,以防他受骗。我们不会从他的收入或收到的礼物中分成”。











On Ctrip's website, searches for Litang started going up on Nov 20. In the week from Nov 23 through Sunday, the search average shot up 620 percent compared with the previous week and was four times greater than during the National Day holiday in October.在携程网上,对理塘的搜索从11月20日开始上升。在11月23日至周日的一周内,搜索平均值较前一周猛增620%,是10月国庆假期期间的4倍。


Dubbed "the city in the sky," Litang is located over 4,000 meters above sea level and 654 km from Chengdu, the provincial capital. In the Tibetan language, Litang means "flat grasslands like bronze mirrors."理塘被称为“天空之城”,海拔4000多米,距省会成都654公里。在藏语里,理塘的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。

著名旅游系列丛书《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet)也没有漏掉理塘这颗川西明珠。

Rich grasslands flecked with nomad encampments stretch away from the dizzyingly high (3886m) town of Litang and, off in the hazy distance, hills pile upon hills and buckle up into soaring mountain peaks. Both the scenery and the altitude will leave you breathless, and getting out to see it – whether on horse, motorcycle or foot – calls for spending at least a couple of days here.富饶的草原上点缀着游牧民族的营地,理塘海拔3886米,高得令人炫目,草原从这儿一直延伸到远处,在朦胧的远处,群山层峦叠嶂,形成高耸的山峰。这里的美景和海拔都会让你喘不过气来,无论是骑马、骑摩托车还是徒步旅行,都需要在这里呆上几天。

For Tibetans, Litang occupies another exalted space as the birthplace of holy men, including the 7th and 10th Dalai Lamas and many revered lamas. Their birthplace and the town’s large monastery, Chöde Gompa, draw devoted pilgrims from afar.对藏人来说,理塘作为圣人的诞生地,在他们心中有着另一重崇高的位置,第七世、第十世达赖喇嘛和许多受人尊敬的喇嘛都出生于此。他们的出生地理塘县和县里的理塘寺都吸引了来自远方的虔诚朝圣者。






Interestingly, some careless fans originally thought Tamdrin's hometown was in the Tibet autonomous region and expressed their wish to travel there, which prompted Sichuan's media groups and tourism department to demonstrate the fact on Weibo that Tamdrin belongs to them.有趣的是,一些粗心的粉丝原本以为丁真的家乡在西藏自治区,并表达了到西藏旅游的愿望,这也促使四川电视台和旅游部门在微博上表示其实丁真是四川的。

However, their counterparts in Tibet took the chance to promote the region's own tourism resources and invited Tamdrin to its capital Lhasa, a place he had expressed hope to visit one day in an interview.然而,西藏的同行们抓住了这个机会来宣传当地的旅游资源,并邀请丁真到拉萨去玩。丁真曾在一次采访中表示希望有一天能去到拉萨。


Over the weekend, more provinces and autonomous regions around China, including Qinghai, Gansu, Shandong and Zhejiang, joined the rivalry for Tamdrin's visit as well as tourists' attention by showing their sceneries on Weibo.上个周末,包括青海、甘肃、山东和浙江在内的中国更多省和自治区通过在微博上展示自己的风景,加入了邀请丁真以及争夺游客关注度的竞争中。


《南华早报》就比较通俗,用的是good looks(好看的长相)。

Ding Zhen, a 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan man in China’s Sichuan province, has found fame online for his good looks, leading to him receiving job offers and accepting one from a State-owned travel company.中国四川省20岁的藏族小伙丁真因长相出众而在网上成名,他因此收到了工作邀请,接受了一家国有旅游公司的工作。

Shine则比较细致,说的是Bambi eyes(像小鹿斑比一样的大眼睛)和a bright smile(一个阳光的笑容)。还援引了网友的形容词——wild(野性)、sweet(甜)、pure(纯真)。

With Bambi eyes and a bright smile, 20-year-old Tibetan herdsman Tamdrin became the latest Internet celebrity after a video clip and photos featuring his handsome face went viral online.20岁的藏族牧民丁真有着斑比似的大眼睛,还有灿烂的笑容,他因此成为新晋网络红人,此前,展现他帅气面容的视频和照片在网上疯传。

Being "wild, sweet and pure," as his fans described, Tamdrin stands out from most internet celebrities for his innocence, the traditional Tibetan costumes he wears and the breathtaking views of his hometown in the background of the videos.粉丝说丁真“野、甜、纯”,他凭借纯真,穿着的藏族传统服饰,和视频背景里令人叹为观止的家乡景色而从大多数网络红人中脱颖而出。


Ding Zhen, a Tibetan man from Litang, Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, became an online celebrity overnight due to his innocent looks.来自四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘的藏族小伙丁真,因长相天真无邪,一夜之间成为网络红人。



编辑:左卓实习生:纪璎笑来源:中国日报 孤独星球 《南华早报》 ECNS





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