
您所在的位置:网站首页 玉蕈秋怎么读 《一剪梅》在欧美爆红,“雪花飘飘,北风萧萧”怎么翻译?


2024-07-10 13:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

那么问题来了,到底怎么翻译“雪花飘飘,北风萧萧”(“XUE HUA PIAO PIAO BEI FENG XIAO XIAO”)呢?虽然大量网友直接用拼音,但是为了便于理解,也有网友把这句歌词翻译成英文“The snow falls and then wind blows”(下起了大雪,吹起了大风)。


雪花 snowflakes

飘 flutter/swirling

北风 the north wind

萧萧 howling/whistling


The snowflakes are fluttering/swirling and the north wind is howling/whistling.


《南华早报》SCMP 对此也有报道,采用的是如下译法: “The snowflakes are fluttering and the north wind is blowing,”

How a hit Chinese song from the 80s became a global meme


To any native Chinese person of a certain age, the tune is unmistakable.

“The snowflakes are fluttering and the north wind is blowing,” serenades iconic Chinese crooner Fei Yu-ching in his 1983 classic, Yi Jian Mei. The melancholic love song compares the singer’s undying love to a blossoming plum tree in the middle of winter. It’s also an apt metaphor for the song that has found a second life in the unlikeliest of circumstances nearly four decades later, shooting to the top of music charts… in snowy Scandinavia.

Yi Jian Mei has occupied the top spot on Spotify’s Viral 50 charts in Norway for over a week now, and it’s second in Sweden and Finland over the past few days. It also reached the top of the charts in New Zealand, where it remained at the time of publishing.

The odd phenomenon coincides with a jump in web searches for the first line of the song’s chorus in Mandarin. Interest in “Xue hua piao piao” has surged since the beginning of May, peaking in early June, according to Google Trends. Even more surprisingly, the lyrics registered more-than-usual attention from countries where Chinese isn’t widely spoken -- like Latvia, for instance.


From then on, the clip gradually gained momentum, circulating widely on global social platforms like Twitter and TikTok.







A Twig of Mume Blossoms

Fragrant lotus blooms fade, autumn chills mat of jade.

My silk robe doffed, I float alone in orchid boat.

Who in the cloud would bring me letters in brocade?

When swans come back in flight,

My bower is steeped in moonlight.

As fallen flowers drift and water runs its way,

One longing leaves no traces

But overflows two places.

O how can such lovesickness be driven away? From eyebrows kept apart,

Again it gnaws my heart.

由此可见,一剪梅可以翻译成: A Twig of Mume Blossoms。




落雪 falling snow

小雪 light snow

鹅毛大雪 heavy snow

漫天大雪 swirling snow

新下的、干干净净的雪 new fallen snow/fresh snow

蓬松的雪(fluffy snow)

压实的、冻住的雪 pacted snow/frozen snow

积起来的雪 accumulated snow

深的,厚厚的雪 thick snow

及膝深的雪 knee-deep knowing

正在融化的雪 melting snow

泥泞的雪 slushy snow


Breeze微风 < Gale大风 < Storm暴风 < Hurricane飓风

0级Calm 风平浪静It is a fine and calm day.天气很好,没有刮风 1级Light air 小小风A light current of air微风,轻风轻微的空气流 2级Light breeze 微风A light ruffled the surface of the water.微风掠过,水面泛起层层涟漪 3级Gentle breeze 和风A gentle breeze is flowing.和风习习 4级Moderate breeze 轻风John came up with the ship hand over head, the moderate breeze giving him an advantage.约翰一下子就把船开来了,和风帮了他的忙 5级Fresh breeze 清凉的风A fresh breeze puffed across the lake.凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过湖面 6级Strong breeze 强风The palm trees wavered in the strong breeze.棕榈树在强风中摇摆 7级Moderate gale 疾风The moderate gale prostrated many trees.疾风吹翻了许多树 8级Fresh gale 大风And in a quarter of an hour it blew a fresh gale from the store.不到一刻钟,变成一股狂风从岸上刮来 9级Strong gale 劲风The foremast carried away in the strong gale.前桅杆在大风中折断了 10级Whole gale 狂风The house has been lifted the roof by the whole gale.房子被狂风掀掉了屋顶 11级Storm 暴风 She was born in the middle of a rain storm. 她出生在一场暴风雨中 12-17级Hurricane 飓风The hurricane destroyed the village.飓风把村子都毁掉了 返回搜狐,查看更多




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