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#战争给人类带来影响英语作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”战争给人类带来影响“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The impact of war on 。以下是关于战争给人类带来影响六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of war on

Although all the people in the world are against war, they can nr avoid war. This is indeed a pity. War is very terble.

Everyone will feel fear when heang about war. Thousands of people will lose their lives and waste a lot of money. As long as war is inevitable, it will bng us untold pain and damage, and human beings can not enjoy it After a long time of peace, how miserable their fate is.




In human history, there are many wars. No matter whether the war is ght or wng, each time is trapped in the suffeng history of the Crusades of the feudal lords in Western Eupe, the Italian Dashang people and the Roman Catholic Chch. The pblem of lnching aggressive military expeditions in the eastern Mediterranean region ntually evolved into a religious war, plundeng wealth and killing mercilessly, csing endless disasters, which seems to be human beings Howr, war has bught a lot of benefits to human beings.

Of cose, this is not only wng in terms of winners. For example, in the recent World War II, scientists dloped nuclear weapons with the support of the state in order to take the initiative in the war. Although Japan's o atomic bo were devastated, in the post-war peod, this technolo was used It has been idle for fther dlopment.

For power generation, submanes and electc power, there are tanks and explosives •••••••••••••••••••••••.




There are many hees in the world. They are remembered for their bravery and kindness when they were young. I have read many heic stoes.

Dong Cunrui is a person I will nr forget. He was born in Huailai County, Hebei Pvince. He joined the Eighth Route Army in July, and later became the monitor of a certain unit.

He joined the Communist of China in March. He was pficient in military affairs, art and brave in the battlefield On May 5, his team won the title of "Dong Cunrui training model class". The PLA tops lnched the battle of attacking longhuacheng.

Dong Cunrui's company was responsible for attacking the garson of the Kuomintang in Longhua middle school. Dong Cunrui, the leader of the blasting gup, led other comrades to blow up fo blockhouses, five fortifications in succession, and succesully completed the task. The army was blocked in an open area, The second and foth teams bombed the hidden blockhouse ice in a w.

Dong Wuyong came forward and rushed to the hidden bunker with a bomb bag. Howr, the hidden Bdge Fort was higher than him, and there was no place to put explosives on either side of the bdge. At this time, he raised the explosive bag with his left hand, and pulled the fuse with his ght hand without hesitation, and ced: "for a new China," advance ".

With the demolition of the blockhouse, Dong Cun Rui sacficed his life of one year and opened up a ad for the army. That's why I say Dong Cunrui is my real he mindhttp://wwwchinadailycomcn/china/pla///contenthtm.



标签: 新学期 




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