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2024-07-07 06:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”新能源发展与前景“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Dlopment and Pspect of new ener。以下是关于新能源发展与前景六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dlopment and Pspect of new ener

Now, with the dlopment of o country and city, there are and cars and factoes, and the pblem of air pollution is becoming and seous. In order to solve this pblem, we all know that the air is not clean, becse there is a lot of dust on the gund, cars and factoes should be pperly mad. O government should formulate stngent regulations and standards to contl the daily emissions of factoes.

In terms of transportation, the Chinese government can divide the standards into different categoes according to the industry and ban dlopment planning. It is very difficult and inconvenient to limit when people can use vehicles and when they can't use vehicles. The most effective way of supervision is to find new ener soces.

New ener should be efficient and economically viable. O government can also assess the specific situation of each region and find specific solutions. With the implementation of stcter rules in that area and the discovery of new ener types, the pollution pblem will be contlled and ntually solved.





Life on Mars life on Mars is different fm life on earth. Big houses are made of special mateals, which can prnt the radiation of the sun. In addition, fruits and vegetables on Mars are nuttious than those on earth.

The new ener on Mars will not pduce carbon dioxide, nor will it pduce a greenhouse effect. In addition, people can easily get to school with a few jumps.





VIP ener China is ch in vaous ener resoces, such as coal and oil, which are indispensable for the dlopment of national industry. China has made great contbutions in science and technolo. In the past few decades, in order to impve the pduction of coal and oil, the three kinds of ener are rapidly exhsted.

With the construction of the fo modernizations, new industes are emerging Industal and scientific pjects are spnging up like mushoms. They are the major ener consumers, and the utilization of these resoces has csed considerable waste. In order to avoid the fute ener csis, the government must first take certain meases.

Second, we should make people realize the importance of ener conservation. Second, we should vigously dlop new ener, such as solar ener and geothermal ener There are reasons for optimi:.



标签: 利与弊  新学期 




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