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2023-08-24 20:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


北京时间11月18日,在APEC第二十四次领导人非正式会议的前奏,王树彤受邀参加秘鲁利马的APEC中小企业峰会,她向APEC 21个经济体的政要和企业发表全英文演讲--《SMEs, Connecting the World with a SingleClick》(轻点指尖 全球互联)。我们从前方拿回还冒着热乎气儿的演讲录音,分享给大家。

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SMEs,Connecting the World with a Single Click

轻点指尖 全球互联

Good morning everyone. I am very honoredto be here to share with you how Internet and technology changed my life andhow it will change yours. My name is Diane Wang. I am the founder and CEO ofDHgate.com, and the business representative on behalf of China on APEC and G20.

各位早上好。很荣幸能在这里与大家分享科技与互联网是如何改变我的生活,又是如何改变你的生活。我叫Diane Wang,敦煌网创始人&CEO,同时也是APEC和G20工商界中国代表。


 For over a decade, I have beenconstantly asked: How a woman, with two kids, run an international business,which provides global trading service for many serving small and mediumenterprises from all over the world (which we call SME’s). The answer is verysimple, the internet.


I still remember clearly the day when Ileft a Fortune 500 company, I gave up the admirable title and benefits, inexchange for a tiny office with ten employees and a smelly toilet next door.Our greatest asset was our dream which seemed unachievable in some people’smind: to build an online “silk road” connecting global trading businesses.


12 years have passed. Today, more than10 million SME’s are selling their goods and services worldwide, through ouronline transactional marketplace, realizing their entrepreneurship dreamsempowered by digital platforms



Let’s take a look at these scenarioshappening every day.

·        You are sitting in a coffee shop in Peru, video-chatting with yourAmerican friends, discussing the next gathering in Thailand;

·        You are messaging a French designer through a Chinese cross bordere-commerce platform, to order a wedding gown produced by an Italy manufacturer,for your upcoming wedding ceremony;






Those scenarios may look like a day dream in thepast, but now, it has become the reality.

·        Over 900 million people talk with overseas friends on social networks;

·        Over 360 million people purchase overseas/foreign/international productsfrom cross border e-commerce marketplaces;

·        Over 13 million students obtain knowledge and skills, through onlineeducation system.





The world is more connected than everbefore. Thanks to digitalization, globalization is speeding up. Digitalglobalization is revolutionizing the way we communicate, the way we runbusinesses, the way we receive education, and all in a more inclusive manner.




According to the research:

·        Digitalization contributed over 22% of the global economy in 2015, andthe number is expected to reach 25% by 2020.

·        Over 50% of the world’s traded services are already digitalized.

·        Over 12% of the world’s traded goods is completed through digitalplatforms.



·          数字化在2015年的全球经济贡献率为22%,这一数字将在2020年达到25%

·          全球超过50%的贸易服务都已经实现数字化

·          全球超过12%的货物贸易均通过跨境贸易平台完成

[Platform Value]

Digital platforms open up newopportunities for all types of businesses, especially emerging economies canbest leverage digital platforms to penetrate into global markets much fasterthan ever before:

·        by lowering transaction and communication costs;

·        by bringing buyers and sellers together from all over the world;

·        by integrating all kinds of value added service to enable a cross bordertransaction within a few clicks.







[SME’s Benefits- AccessGlobal Markets]

With digital platforms, SMEs can accessglobal markets, SMEs can become “Micro-Multinationals” from day one

l  SMEs no longer need to learn the complicatedprocedures to complete a cross border transaction.

l  SMEs no longer need to hire overseas businessdevelopment managers, to help them to introduce their products and services.

l  SMEs no longer need to pay experts to avoidconflicts with local laws and regulations.

Instead, SMEs can simply allow digitalplatforms to process cross border orders in a safe, cost-effective manner.







[SME’s Benefits-Access Finance]

With digital platforms, SME’s can accessinnovative financing services like never before.

One of the biggest obstacles preventingSMEs from scaling up is the difficulty to access financing service.  However, with cross border e-commerce, onlinesellers can apply for a micro loan up to tens of thousands of US dollars injust a few clicks. The money will be automatically wired into SMEs’ accounts,with no collateral or guarantors required. Data such as the transactionhistory, customer reviews, and logistics information can all becomeendorsement, to help you to obtain the credit and loans from financialinstitutions. Everything can be completed online within half hour.







[China Success]

In China, we have witnessed millions of SMEsbenefit from digital platforms.

·           In 2013, China surpassed the United States to become the largeste-commerce market in the world, with the overall online transaction valuereaching 1.5 trillion US dollars; this number reached 2.2 trillion US dollarsin 2014.

·           In 2015, nearly 25% of e-commerce value is contributed by cross bordere-commerce

·           In 2015, 15 million jobs were directly created by e-commerce, and 30 millionmore jobs were indirectly contributed by it. No wonder small businesses andlocal governments all regard cross border e-commerce as one of the best ways toboost local economy

·           Along with the big boom in e-commerce, Innovative financing service isalso growing very fast. In 2015, the internet financing market value reachedover 1.5 trillion US dollars, and is expected to reach 2.8 trillion US dollarsby 2020.

·           According to McKinsey, by 2025, up to 22% of China’s GDP will becontributed by e-commerce.

Today, even in the most rural parts ofChina, elders women in village can sell their handmade baskets to tourists inLas Vegas, farmers can sell their corns to the restaurant in Korea.







[Case Studies- Male]

The person you see on the screen isChunhui Lee, a traditional home alarm system manufacturer in Shenzhen, China.The financial crisis in 2008 totally destroyed his successful business andcomfortable life. Clients cancelled orders, suppliers chased him for unpaidbills, and employees left the company for better opportunities. Closing thecompany seemed to be the only way to end his misery, but he refused to give up.He tried almost every traditional channel he could think of. Nothing workeduntil he decided to put all of his money left, into cross border e-commerce.“This is the most important and right decision I have made in my career,”recalled Mr. Lee, several years later.

Today, through cross border e-commerce,Chunhui Lee has expanded into 100 countries, increased his profit margin by 6times, with a small team of under 30 people.




[Case studies- Female]

The girl you see on the screen is FenfenFang.

Fenfen started her e-commerce businesswhen she was still a college student, majoring in international trade. Aftergraduation, like most college graduates, Fenfen wanted to practice what shelearned in real business. But as a young girl, with no money, no experience, nosocial connections, she found it was very hard to survive in traditionalbusinesses. So she found another way in. Fenfen opened up an account on a digitalplatform, to start her own business online. Today, after 5 years of operation,she owns her own wedding gown brand, “Sarah Bridal,” and sells her weddingdresses in over 50 countries, with more than 100 designers from all over theworld to design for her clients, and 10 manufacturers producing for her.

Stories like these happen every day inChina, and it can be your entrepreneurship story as well.



今天,经过5年的运营,她拥有了自己的婚纱品牌——“Sarah Bridal”。目前,她向全球50多个国家的客户售卖由全球100多位设计师设计的婚纱,旗下的制造商超过10家。


[Emerging Markets]

Statistics indicate that digitalizationoffers stronger economic benefits to emerging markets than advanced economies,some emerging markets could grow by 50 percent or more by accelerating theirparticipation.

According to the Accenture, the leadingconsulting firm, a 10% increase in digitalization is associated with a 0.4%increase in GDP for advanced economies, but 0.65% increase for emergingeconomies.

However, according to the World Bank, inmany emerging markets, the economic benefits have been limited by the lack ofcapacity building, lack of internet infrastructure, and lack of a friendlybusiness environment for innovation.




To tackle these issues, in 2013, APECinitiated a cross border e-commerce training program, named CBET, C-B-E-T,which stands for Cross Border E-commerce Training, to equip SMEs with neededskills to leverage cross border e-commerce to access global markets, to accessfinance. In the past three years, CBET has trained over 3,000 SME’s across APECregions.

CBET not only introduces thecross-border e-commerce ecosystem, shares best practices and case studies fromSMEs seller, buyers, and third party service providers, but also emphasizesoperational skills and hands-on practices, so SME’s can use knowledge learnedto do business online.

Last June, I received an email, invitingme to go to Indonesia to attend the opening ceremony of a local e-commercemarketplace. The email was sent by Izmir, a student who attended the 1st CBETworkshop. After the training, Izmir started up a company with another classmateon CBET program, to provide e-commerce solutions to local suppliers. He toldus, the workshop not only taught him knowledge and skills, but mostimportantly, opened up a whole new opportunity for him, to leverage crossborder e-commerce to realize his entrepreneurship dream.


为了解决这些问题,亚太经合组织(APEC)于2013年发起了一个名为CBET的跨境贸易能力建设项目,CBET就是英文“跨境电子商务培训”的缩写,对中小企业者进行跨境贸易能力培训,让他们足不出户获取全球订单,享受互联网金融服务。在过去三年中,CBET(跨境贸易能力建设,Cross-border E-commerceTraining)已经培训了APEC 三千多名中小企业主。



[Bilateral Cooperation]

In order to expand the influence ofcross border e-commerce, more and more international cooperation are underdevelopment. Last November at the G20 Summit, Chinese president Xi Jinpingalong with President of Turkey Erdogan, witnessed the signing of the firste-commerce bilateral trade agreement in history, to empower small businesses toaccess global markets through cross-border e commerce.

Today, we are duplicating thiscooperation model with more economies. Peru will be next, followed by Chile.More digital capacity building and business opportunities will be brought toLatin America, so SME’s here can also enjoy the benefits of free trade throughdigital platforms.




[Unprecedented Opportunities]

With cross-border digital platforms:

·              Chilean farmers can find international buyers for their blueberries,without any going to waste.

·              Peruvian designers can sell their hand-made wool scarfs to keep theworld warm;

·              Young moms can stay at home and work part-time jobs without leavingtheir babies.

·              Kids from remote areas can access quality education without leavingtheir village.

Crossborder e-commerce enables the world to hear the voices, see the faces of tensof millions of SMEs worldwide, which has been hidden for so long. Cross bordere-commerce opened up brand new opportunities for SMEs to stand on the globalstage, to speak out, to display themselves, to compete with big box, build upown brands, and realize entrepreneurship dreams like never before. 

Cross-bordere-commerce has made the world become smaller and smaller, more connected thanever, no matter you welcome it or not, no matter you like it or not. Inbusiness, only those who adapt to new environments, adopt new market rules cansurvive, then prosper.








Right now,

●     It is the best of times, orthe worst of times;

●     It is the spring ofinnovation, or the winter of stagnation;

●     It is the time to stand out,or the time to get out

So, what is your choice?

Thank you.










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